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Experts in this subject field are ready to write an original essay following your instructions to the dot!
Hire a WriterThe article begins by discussing how school management systems provide a better opportunity and platform for data-based, efficient decision making. The essay suggests that in order to grow the e-learning industry, schools should assign and define e-leadership tasks and keep an eye on teacher performance. However, the essay provides excellent guidance and a fantastic concept regarding e-learning and e-leadership in the categories of the many school administration systems. It makes no mention of the standards by which some of those recommendations will be carried out. Elshof, L. (2009). Toward sustainable practices in technology education. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 19(2), 133-147.
The article categorically discusses the different relationship that exists between the environmental stability, technology education, and consumption. The articles suggest the notion of moving technology education to better platforms that are more reliable and of sustainable practices. One wonders why the technology education is not a big deal yet in schools, but the article gives the right direction for the realization of the same goal. The article lays out a better starting point for the realization of the technology education dream.
Gerard, L. F., Bowyer, J. B., & Linn, M. C. (2008). Principal leadership for technology-enhanced learning in science. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 17(1), 1-18.
The article researches technology-enhanced learning and instruction. The first phase was to collect the various views from the principals on Technology-enhanced Learning in Science (TELS). The second phase was to engage all the principals in leadership forums and workshop that was categorically based on the various ideas they raised. The article raised a critical issue of science and technology but only limited itself to how the principals can benefit themselves from such initiatives. It was biased, and it had to entirely focus on both sides of the matter that is the teachers and the students. The future studies and researches about the subject should take a different turn and try and stretch a formation on how technology and science can impact and help the student in one way or another.
Journell, W. (2009). Maximizing the potential of computer-based technology in secondary social studies education. Social Studies Research & Practice, 4(1).
The article study how technology is used in the social research. The report ultimately suggests that technology can offer better services to the students together with the teachers if only it can be used as a tool of inquiry and engagement instead of the standard way of taking it as a supplement or alternative to existing norms and practices. The article suggests that teachers should look into the situation on how they utilize technology in social studies. The article to some point is very shallow and does not in detail focus on how technology can be used to impact positive change in the teaching of social studies in school. More research on the topic needs to be established.
McManis, L. D., & Gunnewig, S. B. (2012). Finding the education in educational technology with early learners. YC Young Children, 67(3), 14.
As much as technology is essential in education, the articles argue that it can never work efficiently and achieve its goals without a component. A component in this regard is a teacher or a commissioner of knowledge who will be there to guide the children through various issues advancing from the use of technology. The article raises critical issues that are facing the current community that is being consumed by the modern technology. The suggestion of a component in the learning of technology at a tender age is the ultimate solution to the recurring problems of children and technology.
Pepper, K. (2010). Effective principals skillfully balance leadership styles to facilitate student success: A focus for the reauthorization of ESEA. Planning and Changing, 41(1/2), 42.
The article talks of a move that was launched to help the students achieve their transitional and transformative goals under the initiative, No Child Left Behind (NCLB). The article significantly supports the idea of the principal's actual ability to skillfully balance the transactional and transformational goals as required by the NCLB program while at the same time maintaining a sharp focus on the specific needs of the students for significant academic success. The article can be of great importance when it comes to studying to establish the significance of having transactional and transformational.
Petersen, A. L. (2014). Teachers' Perceptions of Principals' ICT Leadership. Contemporary Educational Technology, 5(4), 302-315.
The article focuses on the specific leadership qualities used and showcased by the principal on various ICT projects. A case study was chosen for a particular project in a school within the perimeters of the NCCE project (Nordic Cross-Country Education). There were two types of leadership, the first one the principal was adequately and actively involved in ICT issues of the school and the other the principal was partially involved. The article is excellent because it conducts a research and comes up with a verdict that was factual.
Velasco, I., Edmonson, S. L., & Slate, J. R. (2012). Principal Leadership Behaviors and School Climate: A Conceptual Analysis. Journal of Education Research, 6(3).
A study was conducted to determine the principal's behavioral an authoritative change over the years, that is, the transition in the position authority. A conclusion was reached at that most principals over the years enjoy their school and the surrounding environment. The article adequately addresses the topic of the principal's leadership behavior through a comprehensive study that was done and a possible detailed conclusion was reached at using facts obtained from the research. This will help future findings made from investigations to be based on facts derived from the study categorically.
White-Smith, K. A. (2012). Beyond Instructional Leadership: The Lived Experiences of Principals in Successful Urban Schools. Journal of School Leadership, 22(1).
The article analyzes the forms and strategies the principals apply to facilitate education in urban schools that were aimed at helping the needy and underserved group of students attain education. Principals limited the teachers from active participation in the decision-making processes. The article is categorical and addresses one of the significant problems that have hit humanity for ages. Not all the students get equal chances to education, and that's why the article is very relevant, and it opens more doors for researchers to be done and attain strategies and techniques that will create a lasting solution to the problem.
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