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Hire a WriterSports have been prominent for quite a long time, however, with its longtime popularity, there have been an increment in challenges as well as adversity when it comes to the hiring process in the sports management. The sport has been developing rapidly. The growth in sport is illustrated not only in the presentation of an increment in the various opportunities to undertake participation in activities related to sports but also in the increase in opportunities involved in hiring in sports management. In the past two decades, sports have been on steady growth, and this has created numerous opportunities for employment seekers. However, these various upcoming roles on a daily basis make it somewhat hard for sports management to advertising all their open positions. Not to mention the high costs of advertising that are involved, and thus a recommendation would save the organisation so much time and money. Sport-related opportunities are being provided to a highly diverse population, and sports education is growing to become more prevalent as well as sophisticated. Moreover, globalisation regarding the sports industry is growing rapidly. Although the progressive growth along with developments in the sports field will form a variety of job opportunities for offering aspirations to sports managers, there are numerous challenges along with opportunities that the sports industry faces in the hiring process. A survey was carried out to five sports management associated alumni. 63% of the alumni found jobs in the sports industry immediately after graduating while 37 % did not (Byers, 2016). The reason was that of the central issue of low salaries along with little job opportunities in the industry.
The hiring process is considered an essential part associated with the human resource management. In the aspect of human resource management, the word hiring is used to refer to the identified process of seeking as well as selecting the most appropriate and the most efficient candidate regarding a job opening, which is carried out in a timely as well as cost-effective way. It can also be utilised to mean the process of looking for prospective workers along with stimulating and encouraging such employees to undertake the application of the jobs in the organisation. It is carried out with proper and appropriate strategic planning (Lugonja, 2010). Most of the organisations utilise a variety of techniques to attain the most efficient outcomes. Another aspect that is put into consideration in the process of hiring is the manner in which the process will be controlled by a variety of constraining circumstances like short deadlines.
Through the process of hiring, a company can ensure that the various skill sets involving the staff of the organisation remain in alignment to its identified initiatives as well as objectives. It is a process, which offers an organisation a pool of experienced job experts from which to have a wide choice from. Before organisations undertake the hiring process, there is a need for them to implement appropriate staffing associated plans as well as forecasting to know how many individuals they will require. The basis regarding the forecast to be carried out by the organisation will be the yearly budget associated with the organisation as well as both the short term and long term plans regarding the organisation such as the probability of expansion by the organisation (Norton, 2008).
The process of Hiring in Sports Management Human Resource
Hiring is considered a whole process that possesses a complete life cycle. It begins with the identification of the various needs concerning the organisation concerning the job. It ends with the introduction of the different chosen employees of the company (Zimmers, 2016). The hiring process entails a variety of activities like the analysis of the necessities associated with a particular job, an attraction of suitable candidates to undertake in the application of the job, screening of the various applicants as well as a selection of the best among the applicants who have availed themselves. Besides, there is the selection of the most suitable candidates to become current employees of the institute and integration of such employees into the structure of the organization (Lugonja, 2010). Through the process of hiring, a company can ensure that the various skill sets involving the staff of the organisation remain in alignment to its identified initiatives as well as objectives.
The first step involved in the process of hiring is identified as the acknowledgement of the opening of a job. During this stage, the manager or the Human resource administrator scrutinises the job description regarding the job opening this is an assumption that the job is not a current one. Secondly, an organisation may be interested in looking at internal candidates associated qualifications before handling anything else. Internal candidates are identified as individuals who are already employees of the organisation (Norton, 2008). At the moment where an internal candidate qualifies, this individual can be encouraged to undertake in the application of the job, and therefore the job opening may end up not being published. However, it is vital to have a job opening to people outside the organisation to enhance the diversity of skills and expertise in the organisation. After that, there is the determination of the most appropriate hiring strategies in association with the kind of position available in the organisation (Lugonja, 2011). Most of the organisations utilise a variety of techniques to attain the most efficient outcomes. Another aspect that is put into consideration in the process of recruitment is the manner in which the operation will be controlled by a variety of constraining circumstances like short deadlines.
Purpose of Recruitment in Human Resource
The principal objective of having a hiring process in an organisation is to ensure that the organisation seeks the individuals who are most appropriate and adequately qualified for the various positions in the organisation as well as who will assist them towards achieving organisational objectives and goals (Lugonja, 2011). A company can ensure that the various skill sets involving the staff of the organisation remain in alignment to its identified initiatives as well as objectives. However, there are a variety of other viable reasons and purposes of having a hiring process in an organisation.
1. To Ensure Appropriate Alignment of Skills
Through the process of hiring, a company can ensure that the various skill sets involving the staff of the organisation remain in alignment to its identified initiatives as well as objectives (Norton, 2008). In a situation where they notice some various positions have no contribution or possess minimal contribution to the development of the company towards its objectives, then the organization is capable of taking the most appropriate action to rectify this through activities such as job redesign as well as restructuring of the workforce and conduction of job enrichment-related programs (Zimmers, 2016).
