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Hire a WriterThe newspaper in question is a Democrat-Reporter based in Alabama on 9 February 2017. In the news of this day, three stories stuck out. First, there was the capture of five illegal drug traffickers by the Marengo County Sheriffs Department. The second is the Hall of Fame tickets on auction, and the third post deals with the killing of Pine Hill Man on 3 February 2017. In the first post, five people were arrested in their homes for possession of different kinds of illicit substances, including alcohol, prescription medications, paraphernalia, etc. Besides, they had primitive guns including a revolver, bullets, and bows in their hands. They are were charged in the court of law and later released on cash bails.
The second article highlights about the Hall of Fame tickets. The focal point of the article is that the tickets are selling much faster than in previous years. It is calling on folks intending to attend to hurry and acquire a ticket as it appears that the attendance will be higher than past years. In addition to previous 41 inductees from various athletic fields, three new categories have been added which include baseball, softball and football shortstops. Past and current players were to be recognized together with their coaches. Besides, the presence of various high schools was to be recognized.
The third article articulates the death of the 21-year old Telvin “TK” Kimbrough at the Pool Hall Fight. He succumbed to gunshot injuries at the chest and around the armpit. The police investigations opened that the murderer was instigated by a 33-year-old Niko Bizzell of Arlington. Before he was arrested Nikko Bizzell presented himself to the police and was charged with murder.
Why big city newspaper circulation has declined unlike for small town newspapers
The decline of big city newspaper has been agitated by some factors which include the following: people moving from the central city and settling in the suburbs, competition from prominent media channels like television, increase in the cost of production especially costs of circulation. Besides, suburb residents rarely go out for dinner, a factor which used to promote the sale of newspapers at newsstands. Studies reveal that readers of small town newspapers view them as sources of valuable business and local news hence more preferred to big city newspapers. (Word count: 387)
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