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Hire a WriterTo understand diversity within an organization, there must be a comprehensive analysis of the existing practices as well as the ones that are undertaken by similar organizations to inform a policy need or a gap that has to be filled (Ozgen, Nijkamp & Poot, 2015). The stakeholder views are considered in the analysis. The steps of achieving the comprehensive analysis in an organization include;
• Getting employee feedback through surveys, polls and checklists on the existing diversity culture as well as the current stance (Budzak, 2015).
• Group focus studies are undertaken involving all the stakeholders to gain an in-depth insight into the stand of the organization regarding diversity practices. Information is analysed based on the feedback provided.
• Review of complaints history from the employees can signal diversity problems and the direction that the organization takes in diversity.
• Policy Review: The internal diversity policies are reviewed to understand the organization’s practices to encourage and promote a diversity culture. The gaps are identified (Budzak, 2015).
• The comprehensive assessment of the diversity practices in the organization, involvement of the stakeholders and the review of policies ensures that you get a clear picture on the stance of the organization (Davis, Frolova & Callahan, 2016). The gaps are identified to help develop effective strategies and clear policies to achieve workplace diversity. Besides, measuring goals and achievable action plans are informed by the needs assessment. The analysis will ensure that the diversity policy formulated supports the business objectives.
Question 2
Organizational diversity improves the productivity of the staff. Their morale is boosted and work efficiently and effectively. The results are improved performance of the organization. Diversity also improves innovation and creativity in organizations because of having heterogeneous groups with different ideas (Ozgen, Nijkamp & Poot, 2015). Besides, there is a positive reputation for the organizations that embrace diversity (Bond & Haynes, 2014). The workers that come from different backgrounds offer different skills, knowledge, talent and experience that is crucial to problem-solving, decision-making and performance in the organization. Diversity increases the organization’s market share as well as improving trust and satisfaction among the customers (Ozgen, Nijkamp & Poot, 2015). The different language skills possessed open ways of doing business. Besides, a diverse workforce helps in building synergies among the team and enhancing the skills of communicating.
Question 3
Equal Opportunity Act
The equal opportunity Act in Australia was introduced to ensure fair treatment of everyone and protect against any form of harassment or discrimination. The law had several implications for both the employees and employers (Chaumeil & Skok, 2012). The employers were to identify all the structural barriers to the equality of employment opportunities as well as discriminatory practices in their organizations (Wieneke, 1991). Every organization was to report their progress in terms of the equity outcomes. It is an obligation of the employers to enhance workplace diversity. They had to protect the employees from any form of harm or harassment. On the other hand, the employees benefit in terms of equal access to opportunities and rewards (Chaumeil & Skok, 2012). Access to career paths and training for the employees also becomes accessible. However, employees had to take care of their own safety.
Question 4
• Diversity practice can be included in an organization by;
• Adopting a holistic hiring strategy
• Effective implementation of Equal opportunities employment policy (Irby-Butler, 2017)
• Diversity training in the organization
• Establishment of an internal diversity committee
• Involvement with the communities to foster collaborations and access to diverse candidates.
• Align diversity programs with the strategic plans (Davis, Frolova & Callahan, 2016).
Question 5
• Diversity can be acknowledged and embraced in an organization by;
• Committing to improving cultural competency in the organization
• Making cross-cultural communication a skill (Irby-Butler, 2017).
• Creating a workplace culture that embraces and values different ideas and perspectives
• Creating a diverse calendar of events, traditions and celebrations to be observed
• Building understanding through a welcoming and inclusive environment.
• Communicating the diversity policy regularly (Davis, Frolova & Callahan, 2016)
• Allowing the minority groups in the organization to have a voice
• Create an accommodating environment where differences are celebrated.
Question 6
The seven steps of developing a diversity policy are;
Step 1: Form a task group
These are the members who will identify the need for the policy, and the strategies to respond. They will gather information by consulting with the relevant stakeholders. They identify the roles and responsibilities to be carried out for the policy development as well as creating a plan that is actionable. They identify the necessity of the policy and clarify the goals, gather information and sample policies (Budzak, 2015).
