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Hire a WriterLeadership theories have progressed through several stages over time. The personality era was the first stage. This level includes the essential formal leadership ideas as well as a preliminary understanding of administrative procedures. The period of influence followed. This stage advanced the personality era by recognizing that leadership is a collaboration of persons rather than a trait of the isolated leader. It was followed by the conduct period, which took a totally different turn by focusing on what leaders do rather than their characteristics or power sources. The next phase was the situation time, which made a significant step forward in improving leadership theory by recognizing the importance of aspects beyond the leader along with the subordinates. The contingency period followed, and it represented a prime advance in the evolution of leadership theory. The final stage was the transformational period, which made a consideration that perhaps leadership resided in not only the person or the circumstance, but also role differentiation.
On another note, there are numerous things that successful leaders do or do not in similar manners. Indeed, the degree of similarity and differences in what they do is exceedingly high. Some examples of same things they do are that they make decisions, communicate expectations, challenge individuals to think and be accountable to others. On the other hand, some different things they are that some are impersonal while others are compassionate, some use people while others emphasize on empowerment, some inspire fear while others earn respect, and others take credit while others give credit. These traits make some leaders distinct from others.
Remarkably, the information presented in this assignment offers immense knowledge to me in regards to becoming a more productive workplace contributor. First thing, the development of leadership theories over time has illustrated the leader-member exchange (LMX) approach that focuses on the two-way association between followers and leaders. I can become a successful leader in the workplace using this knowledge, taking on the best characteristics aforementioned.
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