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Hire a WriterReligion can historically be traced from its roots in the mid-years, including Islam, Christianity, Judaism and many more. However, the largest and most common religions in the world are Christianity and Islam. This paper evaluates the differences between Christianity and Islam (Miner & Maureen 79).
The link between the two religions is that they both believe in a supreme divine who has a power over everything else and creates both earth and sky. For this matter, Daum recognizes real models who do not aim to hide the flaws of women but show the reasons why we should accept them in our eyes the way they are.
One of the terms used by Daum is "real women," and in this particular phrase, she not only intends to refer to females as women but also as models in their unique manner. Moreover, models assume the same roles as other humans and should give the impression of a regular woman. However, the opposing parties believe that there are different types of women. Therefore, using the word "real" favors one category while sending a negative impression for the other group of women. Daum claims that "for too long, beauty has been defined by narrow, stiffing stereotypes." Important to note is that the use of real should not reveal that one category of women occupies a higher hierarchy than others. Thus, we ought to change that perception.
Researchers have studied the relationship between money and happiness and found that money buys happiness. Money allows people to live longer, buffer themselves against harm and worry, live healthily and control the nature of their daily activities (Dunn et al., 2015). The research on happiness defines happiness as the subjective well-being of individuals. Studies have increasingly linked money with happiness. Today, most people agree that having money provides them with the happiness they need. People in the top decile of inflation are more likely than those in the ninth decile to report being happy. Although, there is consensus that after a certain income point, the happiness tapers off. However, most studies (Asadov, 2020) have not looked at those above the top decile on their satisfaction level. The link between happiness and wealth is more robust today more than in previous decades. This paper examines the principles of Islam and Christianity on the relationship between money and happiness.
Lower-income households have been found to have higher stress levels, are more likely to make poor food choices and lower life expectancy. The World Health Organization recently released information showing that mental health disorders were more common in the poor than the rich ("WHO | Mental health, poverty and development," 2020). Depression was also twice more prevalent in low-income homes than in high-income homes. The situation has caused parents to push their children to achieve more success. As a result of the pressure, many young men and women have to work two jobs to increase their income. Some result in prostitution and drug dealing to ensure that they can afford clothes, good homes and food. People who consider themselves happy report more positive than negative events in their lives ("WHO | Mental health, poverty and development," 2020). Low-income homes have trouble affording primary health care, with some homes being unable to provide three meals a day. Wealthy people have better nutrition, healthcare and more free time because they do not work as much as financially struggling individuals.
Dunn, Gilbert and Wilson (2015) argue that those to whom money does not buy happiness are not spending it correctly. They propose that wealth is an opportunity for life satisfaction but should not be a reason for people to misuse it. People often spend money on things they think will make them happy, which never do. The Quran and the Bible constantly remind believers that money and wealth are worldly and will be left behind when one dies. Both warn against greed, stating that the rich should avoid trying to earn more but instead share their earnings with the poor. The Quran also warns against theft and bribery, "O you who have believed, do not consume one another's wealth unjustly but only [in lawful] business by mutual consent." [Quran, 4:29].
In Luke 12:13-21, Jesus tells the parable of the rich fool. According to the parable, the rich man was in a dilemma, not knowing what to do because he had surplus grain but nowhere to store. The man thinks of how the grain will sustain him for many years, and he could "take life easy; eat and be merry." However, the man died that night, and those who had not prepared for themselves got his harvest. The Bible views the wealthy as sinful. The Day of Judgment will turn the social order upside down, and the poor will be blessed. Christians are asked to renounce their worldly belongings and follow Jesus. He asks his disciples to take nothing for the journey. In Islam hadith, it is told that Aisha, Muhammad's wife, adopted voluntary poverty. Some traditions state that Muhammad ordered her to take as little as rider's provision to join him. He also stated that she should be careful when associating with the rich and only considering garment worn out after it has been patched (Asadov, 2020). His wife Zaynab thought of wealth and money as temptations. She donated most of her belongings.