Step 2: Prepare for policy development
Preparing for the development of policy requires in-depth research of the gaps and consultation with the stakeholders that will be affected (Gai, 2016). This includes conducting surveys, stakeholders’ forums, seeking legal advice and reviewing the existing policies
Step 3: Develop the policy
Ensure that the developed policy captures the identified needs and offers solutions.
Ensure that the complexity and length of the policy are appropriate to the implementers and the relevant audience. The developed policy includes recommendations from the stakeholders and expert advice (Gai, 2016).
Step 4: Management reviews the policy
The policy is reviewed for adjustments and refinements. The gaps are identified for improvement through consultation with the relevant stakeholders and the clarity sought (Budzak, 2015). The review committee or commission ensures that the objectives and intentions of the policy formulation have been captured. The review makes suggestions for improvement.
Step 5: Communicate the policy
It involves identification of the methods of communicating the policy and the relevant audience. This should include the organization of press releases where necessary to transfer the information to the stakeholders. Communication should be made to all the people that need to be aware of the policy. They can also include policy manuals, newsletters, notice boards or put it on the website (Gai, 2016).
Step 6: Implement the policy
It involves preparing the practical realities of the policy. A training program for the staff and volunteers is developed and process charts to relay key messages. Handbooks of the policy are also shared. Illustration of the benefits of the policy is done by using experts and markers set to gauge the success of the implementation
Step 7: Evaluate the policy
The policy implementation should be monitored and evaluated to identify whether it achieved the desired objectives or addressed the intended purpose. The aim is to understand the worth, merit and utility of the developed policy (Budzak, 2015). The evaluation also focuses on the completeness, relevance and effectiveness of the new policy.
Question 7
The draft diversity policy is reviewed to determine whether the goal of its drafting has been met, to determine its clarity and improve its effectiveness (Gai, 2016).
A review determines whether the policy is accurate and necessary, up to date with the relevant regulations and laws. The review identifies any concerns or gaps that may have been overlooked. The diversity policy review committee should involve the policy custodian, stakeholders and the review commission (Davis, Frolova & Callahan, 2016)
Consultations are done and if there is lack of agreement on the drafted policy, an expert advice is sought. The stakeholders are consulted to understand their viewpoints, suggestions and recommendations.
Case Study Assessment Task 2
Part A
Nature of consultation with key managerial staff
The consultations are done to review the current diversity policy and practices, identification of diversity issues and determining whether or not they are captured in the existing policies. Research and analysis will be undertaken to compare with other best practice in related organizations as well as seeking expert opinion from the experts or consultants. The consultation will include public and expert forums to gather evidence. In-person meetings will also be held with the relevant stakeholders. Policy draft or concept documents will be shared on the company’s website for easier consultation and feedback.
The related policies that will require updating include the Code of Conduct, Occupational Health and Safety Policy and Procedures, Appointment to Role Policy, Statement of equal opportunity Employment policy Flexible working arrangements, leave policies performance review policy and procedure, learning opportunities policy and procedure, staff recruiting policy and procedure, Staff Induction Policy and Procedure
The legislation, code of conduct and national standards to be addressed include Racial Discrimination Act 1975
• Fair Work Act 2009
• Disability Discrimination Act 1992
• Sex Discrimination Act 1984
• Age Discrimination Act 2004
• Public Service Commissioner's Directions 1999 (consolidated version dated 7 July 2010
• Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986
• Occupational Health and Safety Act 1991
Access to policies from other similar organizations will inform the best practices. These include their diversity policies, work conduct and appointment to the role.
The benefits of diversity in Bayside Call Centre will include;
• Improved decision-making and problem-solving in the organization but having diversified skills, talents and competence among the staff.
• The insights, broad perspectives and ideas will promote creativity and innovation at the organization. Members of a diverse workforce often think in different ways thus approaching both challenges and opportunities differently.
• Customer confidence and service delivery will be improved by the diversity of the workforce. The employees coming from different backgrounds and community means that they adequately understand their needs and are responsive to them. They serve the clients better from a point of knowledge.
