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Hire a WriterMonocrystalline solar panel technology and other solar energy sources have advanced significantly in recent decades. The project's roadmap, as well as the entire future of renewable energy sources, is critical. The use of legislation, tax breaks on technology imports and their overall development, and advances in the commercial sector of technology have all had a significant impact on the previous trend of technology in recent decades. The majority of countries throughout the world are embracing clean and renewable energy technology. The global focus on climate change has resulted in increased technological advancement. The technology was highly acknowledged in Paris Agreement in 2015 as a long time useful source of energy that is renewable. Since 2014, many nations understand the significances of the renewable energy sources. In most countries, the number of policies and energy targets increased since 2014 and set up several jurisdiction and strategies that make their goals to be more determined. In addition, solar technology is continuously growing and changing over the time which will continue over the decades to come. Many companies that are producing this kind of solar energy devices are improving the technology due to change in demand, governmental policies and environment to suit the current situation is the sector and for the future. Suggestions show that 17% could increase solar irradiance to electricity conversion efficiency from the current one which is about 12%. There is much improvement of solar energy since its discovery, and there is a mass upgrade of the technology for the future importance.
Solar photovoltaic power technology has a promising future in the field of renewable energy. For instance, energy supply and use are unsustainable in economic, social and the environment. The PV solar system offers a vibrant solution to the problem of global warming, greenhouse effects, and general climate change. The solar energy is enormously expanding across the world. The aggressiveness toward the renewable source of energy has spearheaded the development and improvement of the technology for the future supply of power (Kannan & Vakeesan, 2016). Monocrystalline solar technology plays a vital role in different renewable energy sources. It has a significant role in future of the growing nation and the already developed countries. The technology is improved by the engineers and the scientists to gear up their performance in both high and low temperatures. Besides, the PV solar preferred for the future electric energy generations which include the site exploitation and the entire transmission of the generated energy over long distance by different means such as fiber optic cables. The expansion of the solar industry would from the current relatively low scale production bring the significant change in future than seen today. Most government policies aimed at alleviating the issue of the global climate change (Philander, 2012). More so, solar energy use could heavily rely on the public policies and the future market conditions which make the government and various individuals think about the future of this technology. The solar panels currently produced are more of a higher outlook and function better than the previous due to the improvement in the technology (Polman et al., 2016). Their prices are low that makes them be more economical than the past ones. Some flexible solar panels of this type are placed on a surface by an adhesive which causes them to be more comfortable to install. The storage of energy after production is a crucial element in the system. Knowledge of storing the excess energy for future use is underway which have a significant role in the system and entire solar power. The cost of batteries had high prices which will be reduced to offer a commercially viable solution in coming days. The storage will ensure continuous availability of the electricity when there is no sun like at night and during rainy seasons. Information technologies could play an essential role in the control and automation will be required to determine the storing time and supply. Many sectors play a crucial role in the future trend of this technology which includes government, industries that are involved and entire global organizations.
The monocrystalline solar technology has improved over decades. The use of solar PV is dated back in 1839 by a French physicist Alexander Edmond Becquerel after discovering that light can be converted into electricity (Kumar et al., 2015). Over the year various scientists have worked to improve the performance of this technology. Global warming concern has made the rapid improvement even further expansion of the technology. According to Deng et al. (2015), the first solar cell made using monocrystalline silicon was in 1941 after the method of making the monocrystalline silicon itself was discovered. In early PV solar made of silicon, the sale was very low through high efficiency since it was relatively costly to run them. In the past years, their efficiency is increased, and the cost reduced due to the upgrade. In the 21st century, there is a rapid increase in efficiency and it should grow further in the coming years. Furthermore, the cost of solar energy has decreased periodically. However, the growth of the solar industry from the early years has gone through a series of a complex interaction involving public and the private sectors. Due to many problems encountered by the technology, it has advanced to innovations that made it proceed from the laboratories level to manufacturing industries. The growth and success of the solar industry have previously based on the funding from both governmental and non-governmental. The exponential growth of solar installation is witnessed globally. At the end of 2015, 1% of electricity came from solar energy. As per Malinowski et al. (2017), the past trend in the technology of solar energy, more so the monocrystalline solar have considerably developed since its discovery. The evolution of the technology has improved the performance of this solar power.
The future expectation of the monocrystalline solar profoundly depends on the rising concern about the climate change globally. The climate change issue has made many countries turn to solar energy for a clean and renewable energy source. Since most of the nations are opting for this option, the setup strategies will increase the performance of the technology in the coming year. The set plans ensure future performance of the technology is efficient. Historical trends have accompanied a mass innovation in the technology up to date. Since the discovery of solar energy, engineers and scientists have ensured the success of the technology. Significant change and improvement to the original add more value to the future solar power. Public and private have played an essential role in the evolution of solar energy. Therefore, both previous and future trends are of great value in this technology.
Deng, H., Fu, N., Liu, P., Wu, G., Wang, F., Luo, C., & Deng, L. (2015, March). High
performance monocrystalline silicon could lead the photovoltaic power generation in the
future. In Semiconductor Technology International Conference, 2015 China (pp. 1-3).
Kannan, N., & Vakeesan, D. (2016). Solar energy for future world:-A review. Renewable and
Sustainable Energy Reviews, 62, 1092-1105.
Kumar, A., Baredar, P., & Qureshi, U. (2015). Historical and recent development of photovoltaic
thermal (PVT) technologies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 42, 1428-1436.
Malinowski, M., Leon, J. I., & Abu-Rub, H. (2017). Solar Photovoltaic and Thermal Energy
Systems: Current Technology and Future Trends.
Philander, S. (2012). Encyclopedia of global warming & climate change. Thousand Oaks,
Calif.: SAGE Publications.
Polman, A., Knight, M., Garnett, E. C., Ehrler, B., & Sinke, W. C. (2016). Photovoltaic
materials: Present efficiencies and future challenges. Science, 352(6283), aad4424.
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