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Hire a WriterA segmented device called a hookah is used to vaporize or smoke marijuana or tobacco with flavorings. The conventional design is a glass structure with an external bowl where the tobacco is burned. Using the suction power of the smokers, the smoke is transferred via a water segment and to a rubber exit. The hookah has generated a lot of interest because to its negative effects on health and its widespread use in practically all urban areas worldwide. The history, background, and origin of hookah are all examined in this article.
Hookah can be traced back to India in the 15th century, a time of great growth for the nation's glass making industry (FUMARI n.p). This was because of the massive glass imports that were facilitated by the British East India Company. The name Shisha was used to refer to its glass base that grew in popularity to Iran. This is where it was used to smoke an extraordinary type of flavorless tobacco known as "Ajami" in the local language.
Between 1623 and 1640, it got a lot of popularity as a symbol of class during the Ottoman Empire (FUMARI n.p). Portraits of Sultans with their Nargiles gave the hookah a status symbol position. The cultural value of the Shisha has however transformed to a symbol of friendship and peace where it is used in most public gatherings. The act of passing the Nargiles from one person to another across a group signifies peace and friendship. It also allows discussions around significant issues to be conducted around the shisha pots in addition to being a favorite pastime activity.
The tobacco that was traditionally used in the Middle East also known as Shisha was mixed with honey, dried fruits, sugar, and molasses to create the sweet smoke (Sahara Smoke n.p). The current type of tobacco used in modern hookahs has been modified to include multiple flavors of the smoke. Several of these tobacco flavors have a global presence and have gained a lot of popularity evidenced by their demand in the market. The ten tobacco or shisha flavors that are considered to sell the most globally as of April of 2017 include Starbuzz Blue Mist, Bubble Gum, Pan Rasna, Strawberry, Flower Flavor, and Starbuzz (Trending Top Most n.p). Others include Sex on the Beach, Apple Americano, Queen of Sex, Fumari Red Gummi Bear, and Al Fakher Mint (Trending Top Most n.p). These flavors have unique tastes ranging from sweet cotton candy, cherry, mint, rose, strawberry, citrus floral punch, lemon, orange, apple, pink lemonade, to gummi bear (Trending Top Most n.p).
The traditional Hookah has not evolved significantly since its earlier forms, but slight variations have been made around its basic structure to suit diverse tastes and preferences in the marker. A 2016 research by Hookah-Shisha – a U.S-based global supplier of hookahs and the tobacco flavors. Several hookahs have retained the highest demand (Hookah-Shisha n.p). This analysis will mention five of the ten most demanded Hookahs in the market according to this research.
The new V4 collections developed by Shika Hookah is characterized by stems that carry a significantly weighty mid-section with unique designs, superior broad gauge Downstem, and a Typhoon washable hose as seen in appendix 1 (Hookah-Shisha n.p). The device is made of solid brass metal and a shaft crafted from natural wood with a reasonably significant Downstem which gives it a lot of appeal in the market.
The producer of this type is known for their unique wood grain variety and an exaggerated gauge Downstem. The Regal Prince Hookah has maintained the general height of the other brands at 20” without the base (Hookah-Shisha n.p). The device is covered with several finishing coatings to avoid the deterioration of the wood. Anodized Aluminum is used in all the metal parts of the hookah to ensure that there is minimum corrosion. It also includes a Bohemian glass base and a silicone hose in its structure as seen in Appendix 2.
The structure of the device does not have hollow chambers in its shaft and is made of stainless steel. The device has been designed in bold colors up to the Downstem, with deep engravings, and a flared-our hose port as seen in appendix 3 (Hookah-Shisha n.p).
The device is manufactured in Poland with European exotic, high-quality hardwoods with modern designs also referred to as “Wookah” as seen in Appendix 4. CNC lathe machines have been used to develop the designs and give precision cuts on its structure. The models are handmade with eight hand-cut crystal glass base options (Hookah-Shisha n.p).
The structure features a single stem that is accompanied by a coal tray, which allows the user to be creative with the selection of the base and hose as seen in Appendix 5 (Hookah-Shisha n.p). The device is made of heavy-duty space-grade aluminum metal to avoid flavor ghosting and corrosion. The device is accompanied by a five-year warranty if it is registered online upon its purchase.
