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Hire a WriterDecolonization is the process of separating oneself from a colonial authority by achieving political and economic independence. This causes the colonialist mentality to be rejected by the dominated territory, and in extreme cases, it may lead to an independence war. Rarely, acts taken to achieve independence are marked by nonviolence, as was the case with the Indian Independence Movement. Due to the noteworthy efforts of Mohandas Gandhi, whose leadership in nonviolent demonstrations inspired civil rights movements around the world, the British Empire's rule over India came to an end. He employed strategies like advising Indians to stop using British products, leave their government jobs, and stop attending British universities.
On the contrary, the British presence in Kenya was marked with violence. The British rule resulted in the Mau Mau uprising, a revolt against colonial rule in Kenya which lasted from 1952 through to 1960. This study focuses on finding out the views of Kenyatta and Gandhi on decolonization and the geographic and racial.
The British Empire colonized both India and Kenya and its history is a complex one. The Empire was initially shaped by acquiring of land and creation of colonies. More also, there was an expansion of the Empire through royal charters both for land and companies such as the Royal African Company. During 1776, Britain suffered the loss of the Thirteen American colonies and therefore had to expand its attention to the Pacific, Africa, and Asia. Slave trade was abolished in 1807 through the Slave Trade Act. In addition, exploration and missionary work commenced in Africa with missionaries and explorers tasked with ensuring the spread of civilization and Christianity and exploration of Africa. On the other hand, the Indian Mutiny, opium wars between India and China and the decline of East India Company all led to the direct control of India by the British government in late 1850's.
Kenyatta’s view on decolonization was that of peace is costly but usually worth the expense (Kenyatta, 32). Kenyatta was among those charged with organizing the Mau Mau movement and hence sentenced to imprisonment. The Mau Mau emergence was notable because of the violence perpetrated by both the colonial government and the tribal groups. The controversial issues included the loss of land to the white settlers, poverty and the expulsion of Kikuyu tenants from the settler farms. The Mau Mau attacked and killed white landowners forcing Britain to pushback through use of detainment camps. The more the British government continued to abuse Kenyans and restrict their access to land, the more desire for self-determination increased. Large numbers of natives were killed and tortured and the idea of freedom became a pressing issue.
India is defined by its diversity; it is the home to a variety of cultures, ethnicities, religions, and polities. One of the most notable movements in India is Gandhi's who is up to date regarded as a saintly figure and a father of free India. Mohandas Gandhi thrust himself into politics in 1917 and became the leader of a nonviolent movement. Gandhi campaigned against the wealthiest empires and won independence for India. Their struggle became a model for all people in the world including the Civil Rights Movements in the United States. Gandhi advocated for a purely nonviolent fight towards India's independence. More also, he championed the rights and welfare of the women, peasants, and farmers who were ranked as lower castes. The peaceful protests organized by Gandhi led to the birth of the independence movement by World War II. Though the view of Gandhi on decolonization was a peaceful one, the evolutionary Hindu groups challenged his approach by waging armed struggle against the British.
The European exploration of Kenya began in the 19th century. This led to the establishment of East Africa Protectorate in 1895 and from 1920 referred to as the Kenya colony. Racism was practiced in Africa during the white rule which ensured there was a clear line between the "superior" white man and the "inferior" black man. Racism was a distinct factor and greatly contributed to the decolonization. The British felt the need to civilize Africans and particularly in Kenya the black man was forced to carry kipande for identification. Kenyatta was the leading figure as the president of the Kenya African Union (KAU) and very vigorous in calling for Kenya's independence from Great Britain. In 1952, Kenyatta denounced the Mau Mau and insisted that independence had to be attained through peaceful means. Kenyatta urged his followers to be hardworking as well as abandon theft and crime. He also insisted that in an independent Kenya all racial groups will be safeguarded.
Similarly, the British segregated the Indians by use of the caste system. Indians were placed on different levels of caste depending on their Varna which meant color or Jati meaning birth. The administrative jobs and senior appointments were granted to the upper castes. Those on the lower castes were denied access to public institutions such as schools, roads, and courts. More also, they were restricted from enjoying certain services such as those offered by restaurants and theaters. Much of India's history after the 1500s was dominated by British influence resulting in permanent trading stations in Chennai, Kolkata, and Mumbai. The British influence then continued to expand and by the 1850s most of India was controlled by the British. By the late 1800s, India started to work towards its independence and in January 1950, India became a member of the British Commonwealth.
The weak leadership in Kenya paved the way for the British to easily divide and rule. Once the British took over they stripped leaders of any power they had, hence creating a layer which would eventually leave Kenya in a political and economic distress. The resources were taken advantage of which led to the Mau Mau uprising to fight for freedom hence adding on to the political and economic distress. When the British left, the country was left with no structure and waning resources. Despite the annual growth rate, the number of jobs kept depreciating since the lands that Kenyans used to cultivate and build wealth had been taken by the British. The world today is divided into first and third world countries due to the actions of colonialism and imperialism taken over 150 years ago. The effects of British rule left India as a third world country. The Indians under British rule were required to produce products for trade and never allowed to harvest hence leaving Indians at risk of starvation and disease. However, the British ensured higher education in India as well as an improved system.
Every year the Indians celebrate the date of birth of Gandhi as the International day of nonviolence. Gandhi was instrumental in liberating India from the British. He asked every Indian to take a pledge that they would not rest until they attained their freedom. He had a strong view that the fighting for freedom was not for the coward. Gandhi led a simple and righteous life yet inspired many political leaders in the world including Martin Luther King Jr and Nelson Mandela (Green, 28). Likewise, Kenyatta played a significant role in the transformation of Kenya into an independent country. He strongly believed that the European colonial rule in Africa should end. Kenyatta had a strong view that under colonialism Africa's human and natural resources were being used for the benefit of European and not to benefit African populations. He shared the philosophy that all men ought to have the right to develop peacefully and in accordance with their wishes. He advocated for the human dignity in freedom and for the values of tolerance and peace.
Green, Jen. Days of decision. Gandhi and the Quit India movement. Heinemann. 2013. Print Kenyatta, Jomo. Facing Mt Kenya. Tribal Life of the Gikuyu. New York. 1965. Print
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