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Hire a WriterIndians were the first people to live on the continent of North America, dating back to the time when mammoths roamed the continent. At that time, the Indians primarily relied on gathering wild fruits like prickly pears and hunting wildlife. Their way of life changed over time as a result of both human and natural forces. The disappearance of bigger game, such as the mammoth, forced the Indians to settle for smaller game meat from animals like hares and even snakes4, which drastically altered their way of life. The coming of the European settlers was a human process that had a major impact on the lives of the Indians. There were constant struggles between the Indians and the white settlers which resulted to the Indians being driven further south into Texas.
Thesis statement
The coming of the European settlers made the Indians to be victims of circumstances in their native land
There are many Indian tribes that eventually ended up in Texas at a point in history. The tribes mainly functioned19 separately, and there were instances where there were intertribal warfare and alliances. Each of the tribes functioned had a different role to play in the history of what is now known as the state of Texas, a name that was derived from the language of one of the Indian tribes.5
The Alabamans and the Coushatta’s were two distinct tribes. However, with the similarities in their culture, they were considered to be one tribe. Their migration into Texas began around the year 1763, and they moved from where Alabama is located presently to the big thicket are in the southeastern region of Texas20. The fact that they led peaceful lives should not be mistaken for lack of skill of warfare.thealabamas and the Coushatta’s engaged in campaigns that were against the Kara Aswan Sass as well as the Fredonia rebellions. In the year 1839, the Alabama and the Coushatta’s were able to drive the Comanche tribe out of their territorial region38.
When the reservation policy was introduced, the Alabama moved in the year 1853 to Polk County in a reservation. Six years later in 1859, the Alabama were joined by their counterparts the Coushatta’s in the same reservation1. The two tribes were of a greater contribution during the civil war as they helped in the transportation of weapons. Their contribution in the civil war was acknowledged by some of the confederate governors such as Francis r. Lubbock and Pendleton Murray7. However, a turning point in the 1070s occurred when the culture that they had preserved for so long was threatened to perish with an influx of white settlers that was so high8.
The changes that affected the lives of the Alabamans and the Coushatta’s impacted the economic and spiritual lifestyle. The tribe became specialized in burgeoning lumbering as well as assimilating into the Christian religion4. Fortunately, at this time, Mr. Livingstone J.C Fagin strongly advocated on behalf of the tribes for an increment in the land available for cultivation and facilities of education10. It was not until the 1920s that the efforts of Mr.Feagin started paying back when the federal government bought an addition of 3000 acres to the Alabama and Coushatta’s with additional of educational facilities, hospitals, and a gymnasium3. The federal government also recognized the tribes under the Indian reorganization act in the year 1934 bringing the matters of the two tribes under the federal government5.
Nacogdoches and the Rusk counties of the present were where the Anadarko Indians. The Anadarko later moved to the Brazos Indian reservation in the year 1854 and later to the Indian Territory in the year 18599. The reason of their movement was the impact of the diseases and the results of warfare from the other tribes that were fiercer. The movement was, therefore, to search for calmness and an area that had no interference with the white settlers.
The Apaches had established dominion in the west of Texas with a vast region between Arkansas and Arizona18. There were two groups of the apache that were of key importance, the Lipan’s and the Mescalero. These two groups were among the first to learn the skill of riding horses. The riding of the horses was important for them as they lived a nomadic life as they followed the game, especially buffalo13. They complimented there nutritional diet by agriculture. The apache planted several crops including pumpkins, corn, watermelons, and beans. 1700 saw changes in the way the apache conducted their activities as the Spanish settlers arrived17. They conducted numerous raids on the Spanish missions, but later, they had to form alliances with the Spanish to get protection from the Comanche’s14.
