The Analyzing of Implications

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An oath binds parties with a shared purpose

An oath binds parties with a shared purpose; in the case of the American Congress, it binds the members of the government. The members are required to follow all applicable laws and act in the best interests of the American people. Thus, the Constitution's rules must be followed by all public servants. A house member may introduce a bill that must have support from the majority to become a proposed law. The Democratic and Republican parties' members make up the American political system's framework (Smith, Roberts, & Vander Wielen, 2013).

Republicans and Democrats have different perspectives

Republicans and Democrats have different perspectives, particularly when it comes to enacting legislation. Always the majority decides on the faith of the statement presented before the members of the Congress. The oath taken is meant to restrict members from usurping power. The primary objective here is the president and the supreme court to stick to their functions. The Republicans are the majority and can influence a bill into proposed law. The bill presented before on health"Obamacare" brought discussions on whether it was constitutional or not. The bill passed into law and the Americans were mandated to take the health cover. The Republicans supported the bill as it passed through the various stages to the last.

The implications of the majority and minority dynamics in Congress

On the contrary, the Democrats (the minority) failed to defend their opinion. They regarded the bill as unconstitutional but did not reach the threshold. Hence, the majority will always make decisions in the congress.

Challenges faced by the minority in passing a bill

The implication is that the minority faces challenges when it comes to passing a bill and the majority favored. Therefore, not all stakeholders remain satisfied with decisions made by the majority. The fact observed is that the oath restricts performance of some acts and always the majority will make decisions.


Smith, S. S., Roberts, J. M., & Vander Wielen, R. J. (2013). The American Congress. Cambridge University Press.

March 02, 2023


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