Essays on American History

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247 views 2 pages ~ 333 words
The American President

The American Presidency is considered the most powerful office in the world. Apart from the people that occupy this offi...

209 views 6 pages ~ 1576 words
The History of the American Corrections System

According to the BJS (Bureau of Justice Statistics), the United States is the largest jailer globally, with over 2.3 mil...

196 views 4 pages ~ 1079 words
Investigate the Supreme Court’s decision in Plessy vs Ferguson (1896)

Background and Historical context The Separate Car Act, which was passed in the state of Louisiana in 1890, necessitated...

136 views 3 pages ~ 652 words
The Stamp Act

It feels terrible to find your superior exercising power over you even when you are not in their jurisdiction. Sometimes...

183 views 3 pages ~ 717 words
Why The Pledge of Allegiance Should Be Revised

In "Why the pledge of allegiance should be revised,"Gwen Wilde argues that the Pledge of Allegiance contains content tha...

275 views 7 pages ~ 1736 words
Racism, post-race America, Black Lives Matter movement, police brutality

            Racism can be defined as the existing belief that abilities and characteristics attributed to certain people...

233 views 3 pages ~ 698 words
Analysis of William Bradford's "Of Plimoth Plantation"

American Literature has a strong and varied history with its origins often being journals giving an account of the Count...

202 views 3 pages ~ 621 words
Slave Resistance in the United States

The African-American population was under slavery since the start of the 16th century. Before the civil war of the Afric...

190 views 9 pages ~ 2255 words
The Women of Antebellum Era

During the Antebellum period, enslaved women’s duties, rights, and obligations contrasted significantly with those of th...

63 views 8 pages ~ 2185 words
The Definition, Meaning, and Value of American Freedom

In my own opinion, the definition of freedom represents something far greater than the right to act – securing the right...

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