• The staff productivity will be improved by boosting their morale and confidence thus reflecting on the performance of the firm. Besides, diversity will promote the values and principles of Bayside Call Centre that are diversity and equity in the community as well as the economy in Australia.
Implementing a new Diversity Policy at Bayside Call Centre will require operational and performance changes such as the establishment of a task group for identification of the issues, gaps and the current status and inform the policy development. Consultation forums will be established with the relevant stakeholders and share the policy concept documents for feedback and expert advice. Ideas, contributions and feedback will be sought from stakeholders such as the company shareholders, employees, managers at all levels as well as the clients.
Part B
The Workplace diversity policy was designed to overcome the challenges of achieving diversity in Bayside Call Centre as well as lack of measurable objectives to assesses and evaluate the progress. The policy aims at ensuring that there is the promotion of the principles of workplace diversity in the entire organization, equal and fair treatment of the employees in all stages of recruitment, selection, induction, work and retention. The diversity policies aim at achieving integration of the diversity principles in the management and performance processes. The overall goal is to achieve diversity in the workforce, improve innovation, working environment and service to clients. The policy will set out key requirements for the management of workplace diversity in Bayside Call Centre.
A good diversity policy is integrated with other existing organizations policies, codes of conduct, rules, regulations and procedures. It has clear processes of reporting the outcomes regulations and codes. A workplace diversity policy in an organization should be founded on all the key areas of leadership, recruitment, selection and retention, training and communication, work environment and work-life balance to ensure that it addresses all the instances of unequal and unfair treatment. The diversity policy should be consistent with the values, principles, procedures and other policies in the organization.
The diversity policy links to other policies in key result areas outlined in the organization. It is done by ensuring that it is consistent with the other organizational policies, values and procedures.
The success of the policy will be measured after implementation. It will be measured by staff attitude surveys and feedback mechanism indicating the incorporation of the principles of workplace diversity in the processes of performance management. The timeframe for the success measures is annual reporting.
Consultation with the key stakeholders will be done to help in the review as well as updating the policy. Stakeholders forums will be held where leaflets of the policy will be shared. The policy document will also be shared on the website of the company to welcome feedback. The consultation will include the requirements for policy and the action plans to achieve the desired change.
The policy evaluation measures will include impact, awareness, implementation and content. This will create an understanding of the worth, merit and utility of the diversity policy implemented.
Part C
Action Plan for Policy Implementation
Key Area of Focus
Action Plan for Implementation
Communication with key stakeholders and staff members
Timeframe for Implementation
Appointment of a workplace diversity inclusion committee to ensure effective implementation of the principles
Develop a training program and workshop plan for the leaders in the company
Publications and policy document to be shared with the management and staff
First year
Recruitment, Selection and Retention
Develop a plan for advertising opportunities to reach diverse people
Use indigenous media to improve access to jobs
Design a plan to involve members of the minority groups in the selection panel to enhance sensitivity to the cultural issues
Involve indigenous applicants to the selection process
Promote employees’ flexibility in their tasks
Recruitment brochures for the relevant committee
First two years
Work Environment
Behaviours that promote diversity are incorporated in the documentation of the performance management scheme
Devise a clear plan to support development opportunities for the indigenous employees
Establishing diversity mainstreaming programs within the company
Training managers to identify inappropriate behaviours against the principles of diversity
Service Charter with the Performance management scheme and behaviours.
Code of ethics manual to be shared with the staff
Within five years
Communication and Training
Frequent update of the policy by consulting the staff
Provision of policy summary leaflets and publications even in the packs of induction
Strengthen the Equity and Diversity Intranet
Policy leaflets
Two years
Work-Life Balance
Devise a schedule for all the workers to promote flexible employment program
Prevent ergonomic hazards for workers with disabilities by providing user-friendly equipment
Work schedule planning sheets
Two years
Full implementation of the new diversity policy will only require recruitment of two technical experts to lead the team and assist in the evaluation of the outcomes and assessing the progress. They will be training the managerial staff on the content and the key areas of the policy for effective and efficient implementation.
