The Blind Side Movie Review

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In The Blind Side, football coach Hugh Freeze and his team faced many challenges. The film was controversial because of its portrayal of "The White Savior Narrative" - the story of a black student bowing to white authority. However, Michael appreciated the message that he was given and expressed his gratitude to his adoptive family. Ultimately, this story proves that we cannot judge a person by their appearance.

The film follows the life of Michael Oher, a black kid who was adopted by a white family. Michael Oher later became an NFL draft pick. However, this movie version zooms in on his adoptive mother, Leigh Anne Tuohy, played by Sandra Bullock. The movie plays like a focus group movie that attempts to please its audience, but ends up being patronizing. While it may be a good story, the film doesn't work very well.

The film is based on the true story of Michael Oher, who grew up in the inner city housing projects of Memphis, known as Hurt Village. In this movie, Oher grows up with an impoverished, drug-addicted mother and lives in the inner city. He learns to work hard to become an All-American offensive left tackle. The story is powerful and well-worth watching. There are so many important themes in The Blind Side.

As a teacher, Michael Oher is a great role model. As a student, he struggles to blend in at school and in public, but he is a gifted athlete. His bond with Collins is strong and his support is invaluable. The two grow closer together in the process of helping Michael. However, the book also has its fair share of unresolved issues. You will not see many characters who aren't able to work on the project.

The film is based on Michael Lewis's 2006 book, "The Other Side: Evolution of a Game". As a true story, this film tells the story of Michael Oher, who rose from obscurity to stardom as a player in the NFL. Despite his humble upbringing, Michael's life was not easy. He spent his childhood in foster care, and his mother was a drug addict. Thankfully, his life changed and he became a superstar.

Parents should be aware of the content of this film. There is some mild language and mild sexual content. There are some brief violent scenes, and references to social drinking and drug use. While this movie is recommended for a mature audience, the film does contain some violence. Moreover, some parts may be disturbing for young children. So, while parents are urged to monitor their children's viewing experience, it is best to keep in mind that it may contain some violent scenes.

June 07, 2022
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