High School in Philippines

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The Philippine Educational System

The Philippine educational system resembles the United States in many ways. The country's education system is divided into four levels: Kindergarten, Primary Education, Junior High School, and Senior High School. There are also vocational high schools and science secondary schools for gifted students. The latter two offer vocational training and focus on practical arts.

Education Reforms

The country has implemented ambitious education reforms aimed at aligning its education system with those of other countries and improving its national competitiveness. The K-12 education system is viewed as important by the Philippine government, as it ensures that Filipinos develop the basic skills they need to compete in the global market. This also protects the jobs of Filipino workers overseas. Overseas remittances contribute 18 percent of the average Filipino family's income.

Philippine Science High School (PSHS) System

The PSHS System offers scholarships to gifted Filipino students who excel in the sciences and mathematics. Admission to PSHS is usually through the National Competitive Examination (NCE). It is important to note that PSHS is only for Filipino citizens. Students attending the PSHS must major in mathematics, engineering, or pure and applied sciences. This rigorous curriculum helps the Philippines produce some of the nation's most skilled professionals.

The PSHS system is composed of multiple campuses in the Metro Manila area. Students can apply through a national competitive exam, lateral admission, or through an intercampus transfer. Among its notable alumni include Mario Taguiwalo, former Undersecretary of Health and peace talks consultant. Lyncir Lagunzad is a co-lyricist of the PSHS Hymn. Joel Navarro, award-winning conductor and composer of Swerte-Swerte Lang, is another notable PSHS alumni.

High School Education in the Philippines

High school education began in the Philippines in 1910. The country's growing population of school dropouts, the emergence of factories, and the need for skilled labor created the need for high school. As the Philippines entered the twenty-first century, a lot of people could no longer afford to send their children to school for two more years. Still, studies show that extended access to education is beneficial for many children. Since the 1980s, reforms in the country have improved educational access and added more schools. This change has led to an increase in educational attainment.

Students who enroll in high school in the Philippines should know that the year-long academic school year runs from June to March and lasts for forty weeks. In the Philippines, students must attend both the fall and spring semesters, and the academic year is divided into two levels: primary school (for children aged six to twelve), and intermediate (for students from grades five to six). Unlike other countries, there is no compulsory middle school.

Colonial Influences in the Education System

The Philippines education system reflects a mix of colonial influences. The Spanish, Chinese, and American educational systems all had a profound impact on the country's education system. Today, the country follows many of their educational practices. Students attending the PSHS must major in mathematics, engineering, or pure and applied sciences. This rigorous curriculum helps the Philippines produce some of the nation's most skilled professionals.

September 12, 2022




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