Monsters Definition

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The popular question is what crosses the mind at the mention of the phrase monster? Apparently, there is division on the comprehension of the word with many associating it with some dark forces and undead creature they heard of in a movie. The confusion has thus created the want to examine the understanding of the concept of monster. Originally, the phrase monster is thought to have been derived from the Latin word monstrare that means to display or monere that implies to warn (University of Cambridge). In essence, monsters serve to reveal a given issue and portend an illustration to a given audience however usually in an uncomfortable manner (University of Cambridge). The modern-day portrayal of the gothic monsters has not changed much because the thought of such gothic creatures shed fear even though they are usually symbolic in nature.
The subject of the portrayal of the concept of a monster and monstrosity is a broad one considering the beliefs that are associated with them. I have developed to believe that monsters are gothic beings that are meant to scare people and that have a bad omen whenever they are sad to have appeared. I believe that they are associated with some negative supernatural powers and are enemies to humans with some having the ability to feed on the human blood. I, however, believe that the fear of monsters and the concept of monstrority is a subject of desire and the perception that one has. For a long time in my childhood and early adulthood, I would be glued to the television watching them even though I thought in my mind that they are scary. It thus boils down to the perception that one has about them as a whole.
It thus creates the impression as a culture, we have branded monsters with a scary tag that makes literally incorporates fear, anxiety, fantasy, and desire. It is plausible to think that as monsters are created for a particular audience, then they are made to fit the particularities of the audience that they represent. The thinking is rational because in many cases, monsters are perceived in the rational world. It appears that he society makes one think that fictional monsters reflect the fear in a society and in the context in which they have been created and are often portrayed as the antagonist. They thus appear to act as an antithesis of a given culture’s values, a factor that could be used to explain why they are feared. The fact that they are geared to particular people is also a key factor in the examination of the concept of monster has spread and understood. They can be used to reveal the words that are specific to the culture in which they belong.
It thus creates the question of where monsters come from they are largely fictional creates. It is understood that a monster is born only at the metaphoric crossroads because they act as an embodiment of that particular culture (Hampshire). They are thus created based on the consideration of time, feeling, culture and place. The creation is thus purely in response to a given historical or cultural context of the society that believes in its origin (Hampshire). The subject of monsters thus revolves to the question of where the stories usually come from if at all they exist. In an article published in the Wall Street Journal, it is clarified that most are a result of fiction with the intention of passing a given message (Braudy). The message is usually supernatural in nature so that one is made to think about life in the afterlife (Braudy). Thus, it is primarily a result of fiction that monsters exist in the first place.

The question of what monsters are made of has also resonated in the mind of many enthusiasts on the subject because it is equally critical to the understanding of the subject as a whole. Usually, they are thought of as a plant or an animal of an abnormal form that assumes a strange tarrying shape (Radford). Apparently, what constitutes a monster is embedded in the mind of whoever is watching it because as stated before, they are usually illusion created for the moment. For example, Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization once examined the tissues of an animal that was thought to be a monster and established that it was not a monster, but instead an animal called a Texas coyote (Radford).
In summary, therefore, it is critical to examine what monsters tend to symbolize in truth. There are many issues that monsters represent including acting as a symbol of a parent-child relationship. It could act as a moral obligation reminder to scare parents about their children. Sometimes they symbolize the human nature so that it can direct rage only to those that it targets as the immoral in the society. Therefore, what we perceive as symbols resolve to the context in which they are made to exist (Donovan).

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Works Cited
Braudy, Leo. “Where Our Monsters Come From.” The wall street journal (2016): n. pag. Web.
Donovan, Patricia. “Why We Create Monsters.” UB Reporter. N.p., 2011. Web.
Hampshire, Kathryn. “Where Do Monsters Come From?” Bsudlr. N.p., 2015. Web.
Radford, Benjamin. “How Monsters Are Made.” live science. N.p., 2007. Web.
University of Cambridge. “What Is a Monster?” University of Cambridge (2017): n. pag. Web.

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