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Hire a WriterThe second World War was a different kind of conflict that put new emphasis on ideas like economic mobilization, ammunition development, and combat tactics. There were noticeable effects both at home and on the frontier edges during this conflict of waning strength. With the goal of eradicating the growing threat of Nazism and fascism—which was Nazism—the Allies, which consisted primarily of Britain, Russia, France, and later the USA, were at war with the Axis Powers, primarily Germany, Italy, and later joined by Japan. Regarding the Allies' victory in Europe, there are a number of factors that make this victory inescapable. These factors will be thoroughly examined in this essay. First, it will be contended that there was an absence of coordination and procedure among the Axis Powers bringing about breakdowns in, or at times the entire absence of, correspondence and cooperation. Also, a more critical take at the pre-war approaches and anticipating both the Allied and the Axis sides ahead of the war will be made. Thirdly, at long last, and ostensibly, in particular, the fairly new thought of economic preparation, in conjunction with the arrangement of unmatchable foreign help, will be talked about. Following these key focuses, a conclusion will be made with regards to the level of which Allied triumph in Europe was, truth be told, inevitable.
This research paper highly relies on information provided by primary and secondary sources. For the primary sources, interviews will be conducted mainly targeting retired officials that worked in the government at the time of the war. Besides, the sample of interviewees will include persons who study history are have a better understanding of the topic. What’s more, the sample size will be a diverse group comprising of officials on both sides of the war. Secondly, secondary sources will include articles and books that have covered the topic exhaustively.
Annotated bibliography
Black, Jeremy. World War Two: A Military History. Routledge, 2004.
Cutting through the history build up for over half a century, this new and persuading account regarding World War II utilizes a common point of view to clarify the muddled course in military terms. Black, a recognized military antiquarian, avoids the present pattern to disarm and gives due weight to the crusades and fights that made up the war.
O’Brien, Phillips Payson. "How the War Was Won: Air-Sea Power and Allied Victory in
World War II." Cambridge University Press, 2015.
O’Brien gives a detailed explanation of the strategies used by the Allies to win the war. It explores the strengths and advantages that the Allies had over the Axis. O'Brien makes an essential contention that counters current universality. In endeavoring to break the contemporary conventionality about the pre-famous part and gives up of Russia, the creator enslaves the part of land fighting excessively. Apparently, while inspecting the contention through the viewpoint of financial power, mainland fighting expended fewer assets.
Richard Overy. Why the Allies won. WW Norton & Company, 1997.
According to this book, Richard references the memoir by Joachim von Ribbentrop, Hitler’s foreign minister. He states that were it not for the miscalculations by Hitler and his administrations; the Axis should have won. However, the Axis made grave mistakes allowing the almost defeated Allied powers to turn over the table and win the war instead. This book contributes to identifying the Axis mistakes.
Murray, Williamson, and Allan Reed Millett. A war to be won: Fighting the Second World War. Harvard University Press, 2009.
The book goes into details on the course of World War 2. It also gives detailed information on the effects of the war. In its definition, the war was transformative and destructive affecting the countries involved and to some extent the nonpartisan ones. The book contributes in the essay by explaining the discontent of the German people with their government and their desire to end the war. This is one of the reasons that contributed to the Axis losing in World War 2.
Goldsmith, Raymond W. "The power of victory: munitions output in World War II." Military Affairs 10, no. 1 (2006): 69-80.
While statistics did not win the war, they did show how World War two was won. The production of munitions in Russia and the USA contributed a lot in the Allies winning the war against Germany. The Journal demonstrates how at the end statistics worked in favor of the Allies who were on the verge of losing had the USA not intervened and Russia transformed. It gives detailed information on the production of ammunitions for the Allies.
Smith, R. Elberton. "United States Army in World War II: The War Department: The Army and economic mobilization." (1989).
The Journal explains the role of the USA in World War 2. The country was not involved in previous battles but joined in 1941. Its support for the Allies contributed largely to their victory. While most of the partisans were exhausting their reserves, the USA joined to reinforce the Allies. The journal also describes how the American army and economic mobilization transformed the war and the United States’ economy.
Alexander, Bevin. How Hitler could have won World War II: The fatal errors that led to Nazi defeat. Broadway Books, 2007.
This book agrees with the Richard Overy’s historical information. It gives describes the miscalculation made by Hitler’s administration that contributed to the Axis losing the war. Hitler overlooked the USA’s ability to rearm and reinforce the Allies. Besides, they perceived the Red Army as a primitive force that lacked the capacity to put up an extended resistances. Additionally, the book gives an insight on how Hitler would have won the war.
Peterson, Edward Norman. An analytical history of World War II. Vol. 1. Peter Lang Pub Inc, 1995.
This book gives an analysis of the World War two citing the factors that contributed to the victory of the Allies. It also elaborates on the failures on the part of the Axis that dealt a blow to their chances of winning World War 2. It contributes to the elaboration of the of the thesis statement in the paper.
Personal interviews (primary sources)
Among other interviewees, the two, McDonald and Schneider, gave a chronology of the war from two different points of views. They were both young at the time of the war, but their study of history allowed them to answer the research questions adequately. Schneider gave his German perspective while McDonald provided a British point of view.
Part Three
Introduces the topic and describes the reasons that lead to the start of World War two. It identifies the two sides of the war naming the countries that comprised. It also notes the research questions that the thesis paper seeks to answer.
Thesis statement
It highlights the factors that contributed to the Allied victory in World War two. It also notes that the failures of the Axis contributed to this triumph.
Historical context
A narration on what transpired during World War two. It describes how the Axis had high chances of winning the war as they had defeated France and Britain was on the verge of exhaustion. However, Hitler’s administration made some grave miscalculations that led to their ultimate demise.
Supporting points
This section gives detailed information on the factors that were identified in the thesis statement. The Allies had the superior manpower, technology, and a defined command system. Besides, the USA joined the battle reinforcing Britain and France with supplies and ammunitions. Additionally, Germany had weak allies and was outnumbered by the Allies. Its leaders were indecisive, and Hitler’s undermined the Red Army and the United States’ ability to rearm.
Integration of Scholarly Research
It integrates the supporting points with the research conducted. It explores each point providing an analysis of how each factor contributed to the demise of the Axis. It also shows how each article and book contributed to the topic. Besides, the personal interviews gave the different perspectives of the war.
Gives a summary of the thesis paper and how the war affected the war partisans.
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