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Hire a WriterThe preservation of a safe environment is critical to public health. A filthy climate fosters the growth of germs and bacteria that cause sickness. Hygiene habits, such as living in a sterile environment and washing hands before touching poultry, are critical in avoiding such diseases. Human wellbeing is a vital aspect of life. Because of the pressure on the body, a sick body makes it difficult for an individual to perform. Personal hygiene practices such as taking frequent baths and cleaning one's teeth after meals are examples of personal hygiene. It then extends to the world in which a person lives. Parents have the responsibility of providing a clean environment for young children to minimize their contact with breeding grounds for germs. Promotion of hygiene sensitizes the public on how to preserve clean conditions and prevent breeding of germs which cause diseases leading to poor human health.
Hygiene in Germs Elimination
Promotion of hygiene reduces the chances of contracting diseases leading to improved human health. Germs are one of the leading causes of diseases. As people, the immediate environment contains a high number of bacteria which are very dangerous to human health. Therefore, it is imperative to ensure the environment does not breed the germs to minimize contact with people. Promotion of hygiene teaches the people how to live in a clean environment and how to minimize contact with the bacteria. The bodies of human beings sweat a lot, especially on a hot weather. The sweat and provides wet and moist places which are breeding grounds for the germs. Due to the promotion of hygiene, the public understands that human bodies can be breeding grounds for the bacteria. Thus, promotion of hygiene promotes constant showering to eliminate the germs from the bodies. Germs have the ability to live in the mouths of human beings (Barnes, 2006, p. 13). The moisture in the mouths provides them with excellent breeding ground raising the chances of developing cavities.
Constant cleaning is necessary to kill the germs and to destroy the breeding grounds leading to healthy teeth. Apart from the bodies, hygiene promotion points out the probability of bacteria breeding on the clothes worn by human beings. Clothes come into contact with very many surfaces which harbor different types of germs. The bacteria attach themselves on the clothes increasing the chances of coming into contact with the human body. Washing the clothes aims at eliminating the bacteria from the clothes. Various detergents contain chemicals which kill the germs making the clothes safe to wear (Hunter & Baars, 2005, p. 41). Apart from washing, it is important to expose the clothes to direct sunlight. Germs prefer moderate heat which provides them with an excellent breeding ground. Exposure to direct sunlight kills the bacteria from the clothes and eliminates any moisture from the clothes. Promotion of hygiene sensitizes the people from leading a life that promotes constant contact with germs increasing the chances of better human health.
Human health is dependent on the interaction of people with the immediate environment. An active environment will promote good health while a poor environment will lead to poor health. Proper hygiene requires cleaning of hands and before any contact with food. There are certain aspects of human life that increase the possibility of human contact with germs. For example, visiting the toilet is a necessary human activity but one that heightens the chances of human contact with bacteria. After visiting the toilet, it is critical to wash hands and eliminate the germs from the loo. Besides, washing of hands is healthy before coming into contact with food material. Handling food with dirty hands offers the germs an easy access into the body. With the bacteria inside the body, it is easier for them to cause a serious disease such as cholera. The human body is a delicate structure that depends n all the organs to function properly. If germs access the body, then certain organs might fail to work properly leading to poor health.
The function of hygiene promotion is to ensure high personal hygiene which makes it hard for germs to survive (Luther, 2015, p. 69). Without the bacteria, it becomes harder for the people to fall sick from germs related conditions. Therefore, the primary channel through which promotion of hygiene leads to health improvement is through eradication of bacteria from the immediate environment. The elimination of bacteria reduces the chances of bodily contact of the germs and the people as well as possible ingestion which is not healthy. For the young children, the parents hold the responsibility of putting the children in a clean environment. Such children tend to lick their fingers all the time making it hard for the parents to prevent that. The best way to provide a hygienic environment for them is to keep them in clean places and ensure minimal access to germs.
