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Hire a WriterIn a movie entitled Major League Baseball Productions, Roberto Enrique Clemente is said to have been born on the 18th of August in 1934 in Carolina-Puerto Rico. The film highlights that during his teenage, Clemente started his career at Brooklyn Dodgers. After playing baseball with zeal and ambition, he later moved to Montreal Royals after which he was invited by Pittsburgh. Throughout the movie, Roberto is seen playing wholeheartedly and showing concern to the less fortunate in the society.
In this film, Roberto hit a remarkable .311 back in 1956. The start of his career was characterized by frequent injuries, which is a situation that makes him appear playing with unrecovered wounds. Furthermore, his career shines in 1960 after hitting his stride and making a batting of .314. At this moment, he is shown achieving 16 home grounds run in the World Series. Furthermore, Roberto later spearheads the country's victory with an average of .351, which makes him to win a golden made glove for being an excellent player.
Furthermore, the film shows that during his baseball career, Clement became the best-all round player. He is awarded another three battling championships, which was fueled by his efforts of making his squad the best team in the baseball hits. The movie also displays him as a player with the best formidable arms, which had never been witnessed in the sporting events. For instance, his steady release of strong throws on the pitch amazed many people, a situation that wins him many fans as shown in the video. As the time pass, Clement gains momentum, winning a majority of the games at both local and international levels.
Furthermore, the film outlines that when Roberto was taking part in the 1971 World Series sports, he made a batting of .414 that contained two home games, which assisted his team, Pittsburgh to defeat Baltimore Orioles. To prove Clement's amazing performance in the field, a commentator is heard claiming that Clement was the first baseball player from his nation to record three thousand hits. Moreover, the movie presents Clement as a cautious player as he handles the other players from Latin with courtesy. Likewise, he humbles on the pitch, and as well as socializes with many people, regardless of their origin, ethnic groups, or experience, a character that motivates many people.
The more interesting section in the film is where Clement goes to his home ground to help the less fortunate in the society when there was a break in world sports. The enthusiastic player is observed coming up with clinics, which were aimed at helping the other baseball players. Besides, he utilizes this time to visit and socialize with his family, friends, and relatives. Moreover, he is seen being at the forefront in assisting those who were affected by a destructive earthquake at Nicaragua in 1971. All in all, Clement's adorable character wins him the hearts of many people who are always willing to interact with him.
Although the movie does not highlight every aspect of his life, what was captured is a full indication that Roberto was a hardworking man. His death came as a different story of life since he perishes while trying to assist those who were affected by an earthquake. Majorly, the movie presents Clemente as one among all-time best baseball players, thus motivating the young generation.
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