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Hire a WriterWork and play are essential to human pleasure and fulfillment (Engeser & Baumann, 2016). The ability to work provides life satisfaction, but a person's happiness is stolen when they are entirely focused on their jobs. It might become boring to focus solely on work, thus people need to indulge in leisure activities. So, a fulfilling social life involves balancing work and play. The focus of this essay will be on leisure travel. The interpretive theory will serve as the researcher's guidance. According to Diaz-Bernardo (2015), there are clear differences between a traveler for leisure and a person traveling for business activities. The differences are seen in the way the people will select their transportation means and how they will settle at the place they have visited. Business travelers go for the fastest means of transport while leisure travelers would be comfortable in luxury means of transport regardless of the time the chosen means would take. Business travelers would also prefer simple and convenient lodgings while the leisure travelers prefer expensive and luxurious lodgings. The leisure travelers assume that expensive lodgings maximizes comfort, thus they are more fulfilled.
In addition, work and leisure travelers posit different attitudes and evaluate products and services at the visitation place differently. A business traveler would be comfortable with simple reception at the visitation place. Again, the business traveler would appreciate cost-efficient products and services at the place of visitation, as their ultimate objective is to conduct their business activities. On the contrary, leisure travelers want to have maximum fun. As a result, they value extra-satisfactory services and products regardless of the cost. Again, they need a remarkable attitude from the place of visitation and the people serving them.
Further, leisure and business travelers speculate varied purchase motivations. Business travelers show less concern on the quality of received services as compared to the amount paid. For a business traveler, as long as the service is provided, the quality is not an issue of concern. On the contrary, the quality of a service really matters for a leisure traveler. A leisure traveler want to acquire quality services for the amount paid. They are only satisfied if the value of the service surpasses or equals to the value of the pay. In addition, a business traveler values the quality of the hotel while a leisure traveler prefers valuable rooms (Diaz-Bernardo, 2015).
Therefore, leisure travelers want pleasure and quality of the means of transport, places of visitation, hotels and lodgings, and the services they receive matters most. The leisure travelers want the best services that measure to or surpass the amount of money paid. On the contrary, the business travelers pay less concern on quality. For them, convenience matters. All they need is the service regardless quality and the amount they pay. As long as the service is provided, the business travelers will be strengthened to carry out their business activities.
The suggested variances apply for me. When I travel for leisure, all I want is to have fun. Hence, everything I encounter should add to the pleasure. I should enjoy everything including the means of transport, the place I visit, to the services am offered at the place of visitation. When it comes to business travels, I go for cost efficient means of transport and cheaper but convenient services. Such services are what I need but not what should make me happy.
Diaz-Bernardo, R. (2015). The effect of the economic downturn on the way people travel for leisure and for business: The case of spain. International Journal of Management & Information Systems (Online), 19(2), 95. Retrieved from
Engeser, S., & Baumann, N. (2016). Fluctuation of flow and affect in everyday life: A second look at the paradox of work. Journal of Happiness Studies, 17(1), 105-124. doi:
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