Part D
Policy Evaluation Outcomes and Long-term implementation Requirements
The involvement of a wide range of stakeholders in the consultation for the design and implementation of the diversity policy ensured that the needs and the gaps were captured. Besides, the clarity of the policy in addressing the objectives was achieved. The incorporation of the suggestions of the stakeholders ensured that the process of implementation was effective and efficient. The employees embraced the diversity principles contained in the policy as well as the change that it brought. The support was immense as most of the employees’ readiness to embrace change made it easy to implement. Some of the noted impacts included the change in the workforce composition to meet the diversity principles. More people from the monitoring groups were recruited and placed in the selection committees. Employees developed a spirit of tolerance and embracing diverse ideas and insights. The productivity of the company improved as well as the confidence of the clients that can be attributed to the enforcement of the diversity principles.
However, the implementation of workforce diversity principles may have negative implications on some of the staff that may feel threatened by the changes. These include the ones that feel that embracing the principles such as gender mainstreaming and inclusion of the minorities may threaten their positions in different levels. Some may, therefore, fail to employ the new policy.
To effectively manage the process of change, it is advisable to clearly define the purpose and the intended outcomes of the policy to the staff and align it with the objectives of the company. A clear communication strategy should be developed to ensure that they understand the policy. Besides, the staff should be well trained by experts to initiate the change process through a point of knowledge. A support structure should also be availed to deliver the desired change. These include the management and other leaders identified and adequately trained.
The measurement and review of the achievement of the policy objective will be done by staff surveys, review of the recruitment process, committee reports, Team meetings and professional development sessions.
The implementation of the workforce diversity policy will neither decrease nor increase the use of resources. The available materials will be used to achieve the desired change. These include both the personnel and the resources. The hiring of the two technical experts will not affect the resources as this will be budgeted for by the company.
Periodic reviews will be done annually to identify the gaps and the lessons, both positive and negative. Ongoing evaluation will be done at the baseline, midline, end line and impact level to determine the change achieved by the entire process of implementation. At every stage of evaluation, the key technical staff for the implementation will be involved, the managers and external team to eliminate bias.
The ongoing reviews will be documented by the implementation team using the tools to capture data, organize, visualize and distribute. Surveys, interviews and feedback mechanism results will be analysed and put together into reports, posters and policy briefs. They will be shared using the company’s website. These will be vital for future use by the company.
Bond, M., & Haynes, M. (2014). Workplace Diversity: A Social-Ecological Framework and Policy Implications. Social Issues And Policy Review, 8(1), 167-201. doi: 10.1111/sipr.12005
Budzak, D. (2015). Developing and implementing policy. Business Information Review, 32(4), 235-238. doi: 10.1177/0266382115619054
Chaumeil, J., & Skok, J. (2012). Equal opportunity for all. The EMBO Journal, 31(7), 1627-1629. doi: 10.1038/emboj.2012.64
Davis, P., Frolova, Y., & Callahan, W. (2016). Workplace diversity management in Australia. Equality, Diversity And Inclusion: An International Journal, 35(2), 81-98. doi: 10.1108/edi-03-2015-0020
Gai, P. (2016). Macroprudential Policies in Australia: Design and Effects. Australian Economic Review, 49(1), 83-85. doi: 10.1111/1467-8462.12145
Irby-Butler, T. (2017). Workforce Diversity -- The Kaleidoscope View of Workforce Diversity and Inclusion. Journal - American Water Works Association, 109, 66-68. doi: 10.5942/jawwa.2017.109.0108
Ozgen, C., Nijkamp, P., & Poot, J. (2015). The elusive effects of workplace diversity on innovation. Papers In Regional Science, 96, S29-S49. doi: 10.1111/pirs.12176
Wieneke, C. (1991). Equal Employment Opportunity in Australia: A Practitioner's Perspective. Equal Opportunities International, 10(1), 1-10. doi: 10.1108/eb010535
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