The apache also took advantage of the arrival of the Anglo-American into Texas. The Comanche’s had caused the apache a lot of problems and cultivating a friendship relationship between them, and the Anglo-American seemed to be the best solution. However, the relationship went sour after the killing of a Lipan chief known as Flacon the younger in 1842. The murder was believed to have been done by the whites16. The apache then crossed to the Mexico border where they began causing chaos. Us army under the colonel Ronald s. Mackenzie was sent to deal with the apache destroying their villages11. Those that survived were taken to reserve in New Mexico
On the westward side, the Arapahos occupied the present-day Nebraska, Dakotas, and Colorado up to the Rockies. On the eastern side, the Arapahos occupied the area around the region of Arizona and Kansas11. Nomadism was their mode of life as the followed the game while hunting it. They were mainly known for hunting the buffalo. Socially they had developed a good friendship with the people of the southern Cheyenne15. The Comanche’s were their rivals due to competition that arose from the same nomadic lifestyle leading to disagreements over the extent of individual territories in the late eighteenth century and the nineteenth century. The differences between the Arapahos and the Comanche’s had to be resolved by 1840 so that they could join forces against the invasion of the Americans. A series of confrontations between our army and the Arapahos were moved to Wyoming in a reservation to host the survivors and the remnants of the confrontations. Another reservation was built near Oklahoma City in the year 1869 to host the tribe branch from the south12.
From the Biloxi tribe of the Indian is where the name of the Biloxi region near Mississippi was adopted from. The Biloxi region is where the Biloxi tribe encountered the European settlers for the first time. Their migration westward was because they wanted to avoid the interference from the white settlers around the 1760s the year 1823, the majority of the Biloxi tribe had settled along the river Natchez29. The Biloxi were caught in the war of 1839 that made the Cherokees be driven out of Texas because they were close allies with the Cherokees... after they were the Biloxi were scattered with some opting to follow the Cherokees to Arkansas while some saw it better to follow the Alabama and Coushatta’s, the checkrows and some went as far as the bracket Ville and some eventually settled in Nacimiento, a place in Mexico.
There were a group of people living around the red river in Texas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma21. The groups were around twenty-five in total, and they were referred to as the caddo.thecaddo were exeunt farmers of corn and made beautifully; ceramics in their complex organization of the societies they lived in. the coming of the Europeans made the Caddo change their economic activity from agriculture and pottery to trading. The main items of trade were horses, guns, and guts and they trade with the Europeans as well as other Indians. To try and escape the relentless American pressure of expansion, the Caddo moved to the area around brazzo.after the establishment of the reserves, the caddis were moved to a reservation in the year 1855 and were later moved to the Indian Territory in a reservation in the year 185930.
The Cherokees lived in the southeastern region around Missouri. The effect of war and major epidemics, some of the Cherokees migrated willingly to the west in places such as Texas, Arkansas with the hope they would preserve their culture. Some who had opted to remain in the southeastern region experienced forceful removal into the Indian Territory in what was called the trail of tears22.
The Cherokees lived near the red river as they became pushed by the settlement of the Americans. In the year 1820, around a hundred and twenty families under the reign of the chief dual settled near the caddis in the Rusk region. As more and more Americans settled close to them, there was no little test between the Cherokees and the Americans. The Cherokees, therefore, developed a friendship with Mexico to safeguard the ownership of their land. The friendship that they had made with Mexico is what made them maintain a neutral position during the Texas revolution28.
There was, however, a forceful advocate for the Cherokee tribe. Sam Houston was a member of the tribe through adoption, and he helped in the negotiation that the tribe is allocated a permanent reserve in the east of Texas. The demands were however not met by the congress of texas.the reign of president Lamar saw the Cherokees engaging in war against Texas. In the year 1839, the Cherokees were defeated and then taken to the Indian Territory22.
The Cheyenne’s were traditionally agriculturalists practicing agriculture in the black hills region. After they learned about horses, they changed their lifestyle and adopted the nomadic culture while they pursuit of buffalo. Together with their close allies the Arapahos, they dominated the land between Platte and Arkansas rivers.thekiowa, apache and the Comanche’s were the traditional enemies of the Cheyenne’s, and the disputes that they had had were resolved in 1840. The 1850s saw the existence of differences within the Cheyenne’s community regarding the problems that their community was facing27. The Cheyenne’s then enjoyed relative peace fir about ten years where their main focus was trading with the Americans, Mexicans and other Indian tribes. The community was dealing with the disease of cholera, declination of the population of buffalo as well as the threat by the expansion of the Americans on their camping sites and their grounds of hunting23. Some of the chiefs opted to hold peaceful negotiations with the Americans while yet another section,commonlyreffered to as the dog soldiers relentlessly waged wars on the americans.The us army was engaged in a number of war engagements that were meant to crush the southern Cheyenne’s. There were two places where the battles are known to have taken place, the battle at sand creek in 1864 and at the red river in 1868. These battles led to the Cheyenne’s moving and settling at a reservation in Oklahoma.
