Carding Definition Research Essay

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Carding and its Impact

Carding is the term used to describe a street check in which a police officer, who is not actively investigating any crimes, asks personal identification information. Beginning in January 2017, the Canadian provincial government mandated that law enforcement adhere to new guidelines for street checks, which include gathering information, examining suspicious behavior, as well as looking into general criminal activity in society. (Campbell, Pollard, & Cater, 2017).

Impact on Police Efficiency

The ability of the police services to perform their duties efficiently has been impacted by the new carding policy. Street checks are initially conducted to gather information that will be used to investigate and prevent crimes with the ultimate goal of preserving public safety. The new policy hinders officers from getting intelligence facts as well as averting offenses. Carding helped them to identify criminals who pretend to be innocent people in the street but the new reform means that a person who is carrying a gun can escape the police check (White, Haines, & Eisler, 2017).

Loss of Valuable Intelligence

The intelligence information obtained during carding has always been a valuable tool in future and ongoing criminal investigation thus it cut off limited law enforcers the chance to predict when the crimes will be conducted (Watkins, Turtle, & Euale, 2017). The contemporary policy on carding prohibits police from asking identity information when doing the traffic stop which allows criminals to escape the police traps. According to the Chapman statement, the new rules hamper the capability of the police to secure law-abiding residents from potentially dangerous people in the community (Kiedrowski, 2017).


Since the cities have grown bigger, the police have lost touch with the community as well as the information offered by the residents meaning that arbitrary stops are essential to collect relevant security data. Currently, the policing duty is undermined by the lack of intelligence given that carding has been banned in certain situations (Peirone, Maticka, Gbadebo, & Kerr, 2017).


Campbell, C. S., Pollard, N., & Cater, J. (2017). Canadian policing. Don Mills, Ontario, Cannada: Oxford University Press.

Kiedrowski, J. S. (2017). The civilianization of police in Canada. Ottawa: Public Safety Canada.

Peirone, A., Maticka-Tyndale, E., Gbadebo, K., & Kerr, J. (2017). The Social Environment of Daily Life and Perceptions of Police and/or Court Discrimination among African, Caribbean, and Black Youth. ccj Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 59(3), 346–372.

Watkins, K., Turtle, J. W., & Euale, J. (2017). Interviewing and investigation. Toronto: Emond.

White, R. D., Haines, F., & Eisler, L. D. (2017). Crime & criminology: an introduction. Don Mills, Ontario: Oxford University Press.

July 15, 2023
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