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Hire a WriterThe obesity epidemic demonstrates that the majority of Americans consume diets heavy in calories, sugars like corn syrup, and fats (Aid 4heaven, 2012). Additionally, the food is not healthy, and people are more prone to get obese when they do not exercise. Fast food restaurants make up a larger portion of the nation's food supply. Additionally, healthier options like pasta and brown and white bread have been dropped (Pollan, 2006).
The prevalence of obesity and food subsidies are related. When compared to other healthy foods, most fast foods are inexpensive because they are heavily subsidized. As a result, people will eat a lot of the fast foods which makes them obese. It has been reported that some sugars contain compounds which affect the human brain the same way drugs such as morphine do. When taken for a certain period, these foods lead to addiction, hence making it hard for us, as members of the American culture to reduce our consumption of them (Feeding Frenzy, 2013).
The way that grocery stores dispose of unused food is morally right because some of the food is donated to food banks while others are resold cheaply with customers being aware. The expiry date of foods does not mean the food cannot be consumed after that date because some foods can remain good after the date while others may not even last past the expiry date. However, this is usually not the case as some outlets will sell the expired food with the same price as good food because their main aim is to make a profit. Food is political because the government is responsible for providing rules and regulations governing its production (Aid 4heaven, 2012).
Food is not well used in our culture since people are not eating healthy. The best way to regulate the consumption of unhealthy meals is taxing them highly which will make them expensive hence people will stop buying them.
Aid 4heaven (2012). "King Corn." [Video file]. Dailymotion. Retrieved November 16, 2017 from
Feeding Frenzy. (2013). Watch feeding frenzy: the food industry, marketing & the creation of a health crisis online | vimeo on demand [Video file]. Retrieved November 16, 2017 from
Pollan, M., & Overdrive Inc. (2006). The Omnivore's dilemma. New York, NY: Penguin Books, pp. 15-119.
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