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Hire a WriterOne of the principles that can be used with the case study that is being provided is goal theory. The case study makes it evident that Big Foot Entertainment wants to increase its market share in the theaters. The studio must instill this kind of motivation in its employees if it is to accomplish the goal. Employees that are knowledgeable about the direction that their company is taking will be driven to see that the goal is accomplished. By purchasing the largest share capitalization at one of the biggest theater chains in the US, Carmike Cinemas, the company has already made clear that it intends to be one of the largest theater chains in the United States. Thus, it is quite easy to impart a goal-oriented attitude in the minds of its employees.
The other applicable principle in our case study is the expectancy theory. The principle supposes that individuals and or groups are stimulated to execute certain tasks as long as they are likely to yield valuable outcomes. For instance, an employee who is sure of a reward for enhanced performance will work harder to achieve it. Given the competitive nature of the film production industry, Bigfoot Entertainment management ought to tune the minds of its employees into believing that rewards are commensurate with the effort exerted. In line with this theory, the recruitment process should be at its best to ensure that only the top brass employees are hired. From there, the firm can train the personnel and provide many attractive rewards. Lastly, the management ought to show the linkage that exists between efficiency and rewards.
Question 2
One of the factors that motivate Michael Gleissner is the ability and suitability film in financing and development. The other factor is the ready market, particularly in Philippines, where Bigfoot Entertainment is headquartered.
Question 3
One of the factors that motivate people to enroll in IAFT is the availability of opportunities in the film production industry, for instance, in post-production. In the case study, it is clear that animators seeking for cheap post-production help have had challenges in getting the required pool of talent. Those enrolling for classes in the IAFT will be in a position to fill this gap.
The other factor motivating people to seek employment at Bigfoot is its prospective growth. The firm looks set to take up a significant market share in the film industry, for instance by extending its wings to as far as the United States. Employees are always attracted to firms that assure them job security. Lastly, the other motivating factor for prospective Bigfoot employees is the firm’s diversification not only in film production but also in market base and geographical locations.
Question 4
Bigfoot and IAFT motivate people through action. They not only encourage workers to be result oriented but also show them how to achieve big through trainings and induction programs. Investment in capacity building through the establishment of IAFT has put the firm well ahead of the other firms since the employees are able to gain tailor-made knowledge to satisfy the clients of Bigfoot Entertainment.
The other way in which Bigfoot Studios and IAFT motivate personnel is through the adoption of technology in its film production process. As Keith Sensing opines, the firm aims at nurturing the “next generation of universal filmmakers.” To this end therefore, the firm has exerted efforts to enhance its ability to gain inroads into more theaters, for instance, by going straight to DVD or selling its features to cable TV.
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