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Hire a WriterIdeally, classroom management aims at ensuring maximum student's benefit in the learning process through actively participating to gain knowledge. Learners derive understanding courtesy of well-managed classroom strategies and teaching techniques which ultimately impacts on their motivation and eventual success in their academies. Therefore, classroom management techniques and strategies ought to be diversified and considerate of the variant learning needs of the students and trigger individual motivations. The paper discusses the vital factors of a classroom environment which will impact on the quality of learning process including the classroom layout and resources, teacher's techniques and strategies of teaching, routines and rules.
Effective classroom Management and Students' Needs
Effective classroom management caters to various students learning objectives through tailoring teaching practices to be diversified and have a touch of interactivity and socialization. For example, teaching can take different forms to enhance students' understand-ability and memorability including experimentation, research projects, field trips and class discussions (Browne, 2013). An excellent classroom management can be achieved through differentiated teaching or learning methodology using certain criteria including intelligence preference, gender-based, learning style, and cultural preference (Mishra & Garg, 2010). Modes of managing information dissemination in a classroom can include the use of textbooks or audiovisuals methods to motivate students towards achieving their potential.
Managing a class needs the teacher to understand the student's behavior and motivating factors as well as clarifying their expectations. The diversity in needs and capability will also inform the basis of engagement and teaching modes the teacher will employ to aid the student in their academies and other developmental needs. Most importantly, the class instructor or teacher should provide a conducive environment which directly impacts on the student's motivation and development. For example, the learner needs the right to infrastructure like good desks and technological aids which will enhance their learning experience and memorability and understand-ability.
Time factor
Time form one of the critical classroom management aspects which can benefit students through quality time for academics and consequently enhanced student performance. Classroom time management will create adequate quality time for the learning process through the use of daily designed programs and a bell for notifying transition time (Renart, 2013). The learning process should have time flexibility to accommodate the various learning needs of students providing them with an opportunity to digest or solve problems. For examples, breaks can be taken amidst lessons for students discussions and synthesize concepts taught. After that, the resultant feedback is utterly crucial so that the teacher understands the student's progress and plan to deal with the emerged gaps (Mishra & Garg, 2010). Noteworthy, it is prudent for the teacher to employ the right skills and strategies to boost the confidence of the students thereby achieving their motivation. Ultimately, the learners become proactive in the learning processes and other classroom activities thereby easing the work of their teachers.
Building rapport
Establishing a close trustful relationship between the teacher and the learners is an utterly vital task. The instructor or the teacher will begin the process by researching the individual student's preferences and weaknesses. Thereafter, the teacher will have to shape their learning experience around their interest establishing a connection and an atmosphere of trust and confidence. Consequently, the students in the class will be peaceable and motivated towards their targets.
The teacher can also organize the students in class and ensure he meets the objective of motivation and development through employing a collaborative style of teaching. Essentially, the students will be engaged in tasks assigned to them as well as promoting cohesiveness and appreciation of each-other diversity and culture (Browne, 2013). The time students spent together in groups handling assignment will also provide the opportunity for the poor performers to learn from their colleagues.
The teacher should implement a proper classroom management system and techniques to develop potential student's powers and competencies considering the class diversity (Parsonson, 2012). He should also factor in the management the slow learners and the disabled students ensuring their needs are adequately addressed by providing the right infrastructure, equipment or resources which will facilitate their studying. An effective classroom management plan will ensure that undesirable characters and` behaviors are dealt with while those with positive character are supported for consistency (Mishra & Garg, 2010). Also, the instructor or tutor will not employ counter-productive methods with potential to trigger resentment and friction. Consequentially, appropriate managing a classroom will give an opportunity for the students to become aligned and motivated towards achieving their goals and objectives.
Impact of Classroom rules on class management
A guide towards ideal classroom management will advocate for setting up of rules and regulations governing all kinds of disruptions and events that might occur during class sessions. Some obvious issues would include morality and respect to the teacher and classmates, break times periods, rules on participation in class to procure orderliness (Oral, 2012). Most importantly, classroom rules established should make sense to the students and be easily enforceable as well as aligned with good moral ethics. Positive behavior and meeting the set standards of class room rules and regulations need to attract rewards to the respective students to reinforce the behavior (Dinçer & Akgun, 2015). Also, unbecoming behaviors contrary to the set standards and expectations need to attract punishment to the respective students equally. Usually, the student can be given a warning, time out and worse-case scenario attracting a letter of expulsion. Consequently, the set standards of engagement will be an effective tool to moderate students' behavior ensuring a conducive environment for their studies and growth is procured.
Another aid of streamlining classroom management is through displaying consequences of unbecoming behavior on the classroom walls which will have a lasting effect on the minds of the students due to the frequency of viewing. Effective classroom management is based on a learn-able set of skills which will major around orders expectation, parental support and disciplinary hierarchy
Best practices which will influence classroom management
Establish a positive relationship with the class
Establishing a connection with the student is a vital component of class room management because of the resultant cooperation from the learners. Therefore, it is important for the teacher to remain positive and collaborate with the students in the execution of learning programs and activities.
Praise is a powerful tool
Getting the students motivated makes it dramatically simple to manage a class. When the learners become motivated, they reciprocate their wellness through being cooperative with their instructors or teachers (Ababneh, 2012). One way to achieve student’s motivation is via praising and recognizing their efforts and achievements. The impacts of praise on a class can encompass transforming a student's self-confidence and reputation as well as uplift the entire class and reinforce the behavior.
