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Hire a WriterIn the city of Bonn, a musician, Ludwig Van Beethoven, was born and raised under the Holy Roman Empire. The date of birth is not exactly known but rumors have it that he was baptized on 17th
Dec 1770. He must have inherited his artistic work from the father, Joham Van Beethoven known for his alcoholic addiction but better as a court musician. The talent was family given since the grandfather was also prominent for his music. It is interesting to note the much love Beethoven’s family had for music. He spent nights practicing with the help of the father. He attended music lessons from organizers in established centers in town. During the era, the city of Bonn was a hotbed of talent, especially in music-related compositions. Many events were organized in the era to recognize the upcoming artists; which made it be recognized for musical transformation.
Beethoven’s passion for music could not be compared to any other field of art. He quitted school at the age of 10 since he was a slow learner in grasping sums and spellings. Fortunately, a court organist introduced him to Sebastian Bach, who aided their music passion. The hard work and commitment bore him the first composition at age 12 (Hatten 45). The young man was determined and responsible. Moreover, when his father could not support the family due to his addiction to alcohol, he requested for a position as a court assistant and was put on the payroll. Earning 150 florins, he was able to support the family.
His artistic work was recognized more importantly during the death of the Holy Roman Empire in 1790. According to Rosen, Beethoven received an honor to perform but the organizers never gave him the chance in the end (15). The organizers thought his music was no match for the event. Only to be realized later that his piece of music was soothing. Having listened to the various symphonies he composed, I find the Symphony no. 5 rich in quality. The order in which the instrumentation is put is just amazing. Furthermore, the symphony composition had its debut in 1804 moments after the 3rd
symphony that praised the emperor of French, Napoleon Bonaparte. The presentation was however delayed until the launch of another symphony no 6 in 1808. The delay of four years gives the reason to why the content is rich in quality.
The instruments used are the flute and violin, the articulation is well managed that one can feel himself in the events during the era. Notably, the songs were composed of events, which involved dynasties. I think his piece of music performances was to make people realize the importance of peace and harmony. Listening to the violin production gives the message of peace and love as the rhythm itself is soothing. Due to the hard times, he went through in mastering his piece of work, he was able to collect himself giving the best of what lessons could teach him.
The fact that he could perform his content without the audience knowledge on the state of his hearing. He had been living with a condition which was hard to conceal. Most people found his habit of neglecting them annoying. As such, he could no longer attend some important social functions due to deafness that was encroaching (Solomon 87). He penned his feelings in an emotional letter to Franz Wegeler his friend explaining the reasons behind his behavior. In essence, it hurt him that people could not understand his feelings. He wished to give up on music given that his condition was not favoring him. It is emotional how he suggests that people wronged him for his condition. In 1802, he wrote a touching statement in the Heiligenstadt testimony which revealed that his passion for music is the reason to why he never gave up. Otherwise, he could have opted to die since he saw no sense of serving people who mocked him.
The critics did not deter him from composing more symphonies. Within a decade, he was able to compose many songs including four concerti, six string quartets, six piano sonatas, four overtures, among other many records raising his global reputation in standards of music. The most famous pieces of his work are the symphonies number 3 to 8, Fidelio, moonlight sonata, and the Kreutzer violin. The decade is termed at his heroic time setting a record that could not be challenged by any musician during the era (Rosen 37). It is sad to note that he died at the age of 56, in 1827. He deserved to live long given his good work. Like they say, good people lose or rather vanish fast. The cause of his death is linked by his deafness as traveled by an autopsy. However, other speculation revealed that he was poisoned since deposits of lead were traced in his skull. The speculations were discredited though with no proof or reasons for the rejection.
During his time, music was among the factors that brought unity when groups were reconciling. It was also used in events to praise the Kings and Emperors. Furthermore, the music was a way of passing the message to people to inform them on the importance of working together. Music was played in court sessions that is how Beethoven developed his career. He is the symbol of the connection between the Romantic Western music ages and the Classical music. He performed and dedicated a symphony for the French emperor, a man who inspired him in different ways.
There are many lessons to be learned from Beethoven as a music composer and also his personal life as well. His characters were unique, in that, he could bear with all the insults and critics without revenging back. His determination in music is admirable, given the time he took in mastering the art. The punishments he received from his father persuaded him to become whom he was. My question about his work is how he managed to compose music for the better part of his life despite the deafness condition. I cannot find the connection between the two, this makes me admire his work. I think he was a genius in his own way. He was able to choose between two priorities, in that, he withdraws from school after realizing his potential in art. His legacy is still held for the musicians who know the significance of classical music. Moreover, his images are well stored in museums for memory purposes. His life was well lived, however, the cause of his death is still unfigured. It is sad to note the death, which claimed him at a crucial life of his music. Nevertheless, his work will remain in the memory of many musicians. He also proved the point that disability does not limit our talents.
Works Cited
Hatten, Robert S. Musical meaning in Beethoven: Markedness, correlation, and interpretation. Indiana University Press, 2004.
Rosen C. The Classical Style: Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven. London: Faber & Faber. (2009).
Solomon, M. Beethoven’s Productivity. Music and Letters. Oxford University Press. (2007).
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