Essays on War on Terror

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275 views 3 pages ~ 692 words
The Impact of Transnational Terrorism on America

Theories of International relations allow one to understand and make sense of the world through different lenses.  This ...

132 views 6 pages ~ 1538 words
Boston Marathon Terror (Bombings) Attack 2013 - Intelligence Report

Following the seconds-separated explosions of two pressure cookers placed along the Boston Marathon finish line on April...

183 views 6 pages ~ 1554 words
ISIS a terrorist organization Research Essay

ISIS is a terrorist group that has gained notoriety as one of the most diligent and well-organized jihadist organization...

196 views 2 pages ~ 319 words
“A Perfect Terrorist” Research Essay

In the movie A Perfect Terrorist, Season 30 Episode 4, David Coleman Headley's transformation into a vicious terrorist i...

183 views 9 pages ~ 2300 words
Countering Terrorism Research Essay

Since more than fifteen years ago, the American government has been battling terrorists. A significant number of lives w...

293 views 2 pages ~ 451 words
Civil Liberty versus National Security Research Essay

In Federalist No. 8, it is noted that even the most permissive countries, which assert to be safer, engage in the proces...

181 views 9 pages ~ 2240 words
As a Matter of Public Policy What Role Should Local Police Play in Terrorism Prevention?

Local police have expanded their focus beyond regular crime inquiry and prevention to include homeland security operatio...

267 views 4 pages ~ 857 words
Cairo Declaration Research Essay

On September 22, 2011, the Global Counter-Terrorism Forum called on its members to implement the Cairo Declaration, whic...

187 views 4 pages ~ 849 words
A Reflective Summary Essay

The answers offered by the other group members taught me a lot, as you can probably tell. For instance, I've come to com...

69 views 4 pages ~ 886 words
Stereotypes and Terrorist Goals

Watching the two films makes Osama bin Laden's objectives obvious. Both videos were made following the American 9/11 ter...

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