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Hire a WriterAn administrative strategy that adheres to the rule of law and is effective, inclusive, accountable, and transparent is known as good governance (ICRC, 2017). Five organizations—the assembly, assembly council, office of the president, directorate, and internal audit unit—govern the ICRC.
The assembly creates policies, establishes broad goals, and approves the budgets and accounts. Additionally, they choose the directors, director general, and head of internal audit from among the important managerial positions (ICRC, 2017). The assembly council is the subsidiary body of ICRC that prepares the activities of the assembly while taking decisions on matters of strategic financial and human resources, management concerns, and communications (ICRC, 2017). Likewise, the office of the president maintains the external relations, ensuring that there is a smooth running of the organization. Additionally, agency carries out ICSC humanitarian diplomacy.
The Directorate and Internal Audit Unit
Being an executive body, the Directorate is in charge of implementation and overseeing the institutional strategies of attaining the general objectives as proposed by the assembly and the council (ICRC, 2017). Also, the officials are in charge of managing the ICSC's staff and the overall smooth running of the establishment. The internal audit, on the other hand, monitors, assesses the efficiency and the performance of the ICSC.
Institutional Framework of ICRC for Making and Implementing Decisions
It is on the docket of an assembly to make efforts in taking decisions by a consensus (Malich et al., 2015). However, the simple majority of the present members through voting help make decisions where consensus fails. In case of an equal number of votes, the president casts his vote to give a final verdict (Misson & Alesani, 2013). Finally, the records of ideas deliberated on are being taken to the assembly for further analysis and approval, then the final implementation.
Procedures for Strategic Planning
Reinforcement ICRC's Scope of Action and People Management
One of the strategic planning approaches is to ensure that ICRC increases the effectiveness and relevance in the areas of actions (Forsythe & Rieffer-Flanagan, 2016). For instance, the governing body has been vigilant to foresee full participation of ICRC in armed conflicts and violent situations. Additionally, the association conducts sound management of people especially the employees to enable them to achieve the anticipated goals and objectives.
Developing Partnerships
Through collaboration with other societies, the ICRC has been able to maintain response with the available resource (ICRC, 2014a). With the network of operation with other groups, the ICRC has been able to advance the activities since some of the associations like the UN offers similar humanitarian services.
Focusing on the Legal Policy Issues Related to the ICRC's Mission
In the meeting with other humanitarian institutions, the ICRC has been cautious to commission experts who deliberate on the agendas of the association (ICRC, 2014b). The action rewards by increasing the effectiveness and impartiality of the operation. Apparently, the assembly is the body in charge of the definition and implementation of the strategic plans. The body has the mandate of running every activity of the organization. Notably, the role of planning in the international organization is that it enables such institutions to have the procedures of exploring activities to realize the goals (ICRC, 2014b). Similarly, the merits apply to the domestic establishments.
How ICRC Follows the Result-Based Model
The ICRC proceeds to define the objectives with the action plan as well as the indicators needed to tackle the goals (ICRC, 2014a). In this process, the target population and the list of activities based on the program define the level of organizing aims and plans of actions. Also, the annual report provides descriptive, quantitative and financial info. The results-based management model assists the international organizations to operate in multiple countries since it allows easier coordination of activities with all the actors in different countries (ICRC, 2017). Likewise, the methodology gives more insight on a proper understanding of the target group as well as boosting both internal and external interaction.
The system Used for Evaluation of the Performance
In ICRC, the assessment of the performance is achieved through the reporting frameworks that provide detailed information on the input, output, and the outcomes after a period (Commonwealth Australia, 2012). The standardized reportage has been extensively used for evaluation; however, the association is still purporting to make more advancement. With the adoption of more sophisticated evaluation techniques like the project self-evaluation, managers would automatically monitor projects while identifying areas to be improved.
Additionally, the ICRC uses a corporative governance model. According to Denis (2016), the theory outlines a situation where the board operates without a CEO, and the similar committee decides the peers. Similarly, the assembly is in charge of taking actions and overseeing the administration of daily activities (Misson & Alesani, 2013). The management goals are to give transparency and accountability in the operations, providing the result-based administration with the main aim of keeping sustainable development, as well as extending the humanitarian services to the diverse targeted individuals.
Result Oriented Management Strategy by ICRC's Mission
The mission enables the ICRC to optimize the performance and achieving the expectations through strict adherence to the principles on the content, an instance that guarantees better outcomes (Commonwealth Australia, 2012). Also, the mission defines and direct the scope of action of ICSR by ensuring that there are relevance and strictness of activities that concern with better outputs.
The Data ICRC Provides to the Stakeholders
Apparently, the ICRC presents the worldwide indicators data to the program incorporated in the standard reporting (Commonwealth Australia, 2012). The stakeholders are given the info concerning the performance at each country or international level. Usually, the information is centered on the protection, prevention, assistance, and cooperative efforts by the association. The data is being availed every year to the donors through annual reporting. Also, the facts are useful in evaluating the ICRC since it gives an overview of the result on how different indicators have achieved throughout the deployment period.
Commonwealth Australia. (2012). International Committee of Red Cross. Australian Multilateral Assessment
Denis, D. (2016). Corporate governance and the goal of the firm: In defense of shareholder wealth maximization. Financial Review, 51(4), 467-480.
Forsythe, D. P., & Rieffer-Flanagan, B. A. (2016). The International Committee of the Red Cross: a neutral humanitarian actor (Vol. 117). Routledge.
ICRC (2017). Governance. Retrieved on 19 September, 2017 from
ICRC. (2014a). Annual Report. Retrieved on 19 September, 2017 from
ICRC. (2014b). Overview of operations. Retrieved on 19 September, 2017 from
Malich, G., Coupland, R., Donnelly, S., & Nehme, J. (2015). Chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear events: The humanitarian response framework of the International Committee of the Red Cross. International Review of the Red Cross, 97(899), 647-661.
Missoni, E., & Alesani, D. (2013). Management of international institutions and NGOs: Frameworks, practices, and challenges. New York, NY: Routledge.
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