The Chickasaws .happened to be among the most prosperous tribes of Indians in America before the relocated to Texas26. Their previous habitation included areas of Kentucky, tennessea, Mississippi and Alabama. They depended on both hunting and agriculture for their survival.theywere the first to encounter the Spanish in the middle of the sixteenth centaury. In the 1840s, the Chickasaws were forced to move to the Indian Territory in Oklahoma after they had tried to resist the American invasion on their land. Some of the members of the Chickasaws refused to settle in the reservation area and they ended up settling around the red river in Nacogdoches. They were heavily terrorized by the raiding by the Comanche’s and the government offered to increase in the security in the red river in the bird’s fort treaty of 184324. During the civil war, the Chickasaws were on the side of the confederacy and they soon lost their culture after the war as their territory served as a passage for traders.
The coahuiltecans are a combination of several small numbers of Indians that resided in the region of northern Mexico and to the south of texas.due to their position placed between the Spanish on the southern side and the apache on the northern side; their traditions and safety were endangered respectively. The apache who was stronger would raid them and their only hope was to adopt the Spanish life in the Spanish mission stations, the coahuiltecans therefore lost most of their culture during the process of assimilation25.
Thecomanches were a powerful and strong Indian tribe. The Comanche were comprised of active bands that totaled to not less than eight with five of those bands being key members that shaped the history of Texas. The Comanche’s controlled trade and the trade items that were sold. The goods that were mainly sold were agricultural produce, products from buffalo and horses. The Comanche’s contributed to the trade items as they were expert hunters and they had many horses that they used in hunting. The eighteenth century was characterized with constant raids by the Comanche’s on the Spanish. The problem escalated until in 1785 where the Spanish made a peace treaty with the Comanche’s39. The peace treaty was not honored by the spays for long and the Comanche’s resumed their raiding on the Spanish.
Soon after the Texas revolution, some of the Americans wanted to settle on the plans of Texas on the western region. This area was inhabited by the Comanche’s and they strongly refused the Americans from encroaching onto their land. Both sides would not give the struggle as the Comanche launched attacks against the frontier while the frontier stood their ground and retaliated. It was during the reign of his Excellency president Mirabeau Lamar that the conflicts reached their peak. The strategy that President Lamar used was successful as it succeeded in driving the Comanche to the west of the red river but at large collateral damage to both sides of the struggle. The diseases however overpowered the Comanche tribe and their number was greatly reduced30. Due to the decrease I their number, the Comanche ended up in the Indian Territory in Oklahoma while some were adamant and they managed to counter the spread of the Americans west of the Texas hill country
In the 1870s, the Comanche tribe waged wars at the hunters of buffalos at place known as adobe walls. This act by thecomanches triggered a retaliation reaction from the us army that was led by the colonel Ronald Mackenzie. The us army destroyed the horses that the Comanche people had rendering them powerless as the culture of the Comanche could not survive without the existence of their horses. They had become heavily dependant on the horses to do the hunting and raiding which was not possible after destruction of their horses. The red river war ended in paloduro and the comancestarted a transition that will have an eventuality of them living a reservation life30.
The river Delaware region was the ancestral land for the Delaware Indian tribe. The effect of the white settlers and the diseases made them to relocate to Missouri and Kansas area. In the year 1868, the Delaware’s were taken to the Indian territory located in Oklahoma. Some of the remnants of the Delaware’s were merged with the Cherokee to form the Cherokee nation.
The Delaware settled around the Sabine and the red river. The Delaware’s acted as scouts for the frontier during Sam Houston. However, during the reign of Mirabeau Lamar, the Delaware’s found them immersed in the war of the Cherokees. After the wars, some of the Delaware’s went to the Indian Territory where they merged with the nation of Caddo. Some of the Delaware’s were left behind in Texas and they served the purpose of being guides for expeditions.
The hessian confederacy was made of around eight groups that resided in Arkansas and to the east of Texas38. One of the tribe that was a member of the hessian confederacy was the heinous tribe. Their economic activities ranged from fishing, agriculture and game hunting of both small animals as well as large animals like the buffalo. Their traditions and their lives were heavily impacted on by the pressure from the spread of the Americans. Other tribes also waged us on the heinous. The effect of diseases also had a major impact on the lives of the heinous greatly reducing their numbers. A factor that affected the tradition of the heinous was alcoholism. One of the contributions that they had on the history of Texas was deriving the name of Texas from their greeting, teas.
