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Hire a WriterThe top management at Sony Corporation is encouraged to communicate with the workforce. The business collects data about the development of the corporate and its personnel via emails and other media. The procedure enables the business to locate training needs and structural gaps. Sony also provides other forums for discussion, such as informal get-togethers and meetings with the staff. The consultations include a wide range of topics and promote communication of opinions and concerns on both sides, which aids in identifying training requirements since employees can discuss their own skill and knowledge gaps in everyday work. The workers have the opportunity to discuss goals and review performance with their supervisors (Sony Global, 2014). The interviews help the organization identify specific training needs of each employee.
Sony is a multinational company, and it has instituted permanent training programs for continuous development of the employees. The plans include training courses that improve the skills and knowledge on the latest products and also ensure uniformity of high standard of services it provides around the globe. Furthermore, there are personal development programs that use methods such as correspondence courses, e-learning, on the job training, and group training sessions. There is a tutor system that trains on the work attitudes, completion of specific tasks, and basic workplace routine. Sony holds a career month once every year where the staffs meet directly with their superiors to discuss the career development.
Sony uses its highly trained, skilled, and knowledgeable staff in training its employees. The team is placed as supervisors to guide the other workers on their progress towards career development. They also encourage training programs and classes. In the use of external resources, the company promotes the exchange of ideas beyond the field of work where the workers have the opportunity to interact with employees and people from outside the organization. Sony has launched Seed Acceleration Program and the Bridge Terminal that links people and ideas.
Sony has a mandatory multilevel training implemented for job-specific preparation. The strategy has been applied to the entire Sony structure that helps employee acquire essential skills in a systematic effort. Sony (2017) adds that the organization has expanded the training available to include lectures and correspondence courses that are offered by affiliated training agencies. These classes are focused on enhancing job performance while they provide the necessary support for personal development and self-learning. There are insourced instructors from among the staff who offer orientation and help improve the efficiency and quality of the training programs.
Sony Corporation operates a self-review system which assesses the performance of employees before and after training (Sony Global, 2017). The results are measured against the goals that are set at the start of every year. The employees conduct interviews with their assigned supervisors to identify their progress and growth. There is also continuous communication between the workforce and management to ensure the effectiveness of training in improving the awareness and skills of the employees and spur more growth.
Sony organizes various mentoring programs for employees at all levels and each region. There are technical education and training bodies that give the staff opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge. In addition, e-learning and other correspondence courses help build talent within the organization through group training. Employees who have the expertise in different fields are placed at the front-line to develop skill in junior members of the team. The company presents educational opportunities through the Sony University that offers long-term and short-term programs for development of employees to move the business forward (Sony, 2017). There is leadership training through a seven-month segment provided to prospective core leaders and junior members who have been identified as future management candidates.
Importance of training and development to the organization. Is it a valued service? YES, training and development is a valued service to the organizations.
The development and training of the employees have helped drive Sony’s dynamic growth (Sony, 2017). This positive progress towards achieving its objectives have made the organization recognize its workforce as the most critical management asset. Therefore, the growth of the staff is a crucial aspect of Sony’s management foundation, and they have encouraged personal development for the employees through various training programs. The programs are designed to enhance individual skills and abilities that are tailored to the needs of the company.
How the Organization's Value of Training and Development Affects its Ability to Attract and retain Talent. As a multinational company, Sony appreciates the importance of training and developing its employees to be competent in both diverse cultures and global perspectives. The company is implementing initiatives that would capture the full capabilities of the employees and also maintain a dynamic workplace. The organization promotes respect for all human rights and equal employment opportunities that allow personnel to utilize their capabilities at all levels. Janicijevic (2013) states that diversity enables a company to respond to the constant market changes as it continues to innovate. The diverse workforce at Sony Corporation has helped it to continue to attract and retain employees from different backgrounds.
Sony. (2017, August 23). Sony Global - Training Activities. Retrieved from Accessed November 18, 2017.
Janicijevic, N. (January 01, 2013). The mutual impact of organizational culture and structure. Economic Annals, 58, 198, 35-60.
Sony Global. (2014). Sony Global - CSR Reporting 2014 PDF. Retrieved from Accessed November 18, 2017.
Sony Global. (2017). Sony Global - CSR / Environment - Training and Development. Retrieved from Accessed November 18, 2017.
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