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The Google glasses are devices that resemble regular eyeglasses but incorporate display systems calibrated to provide the user with an experience of seeing and partaking in live events with the device. They are similar to smartphones in that information is communicated on the screen, and the gadget features a touchpad on the side for navigating.

Wearable glasses are necessary since they are employed in a variety of settings, including the healthcare industry, education, sports, and the military, among others. The innovation uses advanced technological features to integrate all the equipment in a single wearable. The owner and innovator are Google Inc., along with the developers within the company. The devices have been in development since 2013, and various features have been integrated every year to improve the system.

The device is used in consideration of research as it provides the state of the art technology which is continuously developing. Through the analysis on this device, various findings on the software, hardware, and other technological elements can be identified and used for further development of related accessories.


The emergence of Google glasses was from the need of producing a ubiquitous computer that would have the benefits of a Smartphone and be hands-free. The first device was released in February 2013, with 2GB of RAM and 16 GB storage memory. The invention was later on improved with technological advancements for improvement. These devices are designed to incorporate various features that are beneficial and assist in both communication and entertainment. Currently, the Google devices are integrated into a touchpad, a camera, a more comprehensive display, and software known as the Glass OS. The touchpad is on one side of the glasses and helps to control the device and interact with its interface for specific purposes.

The touchpad is fitted with swipe events that enable proper interaction with the system. The Camera of the devices is High Definition and capable of recording videos of up to 720p. The display is full enough and contains both liquid silicon crystals and sequential color systems in ensuring the developed device is clear, and colors are vibrant enough. LED illumination is used to enhance lighting within the device for ease of viewing and interaction with the system. The method uses light-weight material that ensures the product is comfortable and easy to carry around. The invention is styled in a manner to suit all people, with the creative designs featuring glass that is transparent. The developers of the Google glasses have engaged in innovative ideas to incorporate social media interactions, video-calling capabilities, 3D imaging in the video calls and also voice recognition. This research will depict some of the essential features of the google glass innovation that make them outstanding. The report will outline the structure of the google glasses, the software and the hardware of the innovation and show how they interact with the technological environment.


The development of google glasses commenced earlier in 2012, with the first announcement of the device to the public in 2012 with a prototype of the device being launched and worn by Sergey Brin. The product is owned by Google Inc. and has developed since its initial launch to become amongst the most effective innovations. Soon after its development, Google engaged in a partnership with Luxottica, an Italian eyewear company to participate in the event of the frames of the devices. With the impressive designs of the Google glasses, the Nepal Government involved in the purchase and use of the google glasses as the base for tracking the poachers within the Chitwan International Park for herbs and wild animals.

Structure and Features of Google Glasses

Google Glasses is comprised of devices small enough to be compacted together and develop the wearable product. Currently, the RAM of the invention is 32GB, with a 780 mAH lithium-polymer battery. The display size is about 720 pixels. The device is separated into three essential sections, which include the central computer, the behind-the-ear battery and the display section which is on the front of the invention. According to Scotti, (2017), the screen is assembled with a PBC LCD screen that is mounted directly to the PBC. To ensure the screen is visible, the device bends the output device using optical waveguides such that the display appears to hover between the face of the individual wearing the google glasses and the screen itself.

The device is powered by a single-cell battery which is significantly small for storing power and is rated 2.1 Watt-hours. The apparatus as well contains a synaptic touchpad, inertial sensors, a camera, a microphone, speaker, the central computer and the battery pod. These are the essential parts that make up the device, and their integration results in the functioning of the device entirely. Other relevant features of the wearable include the Barometer, a dual-band 802.11n/ac WIFI, intel atom processor, accelerometer, magnetometer, proximity sensors, Bluetooth, and the gyroscope.

Software and Applications

The google glasses run on an Android-based system with the Linux Kernel at its core, an operating system known as the Google OS. The operating system is a customized version of the Android operating system to provide the different user-friendly environment of the google glasses. The customizations are what enable the google glasses to perform extra activities that the android is unable to do such as the sensor signals and tracking the sporting activities.

The google glasses run applications developed explicitly by Google Inc. However, it is evident that the google glasses can run apps designed for the Android platform with various customizations. For instance, the social networking sites such as Tumbler, Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, and Path are among the exceptions of google glasses. According to Rauschnabel, Brem, and Ivens, (2015), the wearable, at the moment, is set to work with different applications developed for the Android platform after some customizations are done. Moreover, the Google Glass Development Environment is to be released and hence allowing more application developers to target the platform.