2. To Ensure Appropriate and Efficient hiring
Appropriate hiring is when the person that is selected among the applicants for the job is considered to be the most appropriate possible candidate for carrying out the task and possesses all the necessary skills along with talents and qualifications regarding the job. Efficient hiring refers to when the process has been successfully carried out without experiencing a lot of costs by the organisation (Deb, 2009). By keenly adhering to the process, there is a higher chance that the department dealing with the human resource can achieve the most appropriate person for the identified task.
3. To enhance Compliance with laws and regulations
There are a variety of laws as well as policies and rules, which organisations ought to follow when it comes to the aspect of human resource management (Lugonja, 2011). Equal and fair opportunity employment along with non-discrimination in the process of hiring is considered to be among them. By adhering to the process of recruitment, the chances, as well as opportunities associated with the organisation going against these identified policies, will be minimised.
4. An increment in Organizational effectiveness
Through the hiring process, an organisation is capable of attaining the best individual or candidate for the position in the organisation. Therefore, it can increase its efficiency as the most skilled person is chosen for the job. It increases the competitive advantage of the organisation (Deb, 2009).
5. Improves the process of selecting candidates
It enhances the selection process by an organisation since it ensures that only those individuals that possess the needed requirements apply for the job and are shortlisted for an interview. It is carried out with proper and appropriate strategic planning. It is a process, which offers an organisation a pool of experienced job experts from which to have a wide choice (Lugonja, 2011).
Opportunities for Hiring in Sport Management
1. Technology
Scientific developments in computers, as well as communication technology, have played an increasingly important role in the hiring process in sports management. Through the social media, creative career research has become efficient and accessible. Technology has enhanced social networking to take place between individuals efficiently. Studies state that approximately 66 per cent of job-related vacancies is never in advertisements to individuals seeking jobs. They are attained via some personal along with professional references found through networking. Many books, as well as articles such as Torres (2005) and Nierenberg (2002), suggest that networking mannerisms like meeting with friends to hold discussions on business affairs informally or attending conferences or meeting people through social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter is vital to career success. A variety of employers prefers hiring candidates who have been referred by an identified trusted source. Through an expansion of one's network, an individual includes more people who have links to the unknown positions, therefore, increasing one's chance of being hired. Scholarly research by Forret and Dougherty (2004), reveal that the aspect of networking is positively associated with objective as well as subjective measures regarding career success. It is, therefore, essential to comprehend the great extent to which technology has provided opportunities for the hiring process in sports management.
2. Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity along with inclusion in methods as well as approaches utilised in hiring in sports management is capable of facilitating the advancement of the discipline. The aspect of difference in the workplace is essential since it promotes innovation along with invention in an organisation, therefore, increasing its inherent competitive advantage.
3. External Competitive advantage
The information on the hiring process in social media along with other media platforms builds the external brand image of the sports industry, therefore, leading to improvements in future hiring (In Pedersen & In Thibault, 2014).
4. Improved Productivity
Through the process of hiring in sports management, team members gain a feeling of ownership as well as a responsibility, which increases the chances of the identified employees in assisting as well as mentoring and training the current hire. Through the hiring process, an organisation is capable of attaining the best individual or candidate for the position in the organisation. Therefore, it can increase its effectiveness as the most skilled person is chosen for the job.
5. Globalization of Sport
By hiring in the aspect of sports management, globalisation of the industry of sport is enhanced. It brings distinct people from all over the world together, therefore, enhancing contemplation of the positive aspects that the sports industry possesses (Lussier & Kimball, 2014).
6. Popularity of Sports
Through hiring in sports management, the sports industry can gain popularity, which in turn is essential in the promotion of integration regarding the aspect of environmental considerations in the industry of sports (In Pedersen & In Thibault, 2014). Environmental sustainability-related actions are growing to be more prevalent as organisations worldwide continue to recognise initiatives by sports management through hiring. It gives the sports industry a chance to gain favours and benefits such as sponsorship of associated sports activities by such organisations. Moreover, it shows that the sports managers have a social responsibility thus enhancing their professionalism.
Challenges of Hiring in Sport Management
Every Human Resource associated professional experiences a variety of problems in the process of hiring current employees and so does sports management. There is a need to be ready to experience obstacles as an HR professional in hiring. The following are examples of challenges faced by sports management in recruitment.
1. Lack of adequate resources
Many sports management HR professionals are forced to carry out the process with the limited resources they possess. In some cases, it is difficult since such resources cannot accomplish much. Large budgets are required for placing ads on the internet and other media platforms to cover a wider audience. Lack of adequate financial stability, some end up using free job boards which are not reliable. It presents a lot of difficulties in attaining qualified individuals.
2. Need to carry out a fast hire
It is considered one of the critical problems faced in hiring (Pedersen, 2011). This is because the level of competition has increased in comparison to the past times where hiring took a longer time. The sports industry is developing rapidly. Therefore, it needs to fill numerous positions at once at the same period whereby hiring process is no longer done in an adequate time.
