Civil engineering

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Civil Engineering

Civil engineering is something I'd like to do. I was born in Belgium but moved to the United States with my twin brother when I was four years old. I can communicate in two languages. I am now one of the class's youngest students. In terms of academics, I am proficient in mathematics and physics. I am also a straight A student with a 3.978 grade point average, a weighted grade point average of 4.244, and a SAT score of 1470. At the age of four, I began playing chess in elementary school. I was also a member of the middle school robotics and mathematics clubs, where my teams placed third and first in the state, respectively. I was also a member of NHS (National Honors Society), National Speech, and Debate Association.

Passion for Games and Tennis

As you can already tell, I have a passion for games and I love for tennis hence I have been a tennis instructor because I wanted to promote the sport in my community. I did not run for the captain, president, or vice president but I am actively involved in activities involving the community.

Community Involvement

I was involved in community work in Juniper Hill Country as club tennis instructor, I care deeply about the environment and hence I was an intern at NRCS (Natural Resources Conservation Service), I was the annual event co-coordinator for Simplot Games and co-coordinator of local food drive. Later in my education after finishing my master's program, I would wish to carry on with my learning and pursue a Ph.D. in natural resource conservation or rather a management. I believe that this degree will help me merge a teaching career with advising business as well as the government about natural resource management. Teaching university students is indeed more than a one-way direction given that I would be learning from their questions as well as their presentations. Thus, I would be able to assist government and public as a whole to create a balance between engineering and environment issues. I enjoyed tutoring students in math and science related subjects and also liked playing piano for the elderly at the nursery home. Moreover, my final community-based activity was being a member of key club, NHS, interact club, and outdoor club. Some of my hobbies include playing tennis, participating in outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and rafting, exploring other cultures, trying out various exotic foods, and traveling to Europe, Asia, and Central America.

Identity as an Identical Twin

The biggest challenge I faced while in high school was developing my own identity from my twin brother. Most of the teachers in school had a hard time telling me apart from my brother, and the coaches called us by our family name because it was hard for them to distinguish me from my brother. This made me feel like my whole life I was being compared to my brother, therefore, developing an identity as an identical twin is not easy.

Interest in Your School

I am very aware of the good reputation your school has, and this has made me develop a deep interest in attending your school. I know that in addition to your school's superb facilities I will be able to achieve my dream of becoming a civil engineer. I look forward to receiving the opportunity to further my career at your institution.

August 09, 2021

Science Education


Technology Learning

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