Hygiene in Preventing Spread of Diseases
Promotion of hygiene prevents the spreading of diseases. Different types of medical conditions spread from one person to another through different means. Understanding the mode of transmission might be important in curbing the dissemination of the condition and keeping the population healthy. Medical conditions such as hepatitis and tuberculosis spread through physical contact with a sick person. Hepatitis A bacteria move from one person to another through oral contact or contact with the fecal matter. Both conditions are serious and have very troubling effects on the bodies of the victims. Hygiene is important in the prevention of the two conditions (Becker & Gardner, 2012, p. 72). When coming to contact with an infected person, it is important to use gloves and other protective clothing for protection. The protective clothes ensure hygiene for both persons reducing any chances of spreading the virus. Further medical conditions such as cholera depend on contact with infected surfaces to spread. A cholera outbreak holds a very large danger to the health of the people.
Therefore, the quality of the human health depends upon prevention of such bacteria from spreading. Promotion of hygiene calls for cleaning of surfaces before use. Some of the surfaces, especially those in the kitchen, are important due to contact with food. Cholera bacteria spread through contaminated water. When water comes to contact with fecal matter, the bacteria move from the wastes to the water leading to contamination. Drinking the contaminated water leads to a cholera outbreak which spreads very fast. In hygiene practices, medical practitioners’ advice people towards boiling water before consumption. Boiling the water kills all the germs and makes the water fit for human consumption (Ashtekar, 2001, p. 37). Promotion of hygiene teaches people how to maintain a clean environment that prevents spreading of bacteria. Tuberculosis bacteria are airborne. Sitting in proximity with an infected person especially in a room with poor ventilation might lead to contamination of the air which spread the virus.
Spending time in crowded places is not safe. Small rooms need adequate ventilation systems that allow free circulation of air for fresh breath. In hygiene, it is important for the people to open doors and windows to create a ventilation system that will allow free air circulation. In a room with good ventilations, the chances of having the air contaminated enough to infect other people are low. Therefore, everyone will be safe from the threats of infection. Insects such as mosquitoes are responsible for diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. Such insects breed very fast making it easier for them to infect a large population of people. Mosquitoes breed in the dirty stagnant water near the homes. The mosquitoes lay their eggs in bushy environments which provide good cover for them to breed. Hygienically, stagnant water and bushy environs are agents of poor health.
Elimination of the threat caused by the insects requires draining of the stagnant water to kill the eggs and deny the insects a breeding ground. Without the ground of reproduction, it is impossible for the insects to pose a serious threat due to their limited number and survival chances. Promotion of hygiene advocates for maintenance of a clean environment to curb the rate of spreading diseases from one person to another of insects to people. The prevention is possible through wearing protective clothing while handling sick people, cleaning surfaces before contact with food, staying in well-ventilated houses and draining of stagnant water to eliminate breeding grounds for mosquitoes (Shapton & Shapton, 2013, p. 201). Prevention of diseases from spreading ensures the population enjoys good health without the fear of contracting communicable medical conditions. Without hygiene, the human health would deteriorate immensely. Bacteria would move from one person to another compromising the safety of the whole population.
Hygiene Promotion reduces Stress
One of the most common problems of the current generation is stress management. Stress can cause serious health issues for an individual leading to poor health. Stressful people experience strenuous brain activities that result in high blood pressure. When people are hygienic, friends tend to be close to them. A close association with peers leads to comfort for the individuals. However, poor observation of hygiene leads to seclusion by peers. When a person is not free to interact with his or her peers, stress becomes unavoidable. Promotion of hygiene gives the individual the confidence to interact well with other people minimizing any chances of getting stressed. Poor hygiene might lead to body odors which might lead to psychological stress on the individual. Besides, diseases such as cholera and tuberculosis can be stressful to the whole family. Medical expenses associated with the treatment of the medical condition are high (Khan & Zarrilli, 2012, p. 110).
