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Hire a WriterA stakeholder is someone who is directly or indirectly affected by or has the ability to influence the result of a project. They provide the necessary resources and other project logistics at the start of the health initiative to ensure project success (Bourne & Walker, 2005). They also serve as formative evaluators of a project's progress, and their insights provide a project with the direction it should take through the implementation of proposed changes. Yet, the overall role of a project's stakeholders shifts over the course of its lifecycle. Their willingness to undertake the assigned functions in the project planning process profoundly determines whether a project is destined for failure or success (BAXTER, 2015).
How to secure stakeholders support
Trust is prioritized to secure stakeholder's support. Trust is achieved through open communication with all the interested parties giving them an opportunity to point out concerns, be heard as well as address research fundamental issues promptly (Pandi-Perumal et al., 2015). An ongoing consultation with all the stakeholders ensures inclusivity that will enhance trust as well as identification of possible project failures early and make the necessary adjustment. The consultations will also reduce the temptation to micromanage the project isolating key stakeholders that might result in lack of goodwill.
Clarity is another strategy in securing the support of the stakeholders, especially when conveying the scope and project purpose (Royer, 2014). Besides, the stakeholders also need to be aware of how their direct and indirect contributions would either result in success or failure of the project. In addition, remain available and accessible when the stakeholders might require further clarification or guidance as one continues to make the objectives, timing as well as notify of any change to the project scope.
In conclusion, the success or failure in undertaking a project lies solely on the relationship with the stakeholders. Frequent communication of project success with stakeholders, therefore, creates a favorable atmosphere for project success.
BAXTER, R. O. D. (2015). PROJECT MANAGEMENT FOR SUCCESS HANDBOOK: Manage the project - ensure the results - celebrate... success. S.l.: LULU COM.
Bourne, L., & Walker, D. H. (2005). Visualising and mapping stakeholder influence. Management decision, 43(5), 649-660.
Pandi-Perumal, S. R., Akhter, S., Zizi, F., Jean-Louis, G., Ramasubramanian, C., Freeman, R. E., & Narasimhan, M. (2015). Project stakeholder management in the clinical research environment: How to do it right. Frontiers in psychiatry, 6.
Royer, P. S. (2014). Project Health Assessment. CRC Press.
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