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Hire a WriterThe education of young infants is thought to be the most neglected. This has in the past caused issues and prompted the development of kid-friendly television programs like Sesame Street. As a result, television became a third successful educator for kids, joining parents and teachers in the classroom. The objective of assisting early children in learning positive attitudes through the illustration of examples is a reasonable exercise of faith in today's society. The potential applications of television in early childhood education today are just as pertinent as they were in the past. One of the most comprehensive and affordable initiatives for improving early childhood education is Sesame Street Continue. All segments of these programs are carefully crafted to provide support for the targeted erudition objectives (Baydar 351). Rather than classrooms which only offer a rigid learning environment, the use of children's television workshops includes flexibility and children can, therefore, learn from different scenarios. As such the goal and act of faith for such programs are still relevant in the society today.
The utilization of the media for the enhancement of self-regulation and executive function capabilities is another significant reason why the television is a third essential educator for children today. Executive function and self-rule skills are substantial in the cognitive development of kids. Through television workshop programs, they learn how to focus their attention, multitask, remember guidelines, and develop positive interactions with their age mates (Baydar 357). The development of such cognitive processes plays a significant role in children's later years such as educational attainment and financial stability among others.
Overall, children television workshop programs are an important and effective third educator for children alongside parents and schools. Markedly, they provide a flexible learning environment for children which puts them at a better chance to perform in classrooms. Additionally, programs such as Sesame Street lead to the development of cognitive processes among children. Consequently, the goal of helping children learn positive attitudes from the television is an act of faith that is still reasonable in the contemporary society.
Baydar, Nazli. "Effects of an educational television program on preschoolers: Variability in benefits." Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 29.5 (2008): 349-360.
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