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Hire a WriterAn applied historical ecology refers to the application of historical understanding in the effective management of the ecosystems (Swetnam et al., 1189).
The chronological environment is significant for the ecologists and individuals in many ways as follows:
For example, in southwestern US, the land management firms employ concepts of the past variability and reference conditions in implementing some land decisions. The fire scar histories on the regional and logical patterns show that increased livestock grazing reduced the causes of fire regimes and provided for grazing fields among the conflicting individuals. Through the historical perspectives, there is an appropriate allocation of land to various societies. As a result, the past ecology provides for sufficient settlement schemes among the residents of the southwestern.
Swetnam et al. (1204) argue that despite the significance of the historical ecology there are limitations involved. The restrictions include patchy records due to the stochastic, incomplete, or transient nature of paleorecord preservation and development of the ancient environment of ecosystems. As a result, the old-time sequences suffer from a challenge in the fading records systems. Second, there is no record available for various ecosystem processes that are primarily used for management concern. However, Swetnam et al. (1205) outline that disregarding the historical ecology is perilous. Therefore, there should be continuous use of the applied historical ecology.
Swetnam, Thomas W., Craig D. Allen, and Julio L. Betancourt. "Applied historical ecology: using the past to manage for the future." Ecological applications 9.4 (1999): 1189-1206.
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