A family might end up exhausting all the family savings on providing a cure for the ailing members. In the worst case scenario, losing a member of the family due to the condition is very painful. If the deceased member was the family provider, the whole family would suffer financial shortage leading to changes in lifestyle which are very stressful especially to the young ones. Poor health affects both the sick person and those living with the person. Personal productivity fails, and the person becomes dependent on other people during the time of the ailment. Promotion of hygiene reduces the psychological torture in the family through the well being of all the family members. All the people enjoy good health maintaining their productivity and focusing their energy towards the actualization of their dreams. Furthermore, a person with poor health status due to hygiene has confidence issues in public due to embarrassment.
Such a shame can lead to low confidence for the individual as well as psychological stress. For the young people, social interaction is significant in growth. When a young person develops trust issues at a tender age, it becomes hard for them to attain self-confidence which determines their interactions with their peers and social growth. Therefore, promoting hygiene reduces all those stressful scenarios. The individual grows in a smooth environment free from discrimination or any form of victimization associated with any medical condition. Stress is very disastrous to human health (Sharma, 2009, p. 475). Stress leads to an uneven production of hormones in the bodies of the patients. The hormones have the ability to change the standard functioning of the body. For example, the clotting of the blood is associated with the hormonal production of hemoglobin. If the hormones production changes, the blood clotting process might occur unexpectedly leading to a severe heart attack from the stress.
More so, the strain is famous for causing high blood pressure. Hormones produced during stressful events trigger the heart to beat faster increasing the pressure in the veins. High blood pressure may lead to bursting of blood vessels from the strenuous pressure. In worst case scenarios, high blood pressure leads to the formation of blood clots which might cause a stroke. Observation of hygiene holds the potential to avoid such occurrences. People live comfortably without unnecessary exposure of the body to stress and hormonal changes and imbalances. Promotion of hygiene leads to better human health through prevention of unnecessary exposure of the brain to stressful conditions leading to changes in a hormonal pattern which raises the blood pressure and a possible heart attack (McGranahan, 2002, p. 46). More so, the people without hygiene issues grow their confidence levels and interact freely with their peers leading to social growth and high levels of confidence.
Hygiene refers to the maintenance of the immediate environment in a clean manner. A healthy environment denies the germs a breeding ground leading to improved health for the people in the environment. Promoting hygiene sensitizes people on how to maintain a clean environment and indulge in activities that keep the environment clean such as constant showers and maintenance of personal hygiene. Bacteria prefer breeding in moist and warm regions in the body. Personal hygiene eliminates the bacteria from the body ensuring better health. Promotion of hygiene limits the chances of spreading diseases. Elimination of stagnant water and thickets destroys the regions where the mosquitoes breed. Mosquitoes spread diseases such as malaria and dengue fever which are harmful to the human body. More so, hygiene necessitates proper ventilation of houses to avoid spreading of airborne diseases from one person to another. Lastly, hygienic people interact freely with one another growing their confidence and social skills. Without the hygiene, poor human health would lead to sicknesses and stress for the whole family in seeking a cure for the illness. Further exposure to stress risks possible stroke and high blood pressure, which are dangerous to human health and they all originate from stress. Therefore, it is same to conclude that promotion of hygiene improves human health in the community.
Ashtekar, S. (2001). Health and healing : a manual of primary health care. Chennai Great Britain: Orient Longman.
Barnes, E. (2006). Diseases and human evolution. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.
Becker, D. & Gardner, L. (2012). Prevention in Clinical Practice. Boston, MA: Springer US.
Hunter, R. & Baars, R. (2005). Pollution and conservation. Oxford: Heinemann Educational.
Khan, A. & Zarrilli, R. (2012). Multidrug Resistance A Global Concern. Sharjah: Bentham Science Publishers.
Luther, D. (2015). The prepper's water survival guide : harvest, treat, and store your most vital resource. Berkley, CA: Ulysses Press.
McGranahan, G. (2002). Demand-side water strategies and the urban poor. London: IIED.
Shapton, D. & Shapton, N. (2013). Principles and practices for the safe processing of foods. Oxford England Boston: Butterworth Heinemann.
Sharma, P. (2009). Ecology and environment. Meerut: Rastogi Publications.
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