The humans refers to a tribe of Indians that was made up of groups they were located on the northern side of Mexico, New Mexico, and southern Texas. The humans were probably the first group of Indians to encounter the Europeans daring an exploration in the year the 1600s, the jumanosresisited the Spanish but eventually started collaborating with them I carrying out trade, the jumanos would organize trade with the Spanish and the other Indian tribes. By the 1960s, the population of the humans started decreasing douse to effects of disease, famine and war from the apache who bordered them in the northern side. After the Cherokee war, the humans had lost their trade routes and traditions and began being assimilated into other tribes. It is believed that the humans are the origin of the kiwi’s tribe in Texas31.
Related groups leaving off the coast of the ocean line from Galveston Corpus Christi were given the name karankawas. Their mode of life was nomadic as they would move from the mainland to the islands around the Gulf of Mexico, remaining at the campsite for only a few weeks. They also encountered the Europeans early in the sixteenth centaury after the survivors of a ship wreck that originated from Spain were washed ashore. One of the survivors the ship wreck was Alva Nunez. Nunez stayed with the Indians for several years and then left. In the late seventeenth centaury, the karankawas attacked the French and wiped them out near fort sty. Louis in Matagorda.
The French and the Spanish attempted again to establish settlements along the coast during the 1700s. Thecomanches and the Tonkawa have also exerted pressure on the karankawas. The results of the interaction were war and diseases that reduced the indianpopulation.thekarankawas experienced a bad defeat after they attacked a compound belonging to a pirate known as jean Lafitte.stephen Austin led an operation whose main aim was to exterminate the karankawas in the year 182422. A peaceful operation was negotiated by the Spanish priest but the population of the tribe of the karankawas was experiencing a steady decline.nepomuceno Cortina led a Texan force against the karankawas in 1858 after they had settled in the riogrande valley in the 1840s37.
Settling along the Louisiana-Texas border, the kichais were a small Indian tribe that resided along the trinity and red river. Their population was greatly impacted on by diseases and wars. By the 1840s, they kichais had already established settlement around the present day Palestine but they later moved to the brazes reservation in the year 1855. In 1858, the kichais moved from the brazes region after war broke out and they moved to the Indian Territory where they joined the Wichita’s.
The tribe of Kiowa’s originated from the present Yellowstone region. After the introduction of the horse, the Kiowa’s gained better mobility and they moved southwards into Texas. The Kiowa’s were a powerful tribe and only comparable to the Comanche’s who were also much feared among the Indian tribes31. In the late eighteenth century, the Kiowa’s were able to bring an agreement between themselves and the Comanche which they used the friendship together with the alliance of the Arapahos to hold back against the invasion of the Americans on the plains. The warren wagon train raid which was also known as the salt creek massacre was organized by the Kiowa’s after which two of its leaders, satanta and big tree were tried. The Kiowa’s were then forced into the fort sill reservation in Oklahoma.
The great lakes region of Lake Ontario, Huron, and Erie was the origin of the kickapoos.beforetexas as a republic was formed; a portion of the Kickapoo had migrated southwards and settled in Texas where they became allies of the Cherokees. Being allies with Cherokees made them to be victims of the war that President Lamar had waged on the Cherokees. The Kickapoo escaped to Mexico where they befriended the Mexican government while they started being engaged in raids ageist the southern Texas territory
At the period of the civil war, some of the members of the Kickapoo tribe who were from Kansas and from the Indian territory in Oklahoma, travelled through Texas to be united with the rest of the members of the Kickapoo tribe in Mexico.32 At dove creek, three bands of the Kickapoo were attacked by the conche confederate whom you Kickapoo managed to fight off and contain with their journey. The battle at dove creek worsened the situation at the borderline as the border raids by the Kickapoo intensified.
The us government sent Colonel Ronald Mackenzie to northern Mexico to bring the situation under control.36 The army under the colonel captured the most vulnerable members of the tribe: women, children, and the elderly who were taken to a fort named Gibson in the Indian Territory. These prisoners were meant to make the Kickapoo to surrender most of which did not. Those that did not surrender continued living their lives in El Nacimiento area of northern Texas.
