Essays on Substance Abuse

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198 views 2 pages ~ 439 words
Drug and substance abuse Research Essay

Abuse of drugs and other substances is a major social and public health issue that affects all societies in some manner....

84 views 9 pages ~ 2241 words
Examination of the topic and main controversies

For more than 20 years, overdose deaths caused by opioid use and abuse have been a rising concern in the USA. Drug overd...

84 views 6 pages ~ 1378 words
Etiology and Maintenance of Substance Addiction bu Dopamine

The dependence on a legal or illicit drug or prescription to function normally is referred to as drug addiction/substanc...

71 views 10 pages ~ 2675 words
About Sustainable Ways of Treating Substance Abuse

The paper discusses some of the existing metrics for treating substance use addiction, as well as the best ways that ena...

101 views 7 pages ~ 1778 words
Cognitive behavioral therapy to treat drug addiction

Substance misuse is an ever-changing topic that necessitates extensive examination and analysis to discover the best str...

286 views 4 pages ~ 1038 words
Response to an Open Letter

In the Open Letter to Charles Barkley & Co. by Josh Gordon (2015), the author seeks to highlight some of the key top...

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