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63 views 2 pages ~ 407 words
The Causes of The Southwest Airlines Pilots' Strike

The Southwest Airlines working staff conducted a picket that expressed their disagreement with the proposed labor contra...

284 views 2 pages ~ 309 words
Towards Cyber Peace Through International Cooperation

Cyber war presents a new front in inter-state conflict. While information and communication technologies present new opp...

243 views 4 pages ~ 1023 words
Should Any Act of State Violence be Considered Terrorism?

Various scholars and activist have as of late compared local maltreatment with the pervasive and wrongly characterized i...

86 views 7 pages ~ 1777 words
Analysis of Article 92 of the Uniform Code Of Military Justice

Disrespect/Non-adherence to lawful orders from Non-commissioned Officer Leadership. The United States military is a disc...

189 views 6 pages ~ 1447 words
The Role of Race in the Pacific War

World War II was an important epoch in the history of the world. During this period, racial supremacy wars were evident,...

202 views 3 pages ~ 621 words
Slave Resistance in the United States

The African-American population was under slavery since the start of the 16th century. Before the civil war of the Afric...

190 views 9 pages ~ 2255 words
The Women of Antebellum Era

During the Antebellum period, enslaved women’s duties, rights, and obligations contrasted significantly with those of th...

237 views 7 pages ~ 1783 words
Glorious Revolution in England and North America

The Bonds of Empire was a historic event that took place in Europe for about a century, i.e. from 1660 to 1750. The hist...

257 views 5 pages ~ 1185 words
he Killer Angels Book Review

Michael Shaara wrote the book killer angel’s and was published by McKay in 1974. The Killer Angels is a novel about the ...

290 views 5 pages ~ 1163 words
The Impact of The Third Crusade

Crusades are common events that have been in existence from their inception back in the 11 century. It is crucial to not...

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