Paraná Muskogee
Pakanamuskogees have their origin traced as being part of the creek or the Muskogee Indians. They came from the Louisiana and Alabama region being neighbors with the Alabamans and the Coushatta’s and settled in the ontolaska region. A combination of factors of diseases, intermarriages and wars led to the reduction of the pajama Muskogee tribe to the extent where they totaled forty-two members in the year 1882. In 1889, they were settled in the Indian Territory in Oklahoma.33
Thepotawatomi trace their origin to the area around the great lakes closer to the green bay. In the middle of the nineteenth century the potawatomimigrated southwards with some of the settling around the region of Oklahoma and Kansas. Some of the members continued with their journey southward and ended up settling at the fare between the Sabine and the Trinity River.34 The members of the Potawatomi allied themselves with the members of the Kickapoo tribe and they eventually ended up being involved in the dove creel massacre.
Shawnees migrated to escape the invasion of the American settlers from the Ohio region and the Cumberland valley of Kentucky. The Shawnees then settled on the lower bank of the red river where they continued with their culture of hunting during the season of winter and cultivating crops during the warm seasons. They planted squash, corn, and beans. They maintained friendly and peaceful relationships with their amercing, Mexican and indianneighbours.35 In 1832, the Shawnees assisted the Mexicans to fight the Comanche’s under the leadership of chief john linnet.
A treaty was made in 1836 with the Shawnees and President Sam Houston which set aside the land for use by the Shawnees tribe and several other Indian tribes. The treaty failed to be ratified by the senate of texashowever.during the Cherokee war of the year 1839 the Shawnees maintained a neutral position in the war as they hoped to retain their culture. In 1840, the Shawnees received payment to relocate to the Indian Territory in Oklahoma.
The tawakoniswere living between Waco and Palestine. When they settled in medicate were participants in attacks on Spanish mission stations at santacruz de san Saba.36 They were also included in a number of treaties that had been made with both the United States and the Texas republic. In the year 1859, the Tawakonis relocated to the Wichita reservation, Indian Territory in Oklahoma.
The togas are descendants from a revolt that occurred Mexico against the Spanish invasion in Mexico in the seventeenth centaury. The king of Spain had ordered that the togas be given a portion of land that they were to occupy along the border of Texas and Mexico.2 The togas were then robbed of their land b traders. To get a claim at the land that had belonged to them, the tiguasfist of all won acknowledgement as a tribe and then proceeded to make their claim of the land in the 1960.
The Tonkawa’s represents several independent groups that settled in central Texas.17 They had been in constant conflict with the apache and this made them to have problems with a lifestyle of pursuing buffalos as nomadic hunters. The Tonkawa’s contributed greatly to the destruction of the santacruz de san Saba Spanish mission station as the rebelled against the Spanish. The war leader who was known by the name El Mocha was killed and the Tonkawa’s became peaceful. The Tonkawa’s allied with the Stephen Austin and the aided the defeat of the Comanche’s and the Wichita’s by the Americans.
From the 1850s, the Tonkawa’s suffered a series of misfortunes. While they were living in their reservation in Young County, they were attacked by white Texans forcing them to migrate to the Indian Territory. While they were still in the Indian Territory they were attacked by a combination of Indian tribe including the Wichita’s. They came back to Texas and found work as scouts for the American army. They stayed in Texas until the Indian wars ended and then they went back to living in the Indian Territory.8
The wakes were a practiced a lifestyle that was half nomadic and half sedentary. During the winter they practiced nomadic following buffalo while they cultivated a combination of crops including squash, corn, and watermelons. The wakes branched from the Wichita’s and the had settled in the region of brazes.6
The Wichita was a tribe that comprised of various groups that resided along the red river near narcotic, and Kansas.3 They were a combination of the hunters and farmers. They also participate in trade and it was most successful during both the era of the Mexicans and the Spanish. They acted as middlemen in between the Comanche’s and the Spanish traders. The raid on santacruz de san Saba that was conducted also included the Wichita’s who also attacked San Antonio severally. After diseases and wars deprived their population the ability to grow, the Wichita’s were settled in the Indian Territory.
