The Green Knight and Sir Gawain

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Pride as a Vice

Pride is a vice that can cause people to stumble in unforeseen situations. It tricks people's hearts. Even though a person may believe that something has been accomplished, the same action, thought, or purpose could lead to failure. Although the author of the poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is unclear, he was aware that pride influences social interactions. While the wealthy, powerful, and/or rich believe they can overcome any obstacle to establish their value and position. Likewise, the poor and common men try to show their rulers and fellow men that they are also take actions and make respectable steps in the society as it happened to Sir Gawain. This paper seeks to analyze the theme of pride as suggested in the text of the poem. Pride is a form of arrogance which often result into embarrassing situations.

Influence of Pride on Thoughts and Actions

Pride influences human thoughts and actions. It can make a person to venture into an unknown activity just to fit in the social status or to prove a point. Although Sir Gawain was respected in Camelot, he felt that he could conquer any form of challenge as he had always done such that no new contest could make him fear. However, he was wrong. First, Sir Gawain had not known that the Green Knight whose head he had cut was not a real creature. He could not conceive the reasons why and how the Green Knight came to be. So, he quickly made a conclusion that he would cut-off the head of the giant knight just to show that he was brave and deserves respect.. Although he was a young man, he wanted to show the elderly men and knights that he could surpass their bravery and be the hero of the day. Soon enough, Sir Gawain realized that he had made a mistake by cutting the head of the Green Knight, an action he would have not taken had he known that it was a mere test. Sir Gawain was embarrassed when he was given the title of a loser by the king. In the same manner, the poem teaches people that it is good manner to always think before acting in any situation. If possible, a person needs to undertake a background check and/or research before making decisions. It helps people to avoid unnecessary expenses which can cause losses and damages to friendships.

Destruction of Youthfulness due to Pride

Furthermore, pride can destroy the youthfulness of an individual. The Gawain was a young man in his early ages but decided to damage his future reputation by pursuing popularity. By deciding to kill an unknown creature, he had risked his young life. Anything could have happened to him such as being killed by the gods. However, he wanted honor and public proclamation. Consequently, he killed the giant and waited for the promise that he would get a feedback from the knight within a year and a day. When that time came, all the reputation he had built for himself while young had been destroyed. He had to live a life of shame in his old age for having lied that he was a brave man yet he had cheated the onlooker the king’s court with fake heroism. In light of the period in which the text was written, the people valued heroism than material wealth and riches. Sir Gawain thus had to show that apart from being King Author’s nephew, he could acquire royalty status, albeit of the nature of a hero. The male ego in him could not allow him to preserve his youth by avoiding gambling with his young life through killing unknown creature and waiting for payback from the knight. Similarly, the allegory in this poem and the lesson of the negative effects of pride can be helpful to current youths. It is better for a person to understand that young age comes and goes. Accordingly, it is important that it be preserved to avoid losing it. There are issues which can make a person destroy his/her future for good for the short term pleasures. These could be failure to work hard and excel in education or taking hard drugs and alcohol.

A Lonely Life Led by Pride

Besides, pride can make a person live a lonely life. A hero may feel that he needs no one to make his life complete. Pride is a sure way of digging oneself grave. Sir Gawain had belittled everyone around him and made them shy away from him as well. He could go around the city and the kingdom shaming people and other nights that they were not brave enough to cut off the head of the Green Knight. No one dared be in his company for fear of his boastfulness and proud words. On All Saints day, Sir Gawain dressed in fine silk, holding his head high and boasting that he would be the bravest man to be remembered in the longest period by people of Camelot. To his astonishment, he was soon failing in his short-lived fame and heroism. He had concentrated on the materialistic objects that come with his new acquired position. He adored the shining amour than the friendships and love of fellow human beings. He loved his white fur and the shimmering steel shoes than the company of men. For that reason, his mind became preoccupied with the materialistic things due to the pride that came with his achievement. But, he lived a lonely life. The idea in these events advises human beings that pride can blind people to ignore the most important basic needs of a good and respectable life.

Falling and Learning from Pride

Additionally, pride can make a person fall without knowing but still learn that there is more to fame and high class life. When Bertilac and Sir Gawain made an agreement to return the hunted animals and Lady Guinevere tested him through sexual advances, he soon realized that he was also a human being vulnerable to fall. He fell into Lady Guinevere’s trap. The action revealed he could also be tempted like everyone else and lose his pride. He had realized that life is more than about what a person is or what he has. Additionally, he had accepted that nothing is permanent, not even the position of a hero he thought he was.

Lessons from the Poem

The author of the poem intended to reach a wide range of audience. The historical context of the writing shows that people valued morality and principality. The poem was a story to remind the members of the society that it is important to be truthful, respectful, and honorable in the right way. The lessons in the poem encourage people that even after a fall, one can still rise up and restore lost glory like Sir Gawain did. The most important issue is to learn that pride can lead to a fall, set it aside, and pay more attention to human value, life, and one’s own soul. Nevertheless, the poem also teaches that there is always light in darkness. As Horace once said, ‘they change their sky, not their soul, who rush across the sea.’ Sir Gawain proved that he is only human; he was in temptation but eventually conquered it.

June 19, 2023

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Pride Poetry Society

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