The saint Rabia al-Adawiyya preached voluntary poverty and entirely relying on Allah for provision. Scholar of hadith and Sharia Dawud al-Tai was said to have owned nothing but a leather water vessel, a mat of bulrushes and a brick that he tucked under the mat to sleep. Islam teaches that money should only be used to buy necessities because those who are wealthy are often ruled by the fear of losing it (Asadov, 2020). Both religions teach that lasting happiness is only found in God. Therefore those who are truly happy adhere to his teachings, pray and build a closer relationship with Him by doing good to others with intentions of pleasing Him.
Muhammad states that happiness is for those guided by Allah and who have possessions that suffice them for the day and remain content. During his early life, Prophet Muhammad did not receive revelation, and through that, God has abandoned him. God asked him, "Did He not find you an orphan and give you shelter? And He found you lost and guided you? And He found you poor and made you self-sufficient" (Qur'an 93:6-8). God reminds Mohammad of the importance of being happy with what has been provided for the day and not rushing to look for wealth. He is also taught about thanksgiving because God controls all seasons.
The Bible also speaks about wealth. In Mathew 6:26, Jesus warns his disciples against being anxious about tomorrow. He tells them that they should rely on God, like the birds of the air, which are worth less than people but are entirely provided for. Money cannot be regarded as a measure of self-worth (Deut 8:16-18; Eph 2:10). It is also not a guarantee of commitment (Ecc 5:10) or a measure of success (Josh 1:8). In the Bible, the relationship between people and money is a measure of good stewardship. For both religions, money is not the end. It is a useful object that should be managed according to higher standards. It should be used to help others rise and afford their daily upkeep. Since God owns it all, the religious are vessels who should take what God gives them and share it with those who do not have. A good believer will strive to make enough money to suit their needs and help the poor in society. The Bible maintains that the kingdom of God belongs to the poor (Luke 6.20). The worldly cares and riches prevent Christians from understanding the word, making them unfruitful (Mark 4:19).
From investigating opinions from Islam and Christianity, I have realized the money should only be a means of livelihood and should not be stacked for the future. Uncertainty is the only constant in life. There have been people who have worked their whole lives and earned a lot of money with the assumption that they will spend their money when they retire. Unfortunately, these people die young and leave the money to others who did not work hard. Today, most people have created the notion that they will not date or marry people who do not have money. There is no doubt that certain life experiences are better than others. For instance, people report being happier when listening to music than commuting to work. The nature of activities that people engage intends to impact their happiness level. It suggests that people are more likely to extract happiness from experiences than things because the former is remembered more than the latter. Additionally, Dunn et al. (2015) suggest that things derive pleasure when they are used. However, experiences bring happiness, whether they are thought of or experienced. In rare cases, specific experiences bring more joy when contemplated than consummated. Individuals will always revisit experiences, and these experiences are connected to our identities. They help form character and provide life lessons.
Extreme poverty where individuals lack basic needs and are always stressed about the next meal is not ideal. However, studies have shown that extremely wealthy people are not happy either. Experiences have different impacts on people. The constant is that the experiences do not need to be expensive to leave an impression. Dunn et al. (2015) suggest that a bicycle ride through the Canadian Arctic is not expensive but can be extremely fulfilling for nature lovers. The Bible and the Quran agree that money should only get used as a means to purchase goods. However, it should not cause boastfulness or greed. It should also be used wisely and shared with the poor to ensure that no one has too much while there are people who have too little. Muslims pray that Allah should give them wealth so that it is not compulsory if they choose to live in poverty. Christians also pray that God should provide them with wealth, but not too much that they forget his ways.
Islam and Christianity have the same principles on wealth and money. Wealth should be used wisely and gained through just means. There is no reason for greed or believers to be in a rush to find money because God will always provide what is enough for the day. Greed and lust are condemned because they lead to sin. Consequently, both religions believe that the kingdom of God belongs first to those who are poor. Instead of helping ourselves with money, it is crucial to help others as this has been shown to have psychological effects and promotes happiness. The frequent small pleasures of life beat large, infrequent ones because one is less likely to adapt to the former. The variety may include surprise, novelty uncertainty and variability, which will reduced adaptation. People derive more pleasure from these habits, and therefore, one feels happier for longer.
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