3. Difficulty in attaining the most suitable and competent candidate for a position
The sports management considers and perceives itself stuck and retarded when they face the challenge of not receiving resumes from skilled candidates who possess strong educational and curriculum backgrounds as well as skills that are required to fill the position in the sports industry. It is a challenge even when they go further to reach out to various passive job seekers (Chelladurai, 2006). It forces them to readjust their qualifications thus leading to the hiring of incompetent individuals in most cases.
4. Comprehending as well as utilising analytics appropriately and effectively
Big data can be an unknown or comprehensive topic to most of the HR professionals in the sports management associated industry. However, analytics is considered an enormous difficulty that most HR professionals are encountering in their daily tasks. Being capable of sorting through as well as harnessing data gained via human resource associated information systems in sports management along with other forms of technology can pose a difficulty in sports management during the process of hiring. Gathered data can be hard to comprehend (Pedersen, 2011).
5. Finding suitable employees who are fit for the culture of the Sport Industry
Current hired are expected to be capable of integrating into a team as well as work efficiently in the company surrounding. Otherwise, it will mean that the HR professionals have to begin the process of talent acquisition all over again (Lussier & Kimball, 2014). This challenge occurs when HR professionals in sports management fail to indicate the organisational culture in their job descriptions. It is an important aspect, which is ignored in the current HR world.
6. Millennial
Research reveals that millennial possess distinct expectations regarding the employment encounter in comparison to some of their employed peers. They desire and anticipate coming up with a distinction in an organisation that also comes up with a difference. An article in Forbes indicates that an average of 72 per cent of the millennial in the current generation aspires to be their boss, which possess difficulty in the process of hiring in sports management (Baker & Esherick, 2013).
7. Management of Job Postings
Hiring in the sports management can be difficult when it comes to posting of a variety of job boards in a contemporary way. Job boards are used in the hiring process although they are not the sole channels that are of focus when hiring (Lussier, 2009). Social, associated professional networks are considered the top source regarding quality hires although only 56 per cent utilise them. Matt Young Quist, a prominent president regarding the Career Hormone, emphasises the importance of networking in the career search. Networking builds as well as maintains relationships beneficial to career success. In the aspect of modern theorising, networking is typically related to accelerated development in career success. Previous researches reveal that the salary gap that exists between networkers and the non-networkers continues to increase over time.
A creative career search entails an artistic as well as an active approach to carrying out research on careers and making job-related applications. The hiring process is considered an essential part associated with the human resource management. To increase efficiency in sports management during the process of hiring, the organisation may be interested in looking at internal candidates related qualifications before handling anything else. Internal candidates are identified as individuals who are already employees of the organisation. At the moment where an internal candidate qualifies, this individual can be encouraged to undertake in the application of the job, and therefore the job opening may end up not being published. However, it is vital to have a job opening to people outside the organisation to enhance the diversity of skills and expertise in the organisation. After that, there is the determination of the most appropriate hiring strategies in association with the kind of position available in the organisation. Most of the organisations utilise a variety of techniques to attain the most efficient outcomes. Another aspect that is put into consideration in the process of hiring is the manner in which the operation will be controlled by a variety of constraining circumstances like short deadlines (Lussier & Lussier, 2009).
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Baker, R. E., & Esherick, C. (2013). Fundamentals of sports management. Champaign, IL:
Human Kinetics.
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Byers, T. (2016). Contemporary issues in sports management: A critical introduction.
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Chelladurai, P. (2006). Human resource management in sport and recreation. Leeds: Human
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Deb, T. (2009). Strategic approach to human resource management: Concept, tools and
Application. New Delhi: Atlantic.
Forret, M. L., & Dougherty, T. W. (2004). Networking behaviours and career outcomes: differences between men and women?. Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial, Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Behavior, 25(3), 419-437.
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In Pedersen, P. M., & In Thibault, L. (2014). Contemporary sport management.
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Lugonja, D. (2011). Recruitment of External Candidates as a Function of Human Resource
Management in the Company. München: GRIN Verlag GmbH.
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Lugonja, D. (2010). Selection of candidates as a function of human resources management in the
Company.Top of Form
Lussier, R. N., Kimball, D. C., & Lussier, R. N. (2009). Applied sport management skills.
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
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Lussier, R. N., & Kimball, D. C. (2014). Applied sport management skills.
Nierenberg, A. R. (2002). NonstopNetworkingg: How to improve your life, luck, and career. Capital Books.
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Norton, M. S. (2008). Human resources administration for educational leaders. Los Angeles:
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Pedersen, P. M. (2011). Contemporary sport management. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Torres, N. L. (2005). It's who you know. Entrepreneur, 33, 128-132.
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Zimmers, R. (2016). The Recruitment process for businessorganisationss. Review of the
Disadvantages and advantages of the different marketing channels.
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