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Hire a WriterA trustworthy tool for determining a person's traditional beliefs' state of health, restoration, and protection is referred to as a "heritage assessment tool." The valuation helps in addressing the requirements of various patients while delivering high-quality, all-encompassing care. The Heritage assessment tool identifies various families, their customary medical procedures, and their cultural customs. The tool also assesses the degree to which various families adhere to various customs and rituals (Armijo-Olivo, 2012). The analysis of these various cultures reveals the distinctions and affinities of traditional practices that might help offer holistic healthcare. Cultural awareness is the perception of one's background and attitudes toward particular cultural ideals. Heritage assessment tool identifies diverse families and their ordinary health practices and traditions according to the cultural heritage. The tool also evaluates how different families ascribe to several traditional practices and traditions (Armijo‐Olivo, 2012). The evaluation of these diverse cultures discloses differences and similarities of traditional practices that may assist in providing holistic health delivery. Cultural awareness is an individual's perception of their attitudes and background to specific cultural values. Heritage assessment tool involves cultural competencies that emanate from communal practices; it refers to the skills and knowledge that must be acquired to assist persons from culturally different backgrounds. Heritage Assessment Tool can also be defined as a check list applied by professionals to acquire knowledge of the patient’s beliefs and cultures before commencing care (Cartwright & Shingles, 2013). In addition to questions that recount to health practices and beliefs, the assessments that are often carried out by the above tool include the childhood events which contribute immensely to beliefs and values in adulthood. The role of this paper is to investigate the Hispanic, Chinese and my own personal cultural beliefs for the purposes of understanding and maintaining different traditional backgrounds.
Heritage Assessment Tool for the my Family
1. Where was your mother born?
2. Where was your father born?
3. Where were your grandparents born?
(1) Your mother’s mother? ______U.S________________________
(2) Your mother’s father?
(3) Your father’s mother?
(4) Your father’s father? _______U.S_________________________
4. How many brothers __1___ and sisters __1___ do you have?
5. What setting did you grow up in? Urban __✔___ Rural _____Suburban _____
6. What country did your parents grow up in?
Father __U.S___
Mother _U.S____
7. How old were you when you came to the United States? _Native____
8. When you were growing up, who lived with you? _Parents____
9. Have you maintained contact with?
a. Aunts, uncles, cousins? (1) Yes __✔___ (2) No _____
b. Brothers and sisters? (1) Yes __✔___ (2) No _____
c. Parents? (1) Yes _____ (2) No _____
d. Your own children? (1) Yes __✔___ (2) No _____
11. Did most of your aunts, uncles, cousins live near your home?
(1) Yes _____ (2) No ___✔__
12. Approximately how often did you visit your family members who
Lived outside your home?
(1) Daily _____ (2) Weekly _____ (3) Monthly__✔___ (4) Once a year or less _____ (5) Never _____
13. Was your original family name changed?
(1) Yes _____ (2) No __✔___
14. What is your religious preference?
(1) Catholic _____ (2) Jewish _____ (3) Protestant __✔___ (4) Denomination (5) Other_____ (6) None _____
15. Is your spouse the same religion as you?
(1) Yes __✔___ (2) No _____
16. Is your spouse the same ethnic background as you? (1) Yes _____ (2) No__✔___
17. What kind of school did you go to?
(1) Public _____ (2) Private _✔____ (3) Parochial _____
18. As an adult, do you live in a neighborhood where the neighbors are the same religion and ethnic background as yourself?
(1) Yes __✔___ (2) No _____
19. Do you belong to a religious institution?
(1) Yes __✔___ (2) No _____
20. Could you describe yourself as an active member?
(1) Yes __✔___ (2) No _____
21. How often do you attend your religious institution?
(1) More than once a week _____ (2) Weekly __✔___
(3) Monthly _____ (4) Special holidays only_____ (5) Never _____
22. Do you practice your religion at home?
(1) Yes __✔___ (2) No _____
(If yes, please specify)
(3) Praying __✔___ (4) Bible reading _____
(5) Diet _____ (6) Celebrating religious holidays _____
23. Do you prepare foods of your ethnic background?
(1) Yes _____ (2) No __✔___
24. Do you participate in ethnic activities?
(1) Yes __✔___ (2) No _____
(If yes, please verify)
(3) Singing _____ (4) Holiday celebrations _____ (5) Dancing _✔____ (6) Festivals _____
(7) Costumes _____ (8) Other _____
25. Are your friends from the same religious background as you?
(1) Yes _____ (2) No _✔____
Are your friends from the same ethnic background as you?
