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Hire a WriterThe chart under evaluation was completed using data from five patients. Their medical records were examined, and the permission they provided was valued. The values were then electrically entered into a computer.
With the patient's permission, the quality enhancement objective is to implement a contemporary method of electronically recording the patient's health information. As a result, more patients will be served because it will take less time for a doctor or other employee to evaluate the patient. Modern EHR adoption will also improve patient diagnostic accuracy while lowering medical mistakes. This will also secure the patient’s private data and some of the information can be electronically transferred to other medical facilities if a change in hospital may arise.
Plan: The plan will be to introduce the new methods of EHR in the documentation area. There will be an investigation of potential interventions that can be used where these strategies can be implemented altogether.
Do: I will use five patients who I will start by interviewing them on how their health records are implemented. This will help in adapting the changes to in regards to the health facility and how they can be improved. At this stage, we will identify some of the barriers that may be considered and how to deal with them.
Study: A study was made and analyzed to see if the changes were successful. The changes were then implemented and progress against the documentation was observed where the results showed that the EHR worked.
Act: According to the results from the selected patients, the system could actually work and it will be of much benefit in the health facility. This concluded that EHR should be incorporated and be used in larger scale in the facility.
Critical thinking
Question 2
EHRs were introduced to save time in the health department and the physicians who think it might be wasting their time might be wrong. This system will create an easier and faster access to the clinical data. this will increase the effective care and coordination of clinical workflows. Moreover, EHR will enhance the completion of documents before they are saved for easier access the next time the information is to be used. By so doing, the idle time will be reduced greatly.
Question 3
There should be a choice of intervention that is compatible with the organizations new improvement strategies and the local culture of the prior employees. The employees that were working there had their own values that they may not need to change. When creating a QI, this may need to be observed to avoid the negativity of these employees.
First you should establish an improvement of goals. By so doing, you will have a better chance to clarify the objectives to all those that you need to start working on. This will also involve the support of these employees to help you implement them. These goals should not be biased and they should reflect on the specific items you intend to improve.
You should identify possible strategies that you are going to undertake in order to implement these new strategies. This may include preparing a written action plan that will keep most of these employees at per with you.
Question 4
Yes, quality improvement is now an easier process in the healthcare organizations due to the introduction of EHR. This is because there is an accurate, complete patient information that is up to date and effective care at the health centers. This method is much safer and reliable since it gives a complete documentation which is accurate.
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