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Hire a WriterWhat things that you believe are critical components of a re-entry program which can lead returning prisoners becoming prosperous and law-abiding citizens back in our communities
Ex-prisoners face various challenges during their re-entry program in the communities. These challenges include; stigmatization, broken family ties, financial constraints, lack of housing, insufficient human capital and lack of employment opportunities (Maruna and LeBel). A significant result of these challenges is a relapse into criminal activities.
To mitigate problems concerning re-integration introduction of various components that can improve prisoner rehabilitation is crucial. Firstly, the courses offered and workforce preparations to prisoners in the rehabilitation programs should be expanded to enhance their human capital. Enhanced placement services will also help in re-entry of prisoners and complement prison training. These services can be attained by the government providing incentives to employers hiring convicts, leveraging employment agencies and expanding partnerships with employers. This initiative will help to improve their absorption into the public and private sector and help them better integrate into society. Secondly, due to high correlations between homelessness, drug use, and crime, social services should include an emphasis on assisting ex-convicts to access affordable housing (LeBel).
Stigmatization of ex-convicts has limited social assistance and government involvement in re-entry processes (Baur, Hall and Daniels). Hence, social education in communities focusing on the importance of re-entry processes and dissociation of ex-convicts from criminality; this will limit stigma and improve the success of re-entry programs. State governments should lift bans regarding criminal records and occupational licensure.
Ex-convicts struggle with drug abuse and addiction which exacerbate due to lack of accommodation which limits their integration in society. Hence, interagency programs focusing on the provision of rehabilitation services and access to healthcare to help in re-entry will suffice. State governments need to promulgate social facilities and programs at the local level to assist in accession to help by ex-prisoners.
The implementation of the strategies mentioned above will be fundamental to enhancing the efficacy of re-entry programs.
Baur, J. E, et al. "Beyond banning the box: A conceptual model of the stigmatization of ex-offenders in the workplace."Human Resource Management Review 28.2 (2018): 204-219.
LeBel, T. P. "Housing as the tip of the iceberg in successfully navigating prisoner reentry."Criminology & Public Policy 16.3 (2017): 891-908.
Maruna, S and T. P. LeBel. Strengths-based restorative approaches to reentry: the evolution of creative restitution, reintegration and destigmitization. In Positive criminology. Routledge, 2015.
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