The Proud Parenting Program

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The Proud Parenting Program argues that excellent parenting techniques can significantly prevent future delinquency, child maltreatment, and promote a healthy environment that sensitizes parents to take an active role in being accountable for their children's life. Initially, this program supported a number of parenting initiatives that aim to provide parents with skills and information in areas such as comprehending parent or child activities, child development, parent education classes, stress management, anger management, and substance misuse (Board of State and Community Corrections, 2013).Initially, this program was referred as the young men as fathers program, but the program has continued to evolve over the years especially after the adoption of evidence based components into the programming provided to the clients. These practices have helped this program to enhance cost effectiveness as well as improving the chances of achieving positive program outcomes for the participants.

The main goal of the 2013/2014 proud parenting program is to assist in the breakdown of the intergenerational cycle of delinquency and violence by reinforcing parenting skills and knowledge through various parental tutorials that are supported by evidence based strategies. Individuals who applied for this program were mandated to include evidence based strategies that proofs to reduce antisocial behaviors, substance abuse and recidivism in order for their applications to be considered. The target population for the program was not limited to young parents aged between fourteen and twenty five, and must have been involved in a welfare system and/or in the justice system. This program was implemented by the Santa Clara County Probation Department, and the proposed budget was $139, 242 per year (Boad of State and Community Corrections, 2016).

How the agency implemented the program

This project involved 110 youthful parents aged between 14-25 years in the dependency systems, juvenile justice, and extended target youthful parents (youthful parents who are at risk of entering the dependency systems and/or juvenile justice. In order to implement the program, the Santa Clara County had trained 40 providers in levels 1, 2 and 3 of triple P and 17 providers in levels 4 and 5 (Board of State and Community Corrections, 2013). The project teams provided the positive parenting program based on what had stipulated in an evidence based parenting curriculum. In addition case management skills were embraced in order to establish whether the participants understood what they were being taught by the triple P teams. Precisely, referrals were being made to the case manager, who then contacts the referred parents and assess whether they would manage to use triple P services that they have been taught.

The need that the program intended to affect

The program intended to influence the parenting skills of youthful mothers by enhancing the skills and knowledge of parent child interaction, reducing emotional distress that is encountered by parents during parental anger, depression, anxiety and stress. Moreover, the program aimed at enhancing relationships among co-parents and enhancing confidence in parenting.

Funding of the program

The Santa Clara County started by stipulating the amount that each probation department should get in order to facilitate the activities of the one year proposal. The applying probation department is asked to structure the anticipated budget for each of the activities that the program would involve, and the anticipated budget should not be more than what has been allocated by the Santa Clara County. Grant funds could be used to supplement the existing funds that have been dedicated to the project but it should not supplant funds that have been set for the same purpose (Board of State and Community Corrections, 2012).

Funding organizations

This project was funded by numerous organizations such as the local social services agencies, County Mental Health Agency and the community based organizations.


Board of State and Community Corrections, (2013). Proud Parenting Program: Fiscal Year 2013/2014. Retrieved from, file:///C:/Users/home/Downloads/Snapshot-26361%20(1).pdf

Board of State and Community Corrections, (2012). Grant Administration and Audit Guide: Federal Juvenile Justice Grants. Retrieved from

Board of State and Community Corrections, (2016). Grant Funded Programs. Retrieved from,

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