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150 views 2 pages ~ 362 words
Circque du Soleil

Cirque du Soleil is a Canadian entertainment company that specializes in theatrical production. It is based in based in ...

78 views 7 pages ~ 1833 words
San Francisco (Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair)

1. “Summertime” – Janis Joplin version and then the Broadway version (treat as one song) “Summertime” – Broadway version...

195 views 8 pages ~ 1960 words
Crime Scene Investigation

The evolution of man has been marred by both great deeds and bad consequences that are slowly becoming a part of the soc...

243 views 2 pages ~ 284 words
Edna's Pursuit of Independence

In the 19th century, women were perceived to be solely home-makers. Their primary duty was to take care of their kids an...

213 views 4 pages ~ 898 words
Julia Ward Howe, The Battle Hymn of the Republic, 1862

At first, the song seems like a Christian worship song, which does not match with the title. Based on the title, one exp...

128 views 3 pages ~ 578 words
The Use of Music in A Streetcar Named Desire

Tennessee Williams employs music in his literature, “A Streetcar Named Desire” to symbolize specific themes and to set t...

279 views 4 pages ~ 940 words
Ignatious Sancho

The overall website aims at educating its users on notable black British writers from mid-19th century and earlier. This...

127 views 6 pages ~ 1440 words
Native American Music Culture

Culture refers to certain social behavior that runs in a society. Culture includes the beliefs, practices, codes of cond...

215 views 2 pages ~ 363 words
The Russian Music System

Russian people are primarily eastern even though there are a number of them who have the Turkish, Finnish or even Siberi...

289 views 2 pages ~ 518 words
The Emergence and Reception of Rock and Roll in America

The emergence and reception of rock and roll in America back in the 1950s had a significant influence on the people’ cul...

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