Optical System

Google glasses use the state-of-the-art technology in the development of the optical system. The optical system for the device is comprised of the image former, the display panel, a proximal beam splitter, a viewing window and a distal beam splitter. These components are integrated together to function as a whole device capable of providing a good view of the user.

According to Pace, (2013), the display panel is designed such that it produces light patterns from the battery cell to ensure the viewed images are clear. The image former is set in such a way that the light model generated by the display panel allows it to develop a virtual model. On the other hand, the viewing window is set to direct light from outside the display window into the model former to assist in the virtual image formation under high lights, thereby ensuring the visibility of the pictures in all conditions. These components are embedded in the viewing frame of the glasses to provide that the user can view all the ideal photos handsfree.

Audio Speakers

The audio system is one of the essential components of the google glasses. Since the device is set to engage the users in conversations over online social media platforms, the audio speakers are integral. For google glasses, the technology used in the integration of the sound speakers is essential to note. For the wearable product, the head mounted display is integrated with a secondary bone-conduction audio. The device is configured with a transducer to provide vibrations to the invention, especially with the audio signals. The vibration transducer is set in such a manner that, when the device is worn, it does not vibrate the whole structure, but preferably echoes the support structure. The audio configurations, therefore, are adequate to ensure the device can be interconnected with other audio players, provide alerts and be used as a phone.

Real-time Visual Enhancement

The real-time visual enhancement is one of the most effective elements of the google glasses. With these wearable devices, zooming in is enabled to ensure that various writings that may be far away from the user's point can be zoomed and identified with the visual enhancement of the device. As such, the devices can be worn by people who may have eyesight problems, which can help to improve their vision.

The wearable device can provide a real-world visual enhancement through computation and use of lenses while adjusting their focal length in real time. The desired state of manipulation can be input from the touchpad of the Google device such that the real-time image is enhanced visually, zoomed or the clarity of the same improved. Similarly, with the advanced technological state of the invention, hand gestures can be used with the wearable to enhance the viewed image. After the manipulation of the view, the system displays the same on the display panel in a transparent manner such that it is easily readable.

Input Alternatives

To ensure the device is used for users, it is calibrated with various input devices and options to control the same with computerized machines. For instance, Scotti, (2017) notes that the Google device is configured with a touchpad resembling the mousepad on laptops, which is useful in commanding the glasses. Similarly, the wearables are set with Bluetooth and WIFI to ensure that devices with the same capabilities can control the glasses. Likewise, the Google glasses can be used to control the connected devices.

The glasses are configured with a camera capable of taking pictures and recording video in real-time. The video camera is triggered by the touchpad, gesture motions or via the connected devices that have the capability of controlling the wearables. Similarly, the device has speech and verbal commands accepted through the use of microphones inserted into the machine. As such, commands can be directly spoken to the invention including queries on google searches, running various software applications, or chatting through a video call. The microphone helps to control the device as a handsfree device.

Security Threats

One of the most significant concerns in the development of any innovative technology-oriented device is the security of the same. According to Pace, (2013), the google glasses' security is undermined by the Android-based system, which is prone to hacking through various means. One of the challenges the Android Operating System faces is the rooting of the same, which allows the user to access some of the hidden functionalities of the device that are only available to the developer and the Android Support team. The security vulnerabilities of the Android platform, therefore, are reflected the google glasses. It is imperative to note that, despite the Android operating system being vulnerable, the Google glasses have customized the same to extend more security measures to curb the issue of learning.

According to Rauschnabel, Brem, and Ivens, (2015), there is a chance of Google glasses being hacked through QR codes, rooting of the device, an injection of malicious scripts that can be used to transmit data and phish information to the hackers. As such, it is excellent controversies that the google glasses are vulnerable to hacks, thus risking personal data and other vital information. However, for the system to remain secure, it is recommended to keep the glasses connected to the internet for prompts on any necessary updates for the same. The updates contain patches to any security concerns and loopholes identified that may otherwise lead to hacking of these wearables.

Uses of the Google Glasses

Healthcare applications

The healthcare industry can utilize the google glasses for their beneficial purposes. Davis, and Rosenfield, (2015) indicate that the nursing mothers can use the google glasses with the glass breastfeeding app to understand the common issues associated with breastfeeding. A survey conducted in Melbourne, April 2014, indicate that 100% of the total participants in the use of a trial version of the application showed increased confidence in the breastfeeding of their infants (Davis, & Rosenfield, 2015). Similarly, the devices can be used in training nurses on various operation such as surgical operations which they can view from their computers and follow the procedure while recording the videos.

Journalism and Mass media

The journalism and mass media can utilize the google glasses on various occasions. For instance, the device can be used for screen reading while broadcasting live. According to Rauschnabel, Brem, and Ivens, (2015), with the wireless connectivity of the invention, it is possible to send specific information that is required for the broadcasting process and thus ensuring proper provision of necessary information. Similarly, the device can be used for live interviews with the questions being sent to the google glasses of the news presenter.

Personal Use

The Google glasses are highly used for personal activities such as check-ins, taking pictures, calling, giving direction using the maps, and for alerts. Similarly, the device is useful in playing music, doing online research for studies, reading emails, playing games, and streaming live from YouTube and other internet sites. Therefore, the device can be used for recreational purposes, educational and helpful approaches for the people with eyesight issues.


This research was aimed at providing details of some of the essential features of the google glass innovation that make them outstanding. The report also outlined the structure of the google glasses, the software and the hardware of the innovation and showed how they interact with the technological environment. The first device was released in February 2013, with 2GB of RAM and 16 GB storage memory. The invention was later on improved with technological advancements for improvement. The Google devices are integrated into a touchpad, a camera, a more comprehensive display, and software known as the Glass OS. The touchpad is on one side of the glasses and helps to control the device and interact with its interface for specific purposes. Currently, the RAM of the invention is 32GB, with a 780 mAH lithium-polymer battery. The display size is about 720 pixels. The device is separated into three essential sections, which include the central computer, the behind-the-ear battery and the display section which is on the front of the invention.

The google glasses run on an Android-based system with the Linux Kernel at its core, an operating system known as the Google OS. The operating system is a customized version of the Android operating system to provide the different user-friendly environment of the google glasses. One of the most significant concerns in the development of any innovative technology-oriented device is the security of the same. One of the challenges the Android Operating System faces is the rooting of the same, which allows the user to access some of the hidden functionalities of the device that are only available to the developer and the Android Support team. The security vulnerabilities of the Android platform, therefore, are reflected the google glasses. For the system to remain secure, it is recommended to keep the glasses connected to the internet for prompts on any necessary updates for the same. The updates contain patches to any security concerns and loopholes identified that may otherwise lead to hacking of these wearables. The devices can be used on many occasions inclusive of the healthcare industry, education, personal satisfaction, in the journalism and mass media platforms, among others. In conclusion, the innovation has been a success, and with the advancement in technology, it is evident that the google glasses will improve.


I believe the Google glasses are among the most effective innovations in the current age. The developers of these devices use the most recent technology to ensure the wearable glasses are efficient for use. The material used in the design of the frames, glasses and the equipment within the frames is professionally done as it meets the current standards in design. The hardware, therefore, meets the criteria of hardware design.

With regards to the software, it is notable that the base is Linux Kernel system, which is essential especially in preventing viruses, running multiple tasks and for improved performance. The Android layer lies on the top of the Linux Kernel, which is customized to meet the requirements of the google glasses. The security concerns that have arisen concerning the vulnerabilities of the device are essential to consider. I believe and have seen the Android platform being hacked on many occasions, which limits my assurance of the Google wearables. However, it is important to note that the updates that Google provides on the same are essential for alleviating the security threats which affect these devices.

In my opinion, the development of technology will help to improve the Google glasses and incorporate more functionalities and improve the security of the gadget. The better these devices will be, the better the market for the same. As such, I would recommend that the Google devices be improved on the software perspective to first allow for more applications to be installed and to alleviate the security threats. Google Inc. can engage in the better development of the whole system to improve the performance and more specifically, ensure the battery capacity is more substantial. Comparing the Google glasses with most of the mobile phones, it is evident that the battery capacity of the former is significantly lower than that of the phones. Hence most customers would opt for the device with a long-lasting battery.


Davis, C. R., & Rosenfield, L. K. (2015). Looking at plastic surgery through Google Glass: part 1. Systematic review of Google Glass evidence and the first plastic surgical procedures. Plastic and reconstructive surgery, 135(3), 918-928. From

Pace, S. (2013). Looking at innovation through CCT glasses: Consumer culture theory and Google glass innovation. Journal of Innovation Management, 1(1), 38-54. From

Rauschnabel, P. A., Brem, A., & Ivens, B. S. (2015). Who will buy smart glasses? Empirical results of two pre-market-entry studies on the role of personality in individual awareness and intended adoption of Google Glass wearables. Computers in Human Behavior, 49, 635-647. From

Scotti, E. (2017). A strategic analysis of the Google Glass breakthrough innovation.

May 17, 2023


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