Feedback system and management
a robust and reliable feedback system is key to achieving proper classroom management. Communication is a vital aspect of procuring understandability and aligning the whole class to the same page. A breakdown in communication will lead to confusion and uncoordinated efforts towards an objective and goal. The essence of feedback from the class is to monitor the progress and evaluate the anticipated results and also providing an opportunity for corrective action (Dinçer & Akgun, 2015). The positive behavior or action can be reinforced with incentives and recognition which will achieve consistency of the behavior.
Creating a Safe Learning Environment
Classroom safety is an essential factor contributing to motivation of the students. Notably, exposing the students to hazards in the learning environment de-motivates them because of the fear of getting hurt. The teacher is not able to inspire the learners to participate fully or willfully in classroom activities which might include experimentation involving handling of dangerous substances (Parsonson, 2012). Also, insecurity can be triggered by the students themselves if they develop animosity and hatred towards each other. Therefore, it is the fundamental responsibility of the teacher to establish a culture of respect, tolerance and appreciativeness amongst the students will promote peaceful coexistence (Renart, 2013). Normally, the best practice to achieve cohesion and cooperation in the classroom would involve encouraging dialogue and amicable issue resolution while discouraging unethical or immoral behaviors.
A classroom is an important tool for students’ transformation to actualizing development and academic success. Equally, the teacher's services are critical especially in responding to the individual student’s needs and aligning them accordingly. The instructor or tutor needs to command the confidence and trust of the students to be able to engage them in the learning activity and assist them to achieve success and development (Ababneh, 2012). Notably, the teacher does not have control over some environmental factors in the classroom like weather situation but will influence the classroom operation to achieve a productive contribution from the learners to achieve their objective.
Routines planning
Routines are mostly planned at the beginning of learning session where events are planned meant to guide the school through the session. Routines are meant to bring orderliness in class room through indication of break moments, attendance, dispose of waste or trash and transition in between teaching activities (Oral, 2012). Also routine will guide the students and general organization on reactions and steps in incidences of drills or actual emergencies (Parsonson, 2012). The benefits of routine include flexibility and time efficiency due to the predictable nature of activities and events. Routines empower the learners to be independent and responsible and also results in a fair, efficient way to address issues and concerns.
Classroom Organization
Classroom arrangement forms an important part of managing the class through working on the physical infrastructure to optimize learning activities, student’s engagement and motivation (Oral, 2012). Notably, the arrangement and locations of the furniture and other visual displays need to be strategic and visible around the room. Classroom management is closely related to class organization because both concepts are aligned with serving the same purpose. The classroom organization concerns the managing of the physical elements of the classroom to make it more productive environment for the learners (Ababneh, 2012). The behavior in class is directly linked to the way the classroom is arranged which is linked to productivity and motivation of the students. For example, certain class supplies can be arranged in strategic location in class for ease access increasing usability hence enhanced performance.
It is utterly important for the teacher to keep a list of names of the students in a document called the class register. The document will help to manage the classroom through monitoring attendance of the learners and their consistency; therefore, individual student’s issues can be identified early and sorted.
Class perfect
Managing a classroom automatically becomes simple with the help of a team leader or perfect. Essentially, the class perfect will help the teacher to coordinate activities and following up on issues as well as identifying classroom cases that need the utmost attention of the teacher. The class prefect will also ensure that the established rules and routines are adhered in the absence of the teacher.
Safety and neatness
The classroom and the materials need to be neat and well arranged for ease of access and usage. Importantly, the class books have to be organized and categorized accordingly making it easy for the learners to identify them easily.
Classroom arrangement
Designing and implementing a strategic room arrangement will help to optimize learning activities; most specifically, organizing students who will benefit from each other close. Also, the teacher or tutor can have their desk at the back or front of the class, so they are easily accessible and spent most of their time helping the students on different matters.
The paper concludes that class room management requires a strategic approach to be effective to the different needs of the learners. Most commonly, the teacher or tutor will employ different tactics including differentiated information dissemination to customize the learning process to cater for the various needs of the students. Classroom organization is an aspect of classroom management which deals with the physical environment in the classroom setting. It will involve the arrangement of the furniture and materials in class to optimize learning activities and reduce distractions. Also, the teacher will employ different tools for managing the class including class register and also delegating responsibility of monitoring the class using class prefect.
Ababneh, S. (2012). Towards a Better English Classroom: Implementing Effective Classroom Management Strategies. International Journal Of Education, 4(4).
Browne, K. (2013). Challenging Behaviour in Secondary School Students: Classroom Strategies for Increasing Positive Behaviour. New Zealand Journal of Teachers' Work, 10(1).
Dinçer, Ç., & Akgün, E. (2015). Developing a Classroom Management Skills Inventory for Preschool Teachers and the Correlation of Preschool Teachers’ Classroom Management Skills with Different Variables. TED EĞİTİM VE BİLİM, 40(177).
Mishra, L., & Garg, V. (2010). To Our Readers: Learning the Importance of Utilizing Skills of Scientific Inquiry beyond the Classroom. WURJ: Health And Natural Sciences.
Oral, B. (2012). Student Teachers' Classroom Management Anxiety: A Study on Behavior Management and Teaching Management. Journal Of Applied Social Psychology, 42(12), 2901-2916.
Parsonson, B. S. (2012). Evidence-Based Classroom Behaviour Management Strategies. Kairaranga, 13(1), 16-23.
Renart, L. (2013). Classroom Management Techniques. ELT Journal, 67(3), 378-379.
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