Lodi Community

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The Lodi Community

The Lodi Community can be found in the Lodi neighborhood of North Carolina. A person can easily access the Western States of the United States from Lodi. The Lodi Community connects Northern and Central California to the north of the City of Lodi in San Joaquin County.

The residents of Lodi Community can do business in peaceful settings, while tourists can see the expanding area (James Areida Education Support Center, 2017). The 1967-founded Lodi Unified School District is the provider of the Lodi Community. Voters approved the unionization of the high school district at that time as well as 18 elementary districts. A boundary was created in the year 1922 that borders the Lodi Community and the old Lodi Union High School District. For the past thirty years, the district occupied by the Lodi Community was not occupied. However, it was later ceded to the neighboring districts with Stockton at the South and Deep Water Channel at the north of Jahant Road which is now at Highway 99 and south of the Hammer Lane. The top five languages spoken by the people at Lodi Community include Vietnamese, Urdu, Spanish, English, Cambodian and Hmong (James Areida Education Support Center, 2017).

Population Size

Lodi Community comprises of 29,800 students in the Kindergarten to grade twelve (James Areida Education Support Center, 2017). There are over 3,000 Lodi Community residents employed by the school district.

The Size of the School District

The school district at Lodi consists of 49 sites of schools whereby, 33 of these are elementary schools, 7 being middle schools, 2 are continuation high schools and 4 are comprehensive high schools. There are 2 elementary community day schools within the district, one middle community day school, an adult school, and a Career Center. There is also a Middle College High School, an Independence School, A several Pre-school programs, and a developmental Center for disabled students (James Areida Education Support Center, 2017).


James Areida Education Support Center. (2017). About LodiUSD. Retrieved from http://www.lodiusd.net/cms/page_view?d=x&piid=&vpid=1278766520389

February 09, 2023

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