Customer Care Representative Job Description

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The job analysis is for a customer care representative who will work for Procter and Gamble Company (P&G). P&G is an American multinational company that deals with consumer goods that range from those of personal care, consumer health, and hygiene products. P&G is a complex company because it deals with a wide portfolio of products which are supplied globally. Moreover, the company is one of the market leaders in the consumer goods industry and the management has an objective to retain that position by maintaining their current market share and attracting new ones.

Job Description

Nature of the Job

The customer care representative’s job is a service one by nature under the department of operations. The customer care representatives offer services to customers by addressing their complaints and questions about the products and services offered by the company. The customer care representatives are the voice of the organization to the customers since they are the ones who interact with the customers directly in regard to complains or questions about the products and services offered.

Working Conditions

The customer care representative will work in a customer contact center. The customer care representative will have their own cubicle space and they will be equipped with a telephone, headset and a computer. Customer care is a service that is offered 24/7 to the clients of P&G and therefore, this department is staffed around the clock. Therefore, the customer care representative will have a schedule that includes early morning, late night, evening and day duties that will be arranged interchangeably with other employees in the department. Customer care representatives also work during holidays and weekends.

Job Information

Company Name: Proctor and Gamble (P&G)

Job Title: Customer care representative

Job Family: Customer service

Division: Clerical

Department: Operations

Classification: Full-time position

Qualification for the Job

A degree in any business-related course or its equivalent.

A high school diploma.

Proficiency in Microsoft Office especially Excel, Word, and Outlook.

Experience in customer service, call centre and system implementation.

Excellent communication skills both written and verbal.

Pleasant phone manner.

Keenness to details.

Special Requirements

Ability to work in stressful conditions since call centers can be noisy and repetitious with some rude and annoying clients.

Willingness to acquire knowledge of the products, sale policies and procedures of the company especially with the wide range of product portfolio.

Ability to offer excellent customer service while still minimizing the length of each call to ensure that one serves as many clients as possible.

Ability to work comfortably under close supervision as the supervisors closely monitor the employees to ensure that all procedures are followed.

Ability to work when sitting in front of a computer for long hours and to spend a lot of time on the phone.

Ability to remain calm when dealing with annoying and agitated clients.

Job Specification

Task Inventory

1. The customer care representative will be responsible for providing excellent customer care to the clients. Specifically, the customer care representative will be required to maintain a positive, empathetic and professional attitude when interacting with the clients at all times including the annoying and agitated ones. The customer care representative will also be required to respond promptly to the inquiries made by the clients and use a polite language that portrays professionalism.

2. The customer care representative should resolve customer issues promptly and in a courteous way. The representative is responsible for addressing any complains and answering questions to the best of their ability to ensure that clients are satisfied with the service they receive. If there is any need for referral, the representative is responsible for this and also to ensure follow up until the issue is completely resolved.

3. The customer care representative is responsible for creating and maintaining professional relationships with the clients. The representative will use phone calls and other social media platforms to communicate with the clients. If an issue requires follow up, the representative has a duty to keep the client informed by initiating communication and forwarding their issues to the relevant departments.

4. The customer care representative is responsible for informing the clients about their products. P&G is a company with a wide range of products and the representative is required to communicate about the launch of new products, help clients distinguish between products with almost similar features, advise the clients on the status of their orders and assist them to place new orders.

5. The customer care representative is responsible for communicating changes in delivery schedules which include changes in routing, delivery status and the deadlines for products to get to the clients. The representative will also be responsible for getting feedback from the clients on the performance of the products once they are delivered to them.

6. The customer care representative is responsible for getting pertinent customer information and entering the data into the customer care relationship management (CRM) tools that the company has. The data is useful for the company when getting feedback from their clients regarding their products and services.

7. The customer care representative is responsible for processing the orders placed by the clients. Specifically, the representative is responsible for processing orders for their deadline including the location for delivery, communicating to the delivery team and remaining available in case the client requires clarification on their orders.

8. The customer care representative is responsible for keeping a clear record of the interactions with the clients. The record should account for all the transactions, comments and complaints in a way that is easy for another employee to follow through just in case the client contacts during a different work schedule.

9. The customer care representative is responsible for providing feedback to the management on the efficiency of the customer service process. The employee will be responsible for identifying any challenges in the process and communicating to the management to facilitate a corrective action hence promoting efficiency in customer service.

10. The customer care representative is an extension of the sales personnel since they interact with clients regarding the products of the company. As such, the representative is responsible for promoting the products of the company by communicating with the client on how their products offer them with a value for their money and distinguishing them from those of competitors.

Worker Characteristics

1. The customer care representative must be knowledgeable of the professional standards required and ensure that they comply with them. Maintaining professionalism is a key way to ensure that clients get the best customer experience.

2. The customer care representative must possess excellent communication skills in both verbal and written communication. The representative is expected to be courteous when engaging with clients on the phone and other platforms. It is also expected that the representative is able to capture the details of the clients and record them in a clear manner that is easy to relate to.

3. The customer care representative must be knowledgeable of the products offered by the company and what differentiates them from those of competitors to ensure that they adequately market them to the clients they engage with. The ability to grasp information quickly is also key in P&G as the company deals with a lot of products and keeps introducing new ones into their portfolio every now and then.

4. Time management skills are also another necessity for employees in this sector. The representative must be time-conscious when dealing with every client by understanding that they must address their needs quickly so as to engage with other customers on the queue but still ensure client satisfaction.

5. Ability to ‘read’ a client is another key necessity. Most of the engagement will be done via phone which means that the representative must know how to read the emotional state of the client from the tone and language they use. The ability to read a client’s mood is important in addressing their needs adequately. Therefore, the possession of basic skills in behavioral psychology is an added advantage for employees in this sector.

6. Patience and attentiveness are key personal attributes that a customer care representative should possess. Patience is critical when dealing with clients who may be agitated or rude and attentiveness is important to ensure that one does not keep asking a client to repeat the details they have already provided. attentiveness to customer details also communicates the message that the representative is genuinely interested in assisting them.

7. Persuasion skills are also important for customer care representatives. The representatives should be able to persuade the curious clients who contact them seeking information about their products to purchase them.

8. Tenacity is another key attribute that customer care representatives should possess. Customer care representatives should have a great work ethic and be willing to follow procedures and standards even when there is no close supervision.

Job Analysis Methodology

The participants of the job analysis included the customer service manager who is responsible for handling all customer service representatives. The manager was particularly involved with the knowledge, skills, abilities, and attributes (KSAOs) that the representatives should possess to ensure productivity and fewer expenses in equipping them through training. The Human Resource manager was also involved since he is responsible for the hiring process which also includes training and orientation. The tasks were developed in accordance with the needs that the customer service department is responsible for. The KSAOs were also informed by the best practices in the industry as P&G seeks to maintain its top position in the consumer goods industry.

January 19, 2024


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Company Customer Service

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