Casey's Physical and Psychosocial Development

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1. What are the expectations regarding the physical development of a 2-year-old child such as Casey?

The age of two years is usually the milestone age in which children tend to experience physical development. Children at the age of two years are generally expected to have attained certain physical developments in their bodies. Casey is supposed to have gained movement skills (Diana et al., 2018). Casey at the age of two years is expected to walk, carry toys, climb stairs with assistance and is expected to run. Casey is also scheduled to tiptoe while standing (Kaplan and Saccuzo, 2017). Casey is also likely to have gained finger and hand skills. Casey is supposed to be able to scribble at the age of two years and should also have the ability to be able to use one of her hands than the other hands.

2. What level of language development is expected for a toddler?

A toddler is expected to be able to follow instructions provided by her parents and guardians at the age of two years. A toddler is also expected to have the ability to construct a statement that consists of three to four words (Diana et al., 2018). The child should have the ability to imitate the words that he or she hears in their surroundings. The child is also expected to have the ability to state words and use simple phrases.

3. Identify at least two standardized tools that are used to assess physical and psychosocial development across the age span

Diagnostic assessment tools are the tools which are usually utilized by the identification and evaluating the progress of the psychosocial and physical development problems of children.

Ongoing assessment tools are the tools which are usually used in assessing the children’s development in the curriculum activities engaged by the children.

4. What are the expectations for cognitive development for a 2-year-old child?

The 2-year-old child is expected to have the ability to sort shapes and colors. The child has gained the ability to find hidden objects.

5. How might you validate mom’s assessment that Casey has good eating habits?

Good eating habits tend to have a significant impact on the physical and psychosocial development of children assessing the language development, cognitive development, and physical development of Casey. We can determine that good eating habits may have a significant role the development process of Casey.


Diane, S., Amster, B. J., Ross, P. E., Margaret, Z., Paul, D., & Judith, S. (2018). Starting young: Improving the health and developmental outcomes of infants and toddlers in the child welfare system. In Family Foster Care in the Next Century (pp. 149-166). Routledge.

Kaplan, R. M., & Saccuzzo, D. P. (2017). Psychological testing: Principles, applications, and issues. Nelson Education.

October 13, 2023
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Childhood Development

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