(1) Yes _____ (2) No _✔____
What is your native language? _English____
28. Do you speak this language?
(1) Prefer __✔___ (2) Occasionally _____ (3) Rarely _____
29. Do you read your native language?
(1) Yes _____ (2) No _✔___
Heritage Assessment Tool for the Hispanic Family
1. Where was your mother born?
2. Where was your father born?
3. Where were your grandparents born?
(1) Your mother’s mother? ________Spain______________________
(2) Your mother’s father? ________Spain______________________
(3) Your father’s mother? _______Spain_______________________
(4) Your father’s father? ________Spain________________________
4. How many brothers __2___ and sisters ___1__ do you have?
5. What setting did you grow up in? Urban _____ Rural __ ✔ ___Suburban _____
6. What country did your parents grow up in?
Father __Spain___
Mother __Spain___
7. How old were you when you came to the Spain? _Natives____
8. When you were growing up, who lived with you? _Parents____
9. Have you maintained contact with
a. Aunts, uncles, cousins? (1) Yes _✔____ (2) No _____
b. Brothers and sisters? (1) Yes __✔___ (2) No _____
c. Parents? (1) Yes __✔___ (2) No _____
d. Your own children? (1) Yes __✔___ (2) No _____
10. Did most of your aunts, uncles, cousins live near your home?
(1) Yes __✔___ (2) No _____
11. Approximately how often did you visit your family members who
Lived outside your home?
Daily _____ (2) Weekly _____ (3) Monthly__✔___ (4) Once a year or less _____ (5) Never _____
12. Was your original family name changed?
(1) Yes _____ (2) No _✔____
13. What is your religious preference?
(1) Catholic __✔___ (2) Jewish _____ (3) Protestant _____ (4) Denomination (5) Other_____ (6) None _____
14. Is your spouse the same religion as you?
(1) Yes __✔___ (2) No _____
15. Is your spouse the same ethnic background as you? (1) Yes _____ (2) No__✔___
16. What kind of school did you go to?
(1) Public ___✔__ (2) Private _____ (3) Parochial _____
17. As an adult, do you live in a neighborhood where the neighbors are the same religion and ethnic background as yourself?
(1) Yes __✔___ (2) No _____
18. Do you belong to a religious institution?
(1) Yes ___✔__ (2) No _____
19. Could you describe yourself as an active member?
(1) Yes _____ (2) No _✔____
20. How often do you attend your religious institution?
(1) More than once a week _____ (2) Weekly __✔___
(3) Monthly _____ (4) Special holidays only_____ (5) Never _____
21. Do you practice your religion at home?
(1) Yes __✔___ (2) No _____
(If yes, please specify)
(3) Praying _____ (4) Bible reading _✔____
(5) Diet _____ (6) Celebrating religious holidays _____
22. Do you prepare foods of your ethnic background?
(1) Yes __✔___ (2) No _____
23. Do you participate in ethnic activities?
(1) Yes __✔___ (2) No _____
(If yes, please verify)
(3) Singing _____ (4) Holiday celebrations _____ (5) Dancing _____ (6) Festivals _✔____
(7) Costumes _____ (8) Other _____
Are your friends from the same religious background as you?
Yes _✔____ (2) No _____
25. Are your friends from the same ethnic background as you?
(1) Yes _____ (2) No _✔____
26. What is your native language? ___Spanish__
27. Do you speak this language?
Prefer _✔____ (2) Occasionally _____ (3) Rarely _____
28. Do you read your native language?
(1) Yes _____ (2) No _✔___
Heritage Assessment Tool for the Filipino Family
1. Where was your mother born?
2. Where was your father born?
3. Where were your grandparents born?
(1) Your mother’s mother? ______Filippin________________________
(2) Your mother’s father? ______Filippin________________________
(3) Your father’s mother? ______Filippin________________________
(4) Your father’s father? ______Filippin__________________________
4. How many brothers ___1__ and sisters __1___ do you have?
5. What setting did you grow up in? Urban _____ Rural _____Suburban __✔___
6. What country did your parents grow up in?
Father _Filippin____
Mother __Filippin___
7. When you were growing up, who lived with you? __Parents___
8.Have you maintained contact with
a. Aunts, uncles, cousins? (1) Yes __✔___ (2) No _____
b. Brothers and sisters? (1) Yes _✔____ (2) No _____
c. Parents? (1) Yes _✔____ (2) No _____
d. Your own children? (1) Yes __✔___ (2) No _____
11. Did most of your aunts, uncles, cousins live near your home?
(1) Yes __✔___ (2) No _____
12. Approximately how often did you visit your family members who
Lived outside your home?
