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Hire a WriterThe Technology Integration Matrix acts as a guide to understanding the right way to use technology to improve learning depending on the learning context and technology levels. As you said, authentic learning at the entry-level might be a good way to start using technology while engaging students' imaginations. I will guide my students to the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) website to enter the correct answers.
In the film, the instructor directs students to use color to tell a story using constructive learning at the adoption stage. The students are participating in this activity using technology as directed by the instructor. The act of students choosing the technology tool to use while working in groups is referred to as collaborative infusion. The students in the video are seen writing photo essays of photos they took. I agree with you, this is can be used to support ELLs.
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The video in TIM goal-directed learning environment at adoption level shows the students applying technology as instructed by the teacher in the real world monitoring and taking notes on the insects. “They were more engaged hence learned more” as you put it.
Technology helps the students in developing new knowledge which they share among peers under the constructive transformation cell of the matrix. I agree with you, in doing this the students can be able to solve present-day problems. In future I will use this to encourage and build innovation in my students.
The act of students choosing the technology tool to use while working in groups is referred to as collaborative infusion. The students in the video were writing an article from information they had gathered. This is an interesting experience for the children, for they “collaborate” with peers and get out of the classroom to apply technology of their choice in learning.
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