For the Indian tribes who lived in Texas, engagement in wars was inevitable. There are a number of reasons that have been put forward as explanation for the wars among the Indian tribes. Initially the Indians were living through the northern continent of America where they were spread out and resources were abundant.7 After the coming of the Europeans, the Indians moved to the southern part of the continent towards Texas so that they could avoid the spread of the British on the upper side of the continent. They also did not move southwards past Texas into Mexico to avoid the influence of the Spanish. The Indian tribes ended up seedling in Texas in between the two categories of the Europeans. The new land of Texas that they had settled in was small and it also brought with it a lot of competition for the resources that were available.
The Indian tribes depended on land for various reasons. For some of the tribes, they planted crops such as corn, beans, squash, melons, and pumpkins. To carry out agriculture, the Indian tribes required land. The other Indian tribes required hunting grounds where they could hunt game for their food they mainly hunted buffalo and other smaller game. Apart from those tribes that wholly depended on either crops or hunting, some Indian tribes depended on both the crops and the game meat they obtained from hunting.8 With all the need for land that was not enough to be used for them all, they ended up fighting so that the individual tribes could have most of the land that they could use for their economic activity.
The Indians also were engaged in various wars with the Europeans. The Americans also seek to settle in the region of Texas where majority of the Indians were. The Americans were further pushing the limit of the resources for the Indians by wanting to settle in Texas. The Indians therefore organized themselves to retaliate the invasion by the Americans as they were well aware that an increase in population will result in higher competition for the available resources. On the southern side of Texas, the Indians fiercely engaged the Spanish people who also wanted to settle in the Texas region. Besides wanting to settle in Texas, the Spanish also wanted to assimilate the Indians in Texas by building mission stations. The Indians wanted to preserve their culture and they therefore attacked the Spanish missions. An example of such an incidence was the raid that was carried out on the Santa Cruz de san Saba.
The Indians also experienced victimization by the Europeans and later by the American government. It was during the coming of the Europeans into Texas that the Indians started experiencing diseases that they had not previously encountered. The diseases heavily impacted on the population of the Indians as they had no traditional ways of treating the diseases. The fact the diseases had not been present before the coming of the Indians and also that the Europeans were not greatly affected by the presence of the disease insinuates that the diseases could have been intentionally to reduce the population of the Indians.8 The Europeans realized that the only way they could reduce the resistance of the Indians was to reduce their population. The Indians had a very good knowledge of the terrain of Texas and engaging them in battle would be a risky affair.
The Indians were also victimized by the American government after there had been overpowered in battle which were mainly led by Colonel Ronald Mackenzie. The reign of president Lamar saw many Indians being brutally engaged in battles with the us army. The Indian survivors were then taken to live in reservation in Oklahoma a region that was referred to as the Indian Territory. The effect of that action was that it resulted in more land in Texas for Americans to settle in while the Indians were congested and concentrated in the reservations. The Indians being concentrated in the reservations also ensured that there would babe no resistance as it was easy to control them especially as some of them were placed in forts. The government was violating the freedom of movement for the Indians as they were not allowed to settle freely in any other part as it should be.
For the Indian tribes that were settled in Texas, formation of alliances was a paramount thing that happened once in a while. The alliances were formed because of various reasons depending on individual Indian tribes and the conditions that prevailed at a certain time. One of the reasons why the Indians formed alliance was that the alliances offered security and safety for the weaker Indian tribes when they allied themselves with the stronger Indian tribes. The stronger Indian tribes also enjoyed more security and power by having an addition of a population that would greatly contribute warriors in times of need. The allied forces could therefore carryout raids successfully because of their high numbers without the fear of defeat.
Another reason for the formation of alliances is that it also increased the resistance of the Indians against the encroachment of the American into Texas. If the Indian tribes were to retaliate against the invasion of the Americans into the Texas region, they would have easily been defeated by the Americans.7 Merging up with other Indian tribes ensured that the Indians stood a better chance of resisting the Americans. The Arapahos formed an alliance with the Comanche’s and together they resisted the Americans. The success of the Arapahos and the Comanche preventing the Americans from moving west of the hills county can be attributed to the alliance of the Comanche’s and Arapahos forming an alliance which made them stronger.
The information concerning the Indians contains a lot of controversies, gaps, and missing links. The reason for the gaps in the information of the histo
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