(1) Daily _____ (2) Weekly _✔____ (3) Monthly_____ (4) Once a year or less _____ (5) Never _____
13. Was your original family name changed?
(1) Yes _____ (2) No _✔____
14. What is your religious preference?
(1) Catholic _____ (2) Jewish _____ (3) Protestant _____ (4) Denomination (5) Other_____ (6) None _____
15. Is your spouse the same religion as you?
(1) Yes _✔____ (2) No _____
16. Is your spouse the same ethnic background as you? (1) Yes _✔____ (2) No_____
17. What kind of school did you go to?
(1) Public _____ (2) Private _✔____ (3) Parochial _____
18. As an adult, do you live in a neighborhood where the neighbors are the same religion and ethnic background as yourself?
(1) Yes __✔___ (2) No _____
19. Do you belong to a religious institution?
(1) Yes __✔___ (2) No _____
20. Could you describe yourself as an active member?
(1) Yes __✔___ (2) No _____
21. How often do you attend your religious institution?
(1) More than once a week __✔___ (2) Weekly _____
(3) Monthly _____ (4) Special holidays only_____ (5) Never _____
22. Do you practice your religion at home?
(1) Yes __✔___ (2) No _____
(If yes, please specify)
(3) Praying _____ (4) Bible reading _____
(5) Diet _____ (6) Celebrating religious holidays _____
23. Do you prepare foods of your ethnic background?
(1) Yes __✔___ (2) No _____
24. Do you participate in ethnic activities?
(1) Yes _✔____ (2) No _____
(If yes, please verify)
(3) Singing __✔___ (4) Holiday celebrations _____ (5) Dancing _____ (6) Festivals _____
(7) Costumes _____ (8) Other _____
25.Are your friends from the same religious background as you?
(1) Yes ___✔__ (2) No _____
Are your friends from the same ethnic background as you?
(1) Yes __✔___ (2) No _____
What is your native language? _English____
28.Do you speak this language?
(1) Prefer _✔____ (2) Occasionally _____ (3) Rarely _____
29. Do you read your native language?
(1) Yes __✔___ (2) No ____
Importance of Heritage Assessment Tool
In many medical institutions, medical practitioners, as well as nurses, have been trained to respect cultural choices as well as the personal beliefs exhibited by specific different patients; this is because people's cultural rituals and beliefs often influence patient's outcomes and care. The Heritage Assessment Tool enables the nurses to understand the patient's beliefs, rituals, and values. The above tool is essential since it aids in building cultural competency by interviewing the different patients and identifying the things they value in life (Matteson, 2014). In the medical system, it is necessary to understand the background of the patient in order to be able to identify the origin of specific diseases. Additionally, Carrying out the heritage assessment test is important since it enables the nurses to know the basic information about the patient. The assessment gives the patients the opportunity to articulate their values, beliefs and cultural competitiveness in every social setup. Through Heritage Assessment Tool, the patients are able to earn the respect during the medication period. The Heritage Assessment Tool can indicate an extent to which a person’s culture in their way of life; this is a perfect tool that can be applied in the assessment, restoration, and protection of a person’s personal belief. Heritage varies between different cultural setups and it consists of the processes of identifying one's religion, ethnic group, and cultural background. The Heritage Assessment Tool can assist the healthcare professionals in evaluating mental, physical, and spiritual beliefs, which at the end identifies the traditional health procedures in the area of health protection, maintenance, and restoration.
From the above Heritage Assessment Tools, I interviewed my family (United State's origin), The Filipino family, and the Hispanic family, the analysis indicates that these families have strong cultural origins. The three assessment tools indicate that the families are deeply rooted in their country with specific cultures. The three families reside in their country of origin. The families also have an ancestral origin in their respective countries of origin. The above assessments indicate that these families are closely related in terms of the religious beliefs, family ties, and the language they often use in communication (Sagar, 2012). The Filipino family strictly adheres to the Filipinos culture; similarly, the Hispanic family also claims the strong ties in their culture. The three families are Christians and they strongly adhere to church activities and at home and during the church services. Additionally, the families participate strongly in social activities like songs and dances.
Armijo‐Olivo, S., Stiles, C. R., Hagen, N. A., Biondo, P. D., & Cummings, G. G. (2012). Assessment of study quality for systematic reviews: a comparison of the Cochrane Collaboration Risk of Bias Tool and the Effective Public Health Practice Project Quality Assessment Tool: methodological research. Journal of evaluation in clinical practice, 18(1), 12-18.
Cartwright, L., & Shingles, R. R. (2013). Cultural competence in sports medicine. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Matteson, P. (2014). Women's health during the childbearing years: A community-based approach. St. Louis, MO: Mosby.
Sagar, P. L. (2012). Transcultural nursing theory and models. New York: Springer Publishing Company.
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