Misconceptions over whether the water in the hooker filters the harmful elements of tobacco have led to research over its health impacts. The tobacco used in hooker has been proven to contain nicotine which is detrimental and addictive if taken in large quantities. The hooker is considered to have more harmful health impact than cigarettes because of the massive intake in one smoking session in shisha smoking. Recent innovations have resulted in the creation of hooker pens that are a different form of e-cigarettes. These new devices vaporize a kind of liquid that has been said to contain zero tobacco, nicotine, and tar (TeensHealth n.p). However, this claim has not been scientifically proven. The chemicals in the liquid have not been thoroughly examined to understand their health implication. However, their appeal is because of the less harsh smoking experience that may evoke dangerous smoking habits compared to cigarettes and thus translate to a higher health impact.
The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention reported that the overall usage of tobacco in the US has reduced since there were developments of new forms of tobacco such as hookah and e-cigarettes (Dr. Chethan, 2017). Hookah pens are beginning to gain popularity. Hookah pens are devices that look similar to e-cigarettes only that they do not contain nicotine compound in them. This characteristic is feared to normalize the use of hookah in the daily lives of the smokers, therefore, taking the experience to a whole new level. These hookah pens are available in a variety of colors and patterns that are appealing especially to the young people. The pens strike the curiosity of the young people as they save them from the stigmatization that arises from smoking, which provides a devious alternative (Dr. Chethan, 2017).
A study indicates that 18% of high school learners have tried smoking using hookah in the past one year (Science, 2017). The survey involved 5,540 high school seniors and was conducted between 2010 and 2012 indicated that teens from more elevated socioeconomic societies had a higher chance of engaging in this new art of smoking (Science, 2017). Recently, hooker manufacturer has introduced new varieties of flavors like the green apple and coconut that are added to spell out the cigarette smell. According to Doctor Vinayak Prasad, these flavors engulf the harsh nature of the habit and make it attractive to younger smokers (Dr. Chethan, 2017). Research indicates that this trend is most likely to touch more on the upper and middle-class adolescents. It also suggests that hookah use is more common in the cities than in other towns (Science, 2017). The researchers also concluded that those students who are prone to cigarette smoking, use of alcohol, and other illicit products are in a higher chance of using hookah.
In overall, the Hookah is the newer way of smoking and innovations into Hookah Pens will ensure that the demand maintained. The device has a deep history linked to India and Persia that provide its strong cultural values. The health impact of its continued use has been debated in several platforms and has been proven to be more harmful than cigarettes. The innovations in e-cigarettes are seen to reduce the average cigarette usage and attract the youth from affluent backgrounds.
Dr. Chethan, S. (2017). Hookah gains popularity: Nearly 1 in 5 teens have tried - CNN. CNN. Retrieved 27 November 2017, from
FUMARI. Hookah History, 2017, Http://Www.Fumari.Com/Blog/Hookah-History/ Accessed 27th If November 2017
Hookah-Shisha. Top 10 Hookahs To Buy In 2016 – Employee Picks, 2017, Https://Www.Hookah-Shisha.Com/Hookahlove/20952-Top-10-Hookahs-2016.Html Accessed 27th If November 2017
Sahara Smoke. The Culture Behind the Hookah, 2017, Http://Www.Saharasmoke.Com/Store/Hookah Accessed 27th If November 2017
Science, L. Hookah Smoking: Teen Trend, or Cigarettes of the Century? Live Science, 2017, Accessed 27th If November 2017
TeensHealth. What Is A Hookah? 2017, Http://Kidshealth.Org/En/Teens/Hookah.Html Accessed 27th If November 2017
Trending Top Most. Top 10 Best Hookah Flavors, 2017, Http://Www.Trendingtopmost.Com/Worlds-Popular-List-Top-10/2017-2018-2019-2020-2021/Highest-Selling-Brands-Products-Companies-Reviews/Best-Hookah-Flavors-Brands/ Accessed 27th If November 2017
Appendix 1: Shika Avatar Hookah
Appendix 2: Regal Prince Hookah
Appendix 3: Khalil Mamoon Messi Hookah
Appendix 4: Wood Oak Hookah
Appendix 5: Starbuzz made in America Hookah Stems
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