Patagonia: An Environmentally Responsible Business

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Assessing the performance of an organization is pegged on various fundamental factors. The case study of Patagonia’s struggle to balance all aspects of its output and performance is a clear example of how business environment contributes to the positioning of a company in the market. Growing business in a setting that requires adherence to the statutory laws and regulations forces an organization to develop strategies that reflect the interests and needs of all the different stakeholders. Patagonia’s business policies and mission focus on maintaining equality in all business units without negligence of any aspect of growth (O’Rourke & Strand, 2017). The government establishes regulatory measures to control and monitor the operations of businesses. Patagonia, existing in an environment where adherence to the set business requirements is a necessity is therefore no different. Therefore, through the business initiatives, focus on keeping up to task with the latest technology and innovation, providing products that are in congruence with the environmental laws, is prescribed.

Patagonia’s business is premised on the production of products that are not only sustainable but are considerate of the present and future issues regarding environmental protection. Societal demands and concerns are founded on the need for businesses to foster healthy environment by controlling pollution and unwanted discharges. Therefore, Patagonia’s operations must conform to the agreed societal concerns on community development and improvement. Hence, integrating the underlying issues ranging from societal expectations to governmental regulations while maintaining the quality and being cost-effective, has an issue of concern for the outwear producing company (O’Rourke & Strand, 2017). Due to the emerging issues from different stakeholders regarding the utilization of durable water repellants, the Patagonia has had to reestablish new innovations to cater for the concerns without affecting the business aspect. Their continued presence in the environment after disposal due to the carbon elements included has led to the toxicity issues arising from their usage. Backed up by the strong mission and the need not to compromise on its business integrity while producing the best products, the company has redefined its approach to addressing the problem with the aim of maintaining quality and improving the emissions to the atmosphere.

However, the shift towards less harmful products by Patagonia has faced various challenges bordering on the maintenance of the required standards as well as achieving market leadership. The call by environmental agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency to adhere to the policies of a clean environment and production of friendly products to the environment has observed less implementation by the Patagonia (O’Rourke & Strand, 2017). Through the use of the longer chains of fluorocarbon treatments composed of the C8s, the company has risked on its approaches to environmental security. The studies conducted by the innovation sectors of Patagonia show that the implementation of the plan to eliminate the usage of the C8 treatment for outwear would result to negative implications on the durability and the expected market value of the products. As such, with these strong concern over its production mechanisms, the company has invested in research to enable the development of best alternatives to replace the C8 fluorocarbons. Collaborations with other research institutions have enhanced the initiation of new technologies to ensure the production of commodities that reflect the societal demands on environmental control.

Investment into innovative ideas that reduce the overall impact of the current means of production on the environment has been substantial by the Patagonia management to ensure reduced harmful substances. Through the supply chain, emphasis on the quality has been promoted at the expense of sticking to the environmental regulations. However, despite the adequate research, development of close substitutes to the effective and durable carbon treatments has been challenging (O’Rourke & Strand, 2017). Focusing on functional and design aspects of the products from Patagonia has not only reduced the energy towards the maintaining of ethical commodities as per the set requirements but also contributed to the ongoing environmental issues. Sustainable product development should keenly any anticipated environmental courses in addition to answering all the set standards by the different stakeholders. As such, addressing the social issues by Patagonia has not been as effective considering the policy-making articulates other prominent aspects of customer value and satisfaction (O’Rourke & Strand, 2017). Therefore, for a balanced approach to sustainable innovation that not only addresses the cost implications of a particular product on the part of the business but also analyzes the ethical impacts on society, is more appropriate.

Promotion of mechanisms to oversee the reduction of emissions to the environment has been progressed by the use of advanced technology in terms of software developed by the Patagonia. Such changes are in response to the requirements by both governmental and non-governmental agencies which monitor the amount of pollution emanating from industries of the magnitude of Patagonia (O’Rourke & Strand, 2017). Therefore, the operations of Patagonia must be in line with the requirements and regulations from the government and relate to the society’s expectations. The utilization of such means to adhere to emission regulations are meant to provide more information on their workability to ascertain for more investments in controlling the environmental issues. Nonetheless, despite the attempts to achieve a balanced state in all aspects of business growth, the Patagonia has significantly failed to develop measures to assure for better environmental impacts from their product. The bargain on the promotion of quality and integrity in production may result in continued underachievement in social policy execution.


O’Rourke, D., & Strand, R. (2017). Patagonia: Driving Sustainable Innovation by Embracing Tensions. California Management Review, 60(1), 102-125.

January 19, 2024

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