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Hire a WriterOrson Welles wrote and directed the movie "Citizen Kane" in the year 194. The director plays Charles Foster Kane, a newspaper tycoon who is dead from the start of the film, in the movie. This assignment analyzes the film "Citizen Kane" in terms of communication while considering what has been studied so far in the course. The article will demonstrate the value of communication in movies, specifically as it is represented in "Citizen Kane." It is crucial to start with a succinct synopsis of the film. 'Citizen Kane' displays Charles Foster Kane, the newspaper tycoon's dying words being deciphered by a reporter. The investigation of the reporter shows an attractive portrait of the complicated man, Charles Foster Kane who rose from a humble background to successful heights in his life. The reporter is concerned with providing the correct meaning of Kanes' final word "Rosebud." He thinks that there is a high impossibility of him not being able to give an elusive meaning to the final words of Charles Foster Kane.
Opening Scene
The tone of the opening scene is a silent one. The starting scene reveals a camera moving across an estate that seems deserted. It lingers on a sign 'No Trespassing' and a large letter 'K' written on the gate. The camera then lingers its way inside the house where it passes through a window with some light. It captures a man lying on a bed. All through, there is silence, showing that there are no people in the house. The lying man on the bed is the result of the silence, that Kane is dead. The music, lighting and editing of the scene assists the viewer establish that tone by how the producer blended them. A smooth music, little light through the window and adding snowflakes on the screen to transition the movement of the camera, are aspects that define the tone of the opening scene. They reveal silence and a place where suspense is high; introducing Kane who is dead.
Charles Kane Playing in the snow Scene
In the scene where Charles Kane is playing in the snow, the characters there are his parents and Mr. Thatcher. Kane's parents are speaking to Mr. Thatcher on how they are arranging for their son to remain under the care of Mr. Thatcher. They are seen arguing about the decision as Kane plays in the snow using his sled through the window at the central of the frame. The sled was later realized to be the identity of the "rosebud" that was mysterious. The producer used a deep focus to give the viewer an entire range of the place which was the focus of the screen. The characters are framed to show their closeness to one another. The parents are close to their son, at the center, even though they cannot give the kind of lifestyle they want for their son. The mother sits next to Mr. Thatcher and the father is on the other side next to Kane. Kane seems not having any control of his life. The mother and Thatcher are in full support of the idea of Kane to be taken away while the father does not support. Their sitting position evidences this scene of disagreement. The opening and closing of the window gives the viewer an investigative look at what is happening with the life of Kane at his young age. He slides in and out of the snow. It creates tension as to whether Kane had control of his life during his younger years. It creates an active viewing of the film by the audience.
Declaration of Principles Scene
In this scene, the producer used lighting as an expression of the thematic notions of the film. The camera captures Kane as positioned at the center and in front of his wife. The wife is dressed in white and Kane in the darkest attire. The lighting and editing of the picture reveal a shadow in his face. The viewer can't see his face clearly. It is an indication that foreshadows the false promise of the Declaration. The unclear view o Kane's face is an indication of what he stands for that he will not meet his promises written in the Declaration.
Deterioration of Kane's first marriage
The film is edited to show Kane dressed in the darkest attire and his first wife in the brightest dress. These are two contrasting colors of what will happen to this marriage. Kane is revealed as a dark person not able to meet the matrimonial vows. Susan was the second woman Kane married after divorcing Emily, his first wife. Susan's music performance on stage after the declaration of principle is what drew Kane to her. After declaration of the principles, Kane is caught watching Susan's performance and less concerned about his wife Emily. Later, the scene shows Kane eying for a political office. In a dialogue, Kane questions Emily for marrying a newspaper man, and in this case he was referring to himself. These are incidences that reveal the deterioration of Kane's first marriage. After divorcing Emily, Kane took Susan as his bride.
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