Coca-Cola Beverage Company

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A worldwide corporation, Coca-Cola Company

A worldwide corporation, Coca-Cola Company sells and makes beverages, advertises soft drinks, makes syrup concentrate, and sells to various bottlers with access to enormous markets. The Coca-Cola Company is based in Atlanta, Georgia, and is well known for their coca cola beverage. The goal of the business is to revitalize people's bodies, minds, and spirits by using its products and activities to encourage happiness and optimism. The company's vision serves as a road map for its operations by identifying the requirements for sustainable, high-quality growth. Through their vision, the company can provide a better working condition for their employees, produce quality brand, better ways of working with their partners and being responsible for building a better world for everyone. (Schneider, 2016)

The values guiding the company

The values guiding the company help it control their activities and show them how to handle the market. Among the events, the company values help guide include leadership of the entity, collaborations, diversity, accountability, and integrity to the world. The company focuses more on the market and what the customers want. In the United Kingdom, for example, this year the company's sales have gone down by 11% due to the change in customer taste as consumers are worried about the artificial sweeteners in diet drinks, worrying for their health. (Schneider, 2016)

Balanced scorecard and financial perspective

Balanced scorecard and financial perspective help examine the company's strategy to help it grow and follow up its mission, vision, and values. Since financial performance is a gap gauge and shows how the entity can succeed and thrive in the shareholders and stakeholder value, the company use the financial perspective to represent its long-term objectives. Having its total assets fall from 90 billion in 2015 to 87.27 billion in 2016 while its total liabilities and equity dropping the same way. To help maintain the trend of growth of its financial position it has to follow the set objectives.

The objective of Coca Cola Company

The objective of Coca Cola Company is to do business responsively and ethically, as the company is focused on offering refreshing the mind, body, and spirit of their customers. The entity provides such services; the company must produce quality beverages and also engage in activities that best suit the customers to meet their demand and also to create different product varieties for all the different customer tastes. The more the company sells their products, the more the company can get the customers feedback and find ways to meet all the demands of its different customer's taste and preference. To be able to get a market for all ages.

To achieve a sustainable growth of the organization

To achieve a sustainable growth of the organization to improve the organization's financial position, the company needs to establish itself worldwide by selling syrup concentration and other brands to distributors all over the world to have access to meet the demand of customers worldwide. To check if the company is sustainably growing will be shown by the number of countries in which it operates in and how much profit they make from the regions. The company should also make more variety of products to help meet the current and rising demand worldwide. To achieve sustainable growth the country should invest more in their already existing operations and create new branches where there are none or few activities as the company strives to make the world a better place for everyone. (Murby, 2005)

Production of quality products

Production of quality products by providing different variety of products to meet the market demand and the total sales reflect in the market shows how much the need can be achieved. The company should create more products that meet the requirements of the consumers' tastes all over the world. The company can use the reports from the marketing team to know what products to develop as per the customer's demand. Objectives of a company help guide its operations and help improve on their weaknesses to help it grow financially and operationally.


Robin, D. (n.d.). Vision, Mission and Values: Management Tools for Building a Better Workplace. Daniel Robin & Associates.

Murby, L., & Gould, S. (2005). Effective performance management with the balanced scorecard: Technical report. Chartered Institute of Management Accountants.

Schneider, S. (2016). How to design a measurable shared value strategy: the case of Coca-Cola Brazil (Doctoral dissertation).

March 02, 2023

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