The Help Movie Review

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A movie review of The Help is a good opportunity to talk about the acting in the movie. Bryce Dallas Howard is great, as is Jessica Chastain as the ditzy Celia Foote. Jessica Chastain is a successful actress who has already played a compliant wife in Tree of Life. Emma Stone is a nuanced character, but her character may be a bit too hip for the times.


"The Help" is a movie about the struggles of black women in the South. Aibileen Clark has raised other people's children all her life and now she has lost her own. In addition to her grief, she also faces the increasing horrors of racism in the South. Skeeter, who plays the part of a black maid, convinces Aibileen and Minny Jackson to share their stories with her. The three women are soon joined by the mouthy Minny Jackson, and together they begin to create forces for change in the world.

The film features a strong cast. Bryce Dallas Howard and Sissy Spacek are superb. They give believable performances as two old women who are separated by generations. However, if you are not interested in seeing these characters in a supporting role, you should be prepared to feel frustrated.


The Help is a melodrama that has plenty of melodrama, but also social commentary. Starring Viola Davis as Minny Jackson, the story follows the maids of Jackson, Mississippi. One of the maids, Skeeter, tries to persuade two maids to contribute their stories to a book that promises to bring change in Mississippi. But the story is too long and a lot of its plot is unnecessary.

The Help is based on the novel by Kathryn Stockett, and its story is largely about two black women, Celia and Minny. But the movie could have focused on other black women as well. While Spencer and Chastain have received Oscar nominations for their performances in this film, their roles are not the center of the movie. The Help is a potent piece of storytelling and a fountain of emotional fem-centric ensemble acting. It's also a welcome change from the summer's long list of raunchy romantic comedies and bulky superhero films.

Skeeter's disclaimer

Skeeter's disclaimer in The Help movie review begins with a warning that she may be biased. As a black woman who is the mother of a white child, she is not likely to be supportive of the movie or the book. She is also driven to find Constantine, the family's maid. She also talks to other maids in the neighborhood and eventually convinces Aibileen and Minny to come out and say the truth. After all, they'll get paid.

Skeeter's disclaimer in The Help movie review is a little more complicated than that. While Skeeter is concerned that the movie could have ramifications in her own life, she is also passionate about promoting the unheralded maids. These women often play a pivotal role in the lives of white children whose self-centered mothers often neglect them.

Film's cinematography

The Help's cinematography is an important element of the film's production. While the film tries to be funny and to portray the lives of the characters, it also captures the true experience of African Americans in the 1960s. This film is important because it brings racial discrimination to the forefront of the public's consciousness.

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Octavia Spencer

A star-studded cast accompanies an inspirational story that is sure to move you. Emma Stone, Octavia Spencer, and Viola Davis star in "The Help," a sweeping film about a young African-American woman's struggles to overcome the oppression she faced as a child. In this Oscar contender, they are joined by a talented supporting cast.

"The Help" is a PG-13 film based on the book by Kathryn Stockett. Director Tate Taylor adapted the book from Kathryn Stockett. Thomas Newman composed the film's music. The film was produced by Michael Barnathan and Mark Ricker and released by DreamWorks Pictures.

Viola Davis

Viola Davis is a triple threat, but there's one major regret she has in her career. The actress said that she regrets playing the role of Aibileen Clark in The Help, a 2011 Oscar-nominated film about a white woman hired to be a maid in a Jackson, Mississippi, household during the 1950s. Davis says that the story is not accurate and that she wishes the film had focused more on the voices of the black people.

But while it's true that the film's setting is the South, it's also true that the film's premise is a social drama. And while the film has its share of anachronistic super-skinny Southern belles, the sugar-coated cinematography and unflinchingly sweet melodrama buffers us from the horrors of the era. The maids in the film speak of the dangers they face, a hint at the physical danger that still hung over the civil rights movement.

October 05, 2022




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