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Hire a WriterThe internet and advances in technology have completely changed how individuals conduct business. Online shopping is an option available to customers all around the world. E-commerce does, however, differ from traditional trade in that it has its own advantages and downsides.
The ability to estimate how much you are going to spend on the shopping basket and buy goods at a convenient moment are a few benefits of online shopping (Fernandez & Masson, 2014). However, online purchasing has drawbacks like the inability to personally inspect the product, delivery delays, and additional shipping costs (Fernandez & Masson, 2014). The advantages of conventional shopping include being able to see and touch the goods, inspect them, and Leadership has been one of the hardest terms to have one common definition because it depends on the aim and expectation of the research. In defining leadership, these three elements ought to be taken into account; the leader, the people being led and the organisation under which they will lean. A leader is an individual who influences a group of people toward a goal achievement. Leadership could be therefore defined as a process via which a leader is able to manipulate the state of mind and the actions of the people he or she is leading through a collection of guiding principles so that set goals and standards of the organisation under leadership are attained (Kruse ,2013). Leadership can also be defined as the ability to influence particular group of people who share common goals or objectives toward achievement of those goals and objectives.
Leadership is the office status confined to a leader by which he or she exercises their capability to lead in all the capacities of an organisation. It is the process by which a leader provides a path to be followed with the idea of aiming at maximization of productivity profits in a business organization. It can also be defined as the power of a leader to enforce given orders, influencing the people they are leading by use of logic, dedicate their behaviour and manage an organisation by executing and exercise their appointed duties in all the levels of an organisation from team work performance, intended plans and techniques to be applied for the success of a business to be realised. Leadership thus entails the ability of a leader to guide people to the right purpose by acting as a role model in setting the right direction and applying management skills in an even and careful manner (Myres,2014).
Leadership is the creation of visual representation by the leader of the standards where they aspire to raise the business organisation so that high profits could be attained and business success realised. It pertains active participation of both the leader and the people being led by focusing in to their minds a positive perception of a win philosophy so that the business could move to the next level (Eisenhower, 2014)
The definition of leadership has been arrived at through a focus on the aspects of leadership. It involves a leader, influence, group operation, goals or purpose as well as achievement of those goals. The definition of leadership therefore as to be based on the above aspects.
Effective leadership is the one which holds the leader responsible as a catalyst to success of the business or achievement of set goals and objective of a particular department. Some examples of effective leadership are like the one portrayed by the prime minister of Canada Justin Trudeau. He is characterized by transparency, approachability, honesty and willingness to work in partnership. He portrays a good example of effective leadership (Malloy 2017). Another example of an effective leader in Canada is Debra Hewson. She is the CEO and president in Odium Brown Ltd. She has spent almost thirty years in the industry and she portrays a good example of effective leadership since he was one time named as one the most powerful women in Canada. Betty Devita is another example of effective leader in Canada. She is the president master card company in Canada who oversees all aspects of the credit-card company’s operation. She portrays an example of effective leadership through commitment, respect and transparency.
Despite the size of the business enterprise or an organisation, effective leadership is a key in ensuring that the success in maximization of productivity and achievement the business set goals is realised. In examining the characteristics of effective leadership we shall take business leadership as an example. Some of the characteristics of effective leadership in business are as discussed below.
Team work. Effective leadership is the one which has the mastery of the art of team work. The ability to unit members of an organization to performance, collaboration and commitment in their roles in an enterprise are key in leadership of an organization (Bryman, 2013). Team work inculcates unity and working towards realization of a similar goal; the success of the business organization. Leadership being a collaboration of guiding principles towards the attainment of set goals and standards, how a leader organises the components of a business enterprise determines their success. Forward thinking and open mindedness are crucial in how a leader organises the elements of a business. Effective leadership is the one that organises its structures in a manner that their strategies are adjustable to the changing business environments as well as emerging as emerging business opportunities for realisation of maximum productivity. Good organisation skills helps a leader to realise the intended actions based on consensually observed facts and techniques to allow organisation members perform to their best. Good organisation of a company helps put in place systems to uphold order and control team members.
Communication. An effective business leader is the one who has established a reliable means of conveying information. It is through communication that experiences which could help raise a business enterprise are shared. Effective leadership ensures that the expectations of the employer to the employee are clearly stated to ensure that there is no friction between the employer and their employees for compromising the expected standards and thus all energies are concentrated on maximum productivity of the enterprise.
Accountability. Effective business leadership is the one which takes responsibility of their mistakes and successes and expects the same in return from their employees. Effective leadership is responsible and accountable as well as quick in realising business opportunities once they occur. Effective leadership possesses a dynamic mind-set which enables them try any available business opportunity and ideas having in mind a positive outlook (Young & Cardno, 2016). Effective leaders are the ones who are accountable for the business enterprise and always curious and interested in widening their business environment.
Respect is also a key characteristic in effective leadership. An effective leader should treat every team member with respect regardless of color, class or rank with an organisation. The members should also show respect to their leader. Since respect is a two way traffic, a leader gains respect in return if only he or she respects the team members. An effective leader will never show any favouritism to some team members.
Apart from having respect, a leader to lead effectively should also have courage, vision, knowledge, be honesty and trustworthy. These qualities makes the members of the team to believe in their leaders therefore giving them more support which makes the leadership to be effective through achievement of set goals and objective since there is enough corporation between the team members and their leaders.
Ability to care makes a leader to lead effectively. A good leaders will always show concern about the business and the developments set in front of the team as well as showing more care and concern about the team members themselves. An effective leader will get to know the ware about of each individual member of the team trough taking an interest in their personal growth within the workplace.
Motivation. Effective business leadership expresses enthusiasm. Enthusiasms is a factor behind motivation of a team as it instils in them a positive attitude. Motivated workers performs their duties with enthusiasm and commitment (Leithwood & Azah, 2106). Motivation is a key characteristic in leadership and could be in terms of extra payments like overtime payments, positive appraisal for good performance and promotion in terms of some ones performance. Motivated workers helps maximization of production as well as realization of set standards of the goals in maximization of profits.
Fair treatment. Effective business leadership is the one which upholds all members with equality. Equal treatment of members of members is crucial in ensuring that productivity of a business enterprise is maximised. With equal treatment among members feel at the same level and thus commitment towards work. This may be practised in in fines, payment for work done, motivation and appraisal as well as treatment makes creation of self-awareness easy and makes workers comfortable in their areas of performance.
For business enterprise to be able to move from one level to another effective leadership is important irrespective of its size. The end results of effective business leadership are the root causes of thriving in business because they are all positive. Improved productivity of the workforce (Day & Sammons, 2013). Effective business leadership ensures that the entities of an enterprise are organised towards one similar goal. When all the aspects of a business organisation are taken care of the employees are motivated by the fact that they enjoys their work. Personal motivation helps the workers commit and encourage themselves towards productivity of the enterprise. Concentrated commitment helps maximum realization of profits which are the main gaols of any business firm.
High moral and long term employee retention is as a result of effective leadership. Good leadership increases the capacity of employee to belief in the business institution because they are motivated, encouraged and their working environment favours maximization of productivity and profits of high levels realised. With good working environment employees are committed to giving quality services due to comfortably with firm’s leadership hence they have high levels of serving in the same firm for long.
Dependable, reliable and competent workforce. Quality in business service is an end result of effective leadership. The aim of business firm provision of the best form of service and goods. Effective leadership would ensure that employees work in an environment where they are comfortable as they are encouraged and motivated to provide dependable reliable and competent services. Good leadership would ensure that the business organization realised any business opportunity and act accordingly to endure that their services and goods are up to date and competent in the required market as they are up to the required market standards.
Effective leadership in a business or any organization is a factor behind the success of the business organization as it is characterised by a number of factors as discussed above. The outcomes of effective leadership are tremendous with a positive impact on the running of a business enterprise as it helps in cultivation of a corporate culture among all the business aspects and are the factors behind maximization of productivity and profits as discussed above.
Bryman, A. (Ed.). (2013). Leadership and organizations. Routledge.
Day, C., & Sammons, P. (2013). Successful Leadership: A Review of the International Literature. CfBT Education Trust. 60 Queens Road, Reading, RG1 4BS, England.
Eisenhower, D. D. (2014). What is leadership? Eisenhower website http://www. eisenhower. archives. gov/all_about_ike/quotes. html. Accessed March.
Kruse, K. (2013). What is leadership? Forbes Magazine, 3.
Leithwood, K., & Azah, V. N. (2016). Characteristics of effective leadership networks. Journal of Educational Administration, 54(4), 409-433.
Malloy, J. (2017). Canadian Prime Ministers. The Leadership Capital Index: A New Perspective on Political Leadership, 144.
Myers, S. (2014). Definitions of Leadership and Management. Internet: http://www. teamtechnology. Co. uk/leadership/management/definitions-of-leadership-and-management.
Youngs, H., & Cardno, C. (2016). Features of effective leadership development provision for experienced New Zealand principals.
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