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Hire a WriterTotal reward is an organizational strategy to provide developmental and monetary rewards to employees who attain unique set goals (Barrick & Thurgood, 2015).The total reward system may vary from one organization to another. For instance, Chick-Fil-A and L.L.Bean have different approaches to total reward. Chick-Fil-A, a restaurant based in Atlanta sponsors education for its workers through scholarships (Dunne, 2013). On the other hand, L.L.Bean is a retail store and a private outdoor clothing field catalog which uses its products to facilitate total rewards for an employee (Lewis & Dart, 2014). For instance, it maintains outdoor equipment such as hiking gear and kayak for workers at no costs. Chick-Fil-A uses the total reward to attain organizational mission, values, and strategy in various ways.
Chick-Fil-A gives its franchise a car if it accomplishes the sales objectives. That franchise retains the car if it attains set sales goals in the consecutive year (Dunne, 2013). The idea of giving a car to performing franchise is to arouse hard work and determination for others and to instill competence among the employees. According to Norcross patch, 69 workers secured cars in 2012(Dunne, 2013). The awarded operators run their stores effectively due to recognition. Apparently, Chick-Fil-A uses its products to gain total compensation for its employees.
The biggest weakness of Chick-Fil-A is its limited international presence. The American based restaurant is only present in the USA (Kabir, 2016). Currently, plans are underway for Chick-Fil-A to open branches in Mexico and Puerto Rico. Andrew Cathy, the owner of the restaurant, made a claim, "just take the weakness and make them into strengths" (Kabir, 2016).To respond to this weakness, the restaurant is awaiting opening up of branches early 2018 in Prescott Valley and Bashford courts (Kabir, 2016).
However, Chick-Fil-A has portrayed its strength in establishing a brand in the U.S, having more than 1600 branches all over USA, successful advertisement campaigns with an inscription," eat morchikin" (Kabir, 2016). The restaurant is also sponsoring youth empowerment programs and establishing a good online platform. The restaurant overcomes its weaknesses and counters its threats by using its products to advance on opportunities. For instance, they are introducing entries of grilled chicken on their menu to lure customers who mind about nutrients.
Chic-Fil-A uses traditional rewards such as paid off time, dental and salary benefit (Dunne, 2013). The firm also uses nontraditional rewards such as a brand new car for performing franchise. Chick-Fil-A subsidizes childcare for workers with kids, it also offers free gym, caters for breakfast and lunch for its workers, and organizes transportation of workers from home to workplace and establishing a well-organized pension scheme (Dunne, 2013). Also, holidays at Apparently, Chick-Fil-A uses both traditional and nontraditional reward to attain its objectives.
Chic-Fil-A restaurant value both its employees and the society at large (Hannon, 2013). To the community, it avails funds to support youth empowerment in art, education, and health. Community development instills society's trust and confidence hence resulting in loyal customers. The corporate values of Chick-Fil-A entail respect for workers, honesty, philanthropy, and people-oriented programs (Hannon, 2013). Also, Chick-Fil-A gives its employees a day off on Sunday. Consecutively, Andrew Cathy claims that the restaurant generates more revenue in six days worked. The restaurant perfectly aligns total reward with corporate goals.
I would recommend for Chick-Fil-A to open up more branches both across the USA and internationally. For instance, the restaurant doesn't have a branch at SoCal. I would also recommend the restaurant to organize shifts for its workers so that the branches are opened on Sundays. It is definite that customers need to eat on Sundays. I would also recommend for Chick-Fil-A to advance in total reward system which is in line with the biblical scriptures. For instance Colossian 4: reads, "Masters, grant to your slave's justice and fairness, knowing that you too have a master in heaven."
A total reward system is a strategy to empower employees in the attainment of organizational objectives. Chick-Fil-A restaurant and L.L. Bean are perfect examples of companies that use their products to enhance total reward system. Chic-Fil-A restaurant uses its products to compensate its employees, for instance, giving cars to performing workers. The company has demonstrated vigor in responding to its both internal and external strengths and weaknesses. For instance, having plans to open up new branches in Mexico. The restaurant aligns total reward with corporate values. For instance, it compels trust from society through sponsoring youth empowerment projects. I would recommend Chick-Fil-A to advance in total reward system because the bible supports it. It is recommendable to organize transport for workers and establish eating point.
Barrick, M. R., Thurgood, G. R., Smith, T. A., & Courtright, S. H. (2015). Collective organizational engagement: Linking motivational antecedents, strategic implementation, and firm performance. Academy of Management journal, 58(1).
Dunne, C. M. (2013). Deaf/LGBTQ intersectional invisibility in schools: The lived experiences of deaf lesbian students of color at a school for the deaf. University of Pennsylvania.
Lewis, R., & Dart, M. (2014). The new rules of retail: competing in the world's toughest marketplace. St. Martin's Press.
Kabir, J. M. (2016). Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction at a Fast Food Hamburger Chain: The Relationship Between Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty. Wilmington University (Delaware).
Hannon, V. L. (2013). Buycotting Chick-fil-A: A tale of religion, politics and consumption (Doctoral dissertation, University of Colorado at